
Manly Manners Quotes

Karen DeCrow

Even in rare instances of reproductive fraud, in which women have stolen sperm from used condoms and impregnated themselves with a syringe, or simply lied about being on the pill, courts have decided that fathers are still obligated to pay. The Kansas Supreme Court ruled in 1993 that a 12 year old boy who claimed to have been raped by his babysitter had to pay her child support. The American Association of Blood Banks reports that 30 percent of men who request paternity testing turn out not to be the dad. And genetics experts say their tests suggest that 10% of children are not the offspring of their stated father. Generally the law requires any man who signed a child's birth certificate to pay for child support.
"This is a form of sex discrimination that women can make a unilateral decision to become parents and get someone else to pay for it."

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