
In Liniger's view, part of what makes life special is finding something you can be passionate about. More than his wealth or his accomplishments, the ability to discover new interests is what makes Liniger feel as though he is the luckiest man alive. There's more to life than accumulating power and possessions. The people who enjoy life most are those who develop - because of an avid curiosity - a fascination with the world around them. They get involved in new endeavors because they quicken the imagination. .
When you have big dreams, Liniger believes, that creative passion fires your soul. It gives you the enthusiasm and hope to look forward and see beyond the trials and the humdrum of everyday life. When Liniger engages in a new project - whether it be the launch of a satellite TV station, the development of a wildlife art museum, or the building of a NASCAR race team - he is most intensely alive.

— Dave Liniger  

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