

April 1, 1997


Image of today's outrage

If you’re foolish enough to try to earn an honest living, as, say, a taxi-cab driver, doctor, or computer programmer, you will be subjected to the rapacious tax demands of the government. On the other hand, if you happen to be a billionaire sports team owner like Wayne Huizenga, you’ll find yourself on the receiving end of the tax game.

Outraged readers won’t get a sales tax rebate, nor will Outraged editors, but Mr. Huizenga, owner of a Florida sports empire, is about to receive his second $60 million dollar sales tax rebate. Why does this billionaire think he is entitled to preferential treatment? Because all of America’s other sports club owners get it! But of course.

Using logic that would make even lawyers and politicians blush, Huizenga’s lobbyists are arguing that since Florida sports fans
receive a benefit from the teams which Huizenga owns, they must, in addition to paying steep ticket and concession prices, subsidize the teams with tax dollars. As if other workers, business owners, and professionals don’t provide “public benefits.”

Here at The Outrage we’re all for making an honest buck, but we wonder why every rich sports team owner in America seems to have a closer relationship with the local political establishment than with their spouse.

(Source: Miami Herald.) 

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