

June 25, 1997


Image of today's outrage

Well, sort of. Tom Brokaw finally located Charlie Trie, one of the men at the center of the Democratic fund-raising scandal. Speaking from Shanghai, the elusive Mr. Trie told Brokaw his side of the story.

In 1996, Trie became one of the Democratic Party’s biggest fund-raisers, raising $140,000 for the Democratic National Committee and $640,000 for Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund. Suspicions arose that the money actually came from China, perhaps the Chinese government, and all the money was returned.

However, Mr. Trie himself was not returned. Wanted for questioning regarding the scandal, Trie is on the lam, moving from one Asian city to another.

Trie’s comments about the Asian money trail scandal remind one of listening to Watergate testimony. Basically, Trie says he saw nothing, knows nothing, and is hiding nothing. (Other than himself and his records, of course.)

Although he made 22 trips to the White House and saw President Clinton often, he says they never talked about politics. Oh no, just friendly chit-chat, probably about the weather.

And Trie doesn’t really know much about Wang Jun, the suspected arms dealer. Nope — just happened to invite him to go to a White House coffee and meet the president. And while it’s true that fellow fund-raiser John Huang is a friend, he knows nothing of Huang’s ties to China.

As for Trie being a Chinese agent — ridiculous.

And now about that recent vote reaffirming China’s Most Favored Nation trading status…

(Source: MSNBC.)

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