

April 15, 1997


Image of today's outrage

As you pay your annual installment into the operating fund of the United States Government, it may be interesting to learn more about the backgrounds of the leaders whose salary you are paying — for example, President Bill Clinton.

As former Clinton business partner James McDougal heads for jail, he reveals that Clinton was, in fact, present at a meeting at which an illegal loan was discussed. McDougal said he reversed his position because he was tired of trying to shield President Clinton, who is also facing a number of other charges, including sexual harassment and illegal campaign financing.

Meanwhile, it was revealed that the egalitarian president and his wife had income in excess of a million dollars last year. Unfortunately for Mr. Clinton, his family’s considerable earnings are far outstripped by his outstanding unpaid legal bills of $2.25 million. Yet as the leader of a debt-strapped government, Mr. Clinton is setting another fine example by donating most of the family’s 1996 earnings to charity rather than paying his outstanding debts.

Those of us here at The Outrage who are old enough to remember Watergate cannot fail to be impressed by President Clinton’s ability to manage scandals that far eclipse, at least in volume, those that ended the presidency of the late Richard Nixon.

Having already set examples for the American public in the areas of draft evasion, philandering, misuse of government property — to name just a few — we can only wonder what area of public or private life remains for Mr. Clinton in which to display his leadership abilities.

(Source: Lincoln Journal Star.)

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