
Defending the Ladies

Brawls are not very fashionable, and, like a cop who never has occasion to use his firearms, the gentleman should rarely, if ever, have occasion to resort to fisticuffs. But at the root of gentlemanly behavior is the idea that it is the obligation of the strong to defend the weak from unjust or bullying behavior, and there are some situations where nothing short of physical intervention seems to work. If you happen to frequent strip clubs or nightclubs at 2AM you’re more prone to see such situations.

What with female boxers and wrestlers, and the general trend towards righteous self-reliance, we’re tempted to let the ladies fight their own battles, which, more often than not, they’re quite capable of winning (especially in a war of words). And we’ll let Gina Carano defend our honor any time.

But no man should stand idly by if it appears that a woman, or anyone for that matter, is being coerced. If the situation is suspicious, but not quite clear, a simple question: “Are you okay?” will usually provide all the guidance you need. “I’m fine – mind your own f@#ing business” is a relief to hear. The same is true of older people and children, and of a small man against a much larger man, or a man of any size outnumbered, or outgunned. Be judicious; if it’s your mom or your lady, or your best friend, you have to take it on, no matter the odds. But if the damsel in distress is a stripper from the club, and your opponent is packing heat, it may be time to just dial 911 from a safe distance.

One piece of practical advice; if honor compels you to join the fray, don’t be half-assed about it, or you’ll wake up in the hospital. Like most things, but even more so, if you’re in, be all in.

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