
Leadership and Integrity

As a military commander, Eisenhower had a major impact on World War II, and as president of the United States from 1953-1961 he influenced the development of the postwar world. His career path is similar to that of George Washington. Both men were the commanding officers of U.S. forces during seminal wars, both were elected to the presidency based on their military success, both served two terms as president, and both were known for their personal integrity.

A supreme commander of the allied invasion of Normandy, Eisenhower directed D-Day, the largest amphibious assault in history. He was elected president in 1952 and again in 1956, both times winning landslide victories over Adlai Stevenson, and both times with Richard M. Nixon as his vice-president. As a moderate Republican, his administrations were known for mildly conservative domestic policies. In international matters, Eisenhower faced many challenges from the potential spread of Communism. He often engaged in tough rhetoric in international affairs but rarely used force. His administration was often criticized, but throughout both his military career and his… TO BE CONTINUED (PAGE 35 MISSING)

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