
Crime Midnight Blue Bottom

is no abstract value to life, or at least none that can be expressed in dollar terms.In this case, when her son was alive, his mother went to court to keep her son away from her. So we can assume that he was more of a nuisance and a threat to his mother than a comfort, and his mother deserved nothing from Williams.

      In criminal court, Jim Williams, who said he shot Hansford in self-defense, was tried for murder not once, not twice, not thrice, but a record setting 4 times, making him the only person in Georgia history ever tried for the same murder 4 times. The first two convictions were overturned on appeal; the third was declared a mistrial; the 4th time Williams was found innocent, but died seven months after finally being acquitted, in an echo of Dicken’s great novel Bleak House.

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