

Amount spent by US Taxpayers to fund Intelligence gathering agencies,including the CIA, in 2001 – $29,500,000,000 ($29.5 Billion).

Amount of intelligence they gathered prior to September 11 regarding theattacks that took place – 0.

Number of Al Qaeda operatives arrested in 2001 prior to September 11 -0.

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0 thoughts on “THIS IS INTELLIGENCE?

  1. Most of that money, I believe, funded electronic intelligence. Because we now have the capability to detect and neutralize potential enemy target detection radar signals doesn’t translate to the arrest of Al Queda. Even at $30 Billion, I believe that our intelligence activities are seriously underfunded. We have zero HUMINY capability. This leads to the conclusion that CIA should be turnde on it’s head.

  2. Most of that money, I believe, funded electronic intelligence. Because we now have the capability to detect and neutralize potential enemy target detection radar signals doesn’t translate to the arrest of Al Queda. Even at $30 Billion, I believe that our intelligence activities are seriously underfunded. We have zero HUMINT capability. This leads to the conclusion that CIA should be turnde on it’s head.

  3. During the 8 plus yrs of the Liberal administration all the
    powers of CIA were stripped away. I don’t know if you ever catch up to what you have lost.

  4. Sure there is something wrong. Has anyone every heard of
    the New World Order ? You dont have to be a college grad
    to figure this out. Follow the money, the poltics and who has controll.

    This is not a conspiracy, all the facts are out there.
    People need to wake up and see the big picture !!!!

    “Joe six pack” has to get their head out of the
    “Mind Controlled TV and Media” before it is too late.

  5. The problem is that corrupt polticians, mainly the Republicans, have always used the CIA, SS, FBI and DIA to harass innocent citizens that did not believe in their point of view and that would not change to the Republican system of prostituting yourself for the party.

    For the first time the covert activities have a real mission after years of doing nothing to earn their pay.

    There are over 20 cases pending against the FBI for harassment, brutality and one man alledges they murdered his wife for trying to expose corruption.

    The whole covert system in America needs to be overhauled so it is efficient, loyal and knows it is wrong when some Senator says make sure so and so’s life is uncomfortable. Hey, they are supposed to protect Americans!

  6. Well, it sure seems as though the CIA, FBI, etc., are doing there damnedest to find out what citizens of THIS country are doing behind closed doors. It appears that government agencies seem to think our own citizens pose a much larger threat to them that a few extremist from other small, no count countries. Of course, our politicians have an agenda and let no citizen state their opinion contrary lest they be tossed in prison and have the key thrown away to silence them. Recently (after Sep. 11, 2001) we’ve allowed our government to trample our constititional rights without regard under the ruse of preventing terrorism. Some day, and soon I would hope, somebody will challenge the new, knee jerk reaction, laws that have been put in place under the guise of National Security that would allow a search without warrant of anybody, anyplace, anytime. Wasn’t it Thomas Jefferson that said that anyone that would sacrifice freedoms for added security deserves neither?

  7. I doubt they are using the money for intelligence, but they all hae nice houses and cars with free medical, dental and other perks that are free to everyone except the general public (us). i would like to know if there is any truth to a story i saw on mnsbc concerning a book written last year. concerning the bush administration trying to get the taliban government to allow them to run a pipeline through their country before the bombing, telling the f.b.i. to back off investigating them so they could get this pipeline run through easier?

  8. This is to Linda Jacobs..
    If you really hate how the government in this country is run, you think everyone related (especially the republicans) to the government is corrupt.. why don’t you just go live somewhere else then, and see how well you like it their.. If it wasn’t for the government that we run in this country Left or right wing.. you wouldn’t even be able to make a post like the one you did..

  9. The US Gov. spends $$$$$$$$$$$$ on intel for their own purposes. However, to help the citizens there is no budget for that. I worked for an Intel agency gov years ago and the public never gets to know or see the real picture of what is going on. I know some people who were called in (experts) just before the 9112001 so I have to assume that intel knew that something was going to happen. Furthermore, there are so many misleading reports that is impossible to follow each and everyone of them. But YES the US INTEL does not protect our interests (citizens) they only protect theirs. Also they like to provoque people to act so that the US can get involved, practice new tactics and the use of new weapons of destruction. Because we cannot deny that the US is the #1 seller and developer of bios, chems, etc., so who are actually the terrorrists the actual so call terrorrists or the US Intel and makers of weapons.??????? Think about it!!!!!!!!!

  10. Intelligence? Major oxymoron. All they do is create problems where none exist to justify their position – AND they get to carry guns. The alphabet bunch are primarilly engaged in illicit funding activities through drug activity in almost every country in the world. Too bad they are not accountable for the murders they commit – on their own nationals as well… AAARGHH!

  11. I really don’t know enough about it to make an intelligent statement, and I think there are a lot of other people in the same boat!!!

  12. A better question might be whether or not there is anything RIGHT with US “Intelligence”.

    Americans seem to labor under the mistaken notion that the purpose of government as we have come to know it is to protect it’s constituency. The real purpose is to keep everyone distrustful of and agitated with everyone else, creating a bigger percieved “need” for government.

  13. This is to Mary Mae about her comment to Linda Jacobs. I’m
    a former english teacher of Linda Jacobs.
    They’re, Their, There.
    You got it wrong Mae, next time get it right.
    Mae – Jacobs
    Sounds like a good Cat fight between a Hillbillie and a Jew.

  14. We do need to find a good intelligence gathering agcy. ,since it appears we have none but29.5 bil is a lot to find even agood one.

  15. Israeli’s intelligenge people do a better job by far and thier cost is less than 1/10 whatwe spend soooo use your deductive thinking!!!

  16. Given the construct you offer (two zeros for nearly $30 billion), it does indeed offer an outrageous spectacle. However, Outrage, along with the “US Taxpayers” mentioned, generally don’t have a clue what intelligence is, in the first place, not ever having seen any of the finished product, or what a tremendous amount of work it takes to come up with something worthwhile. Intelligence sounds glamorous and it can be construed as dangerous, particularly if the collector becomes careless, but intelligence gathering and refining is a long, toruous, often excruciatingly frustrating exercise. It does cost. It costs us dearly. American intelligence production has faults, as does anything undertaken by human beings, and is constantly being reviewed and worked on internally. In any case, if we didn’t have any intelligence production at all, it would cost Outrage and US Taxpayers far more than simple money.

  17. Getting mad about it won’t help… but still if you could see behind all the Krap they broadcast you’d be mad too.

    The War on Terror is simply a distraction from the real issue. Sure they came over here and caused the twin towers to colapse killing thousands, but is this the issue? What caused them to do it? Isn’t it our expansionist policy in the middle east with regard to OIL RIGHTS and PIPELINES? Weren’t we trying to STEAL AFGANISTAN BLIND? Think about it, and look for those documents which show proof that we were planning to run a pipeline right through the middle of Afganistan and that it was the best way to get Black Sea Oil to the coast.

    The War on Drugs is also a distraction from the real issue. The politicians in America have been stealing our money for so long (with their hands in the deep pockets of the drug companies and lawyers) that to simply boost sales of all these new LEGAL drugs, they opted to make more severe the punishments for growing your own. What would you rather do? Buy legal VIAGRA and get a boner or Hide your illegal boner because you got it from an illegal drug?

    This isn’t even talking about the WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, which after Clinton signed that document can now suspend our constitutional rights anytime we charge too much for products that could go overseas.

    What the heck is going on here?

  18. I agree with Joe on the fact that too much was comprimised
    during the eight years of the
    Clinton admen.
    I don’t think enough people stateside realize what a grand scale our cia and fbi have to operate at.
    This is a big world and that’s the cost of business !
    30 billion is chump change compared to what is really needed to get the job done proper aparently.

  19. Al Queda is the new cold war for the CIA. On CSPAN the other day I saw a CIA big wig get asked by a senator “After all we have done to go after al queda, is al queda still a threat to the US?” Of course the CIA said yes. Could you imagine them saying no and then getting caught with their pants down? I suspect this war on terrorism shall be continuing for quit a while now.

    Oh, come now, with all the high powered information gathering equipment they have at their disposal, there had to be some available intelligence that indicated something big was imminent.

  20. The reason for $29.5 billion dollars is our covert forces, such as the FBI, Secret Service, etc. have been used by Republican presidents and senators to harrass innocent American citizens for their own political advantage and revenge. The money has to go for the breaking into homes, illegally listening on phone calls and internet, reading mail and keeping a watch on innnocent citizens rather than being used to update the covert forces. It seems the FBI is still using pencils and pad in the 20th century. When monies are diverted for illegally harassing American citizens, it means less money for the really important task of updating, equiping and continually educating the covert forces. The FBI has to pay Canada and other European countries for eavesdropping on American citizens phonecalls and emails because it is illegal for the FBI to do it themselves. Other countries don’t perform this service for free I am sure.

    And when a certain Virginia senator can’t get the FBI to do his dirty work free of charge to him, he gets his own privately hired merceneries to do his dirty work.

    Every citizen needs to write their congressman and senators demanding that George Bush not be allowed to develop a personal covert army answerable to only him. We will be paying for not only in dollars but in our privacy and personal security.

  21. Well Dick, quite frankly there seems to be a misunderstanding of the word ‘intelligence’. You see when the word was originally coined to head up this operation it was written on a napkin at the embassy in Nepal. Now the napkin somehow got wet and we couldnt make it out later and since the vote was that very day at noon .. well me and George here deciphered it as intelligence. What it really said was something about ‘negligence’ and the later part was part of a shopping list for the kids graduation. It was Intel or something like that.

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