

As Thursday’s impeachment vote loomed, President Bill Clinton seemed to have only two choices:

– Be only the second American president to be impeached
– Or resign

However, being a creative politician, Clinton came up with a third solution: bomb a foreign country. Spending millions of dollars, and putting American lives at risk, Clinton opted to cause mass destruction and death in order to postpone a trial by the Senate.

Here at the Outrage, we thought we’d seen it all, but even we were shocked that a US President would grossly and nakedly abuse his power as Commander and Chief in order to delay impeachment.

Despite the fact that the situation in Iraq is no fundamentally different than it has been for the last 18 months, Clinton just happened to choose the night before an impeachment vote in order to decide to launch an attack. It just so happened that the White House had just figured out that Clinton was sure to lose the vote.

As Congressman Henry Hyde commented, if Nixon had launched a foreign attack while he was facing impeachment, there would have been riots in the streets. But the current American public, docile and well-fed, seems willing to tolerate even this sort of gross, and deadly, abuse of power.

Can the tactic really work? Minority Leader Richard A. Gephard says the impeachment vote should be delayed: “It shouldn’t come up as long as our troops are in harm’s way,” he said. And, of course, Clinton can keep the troops in “harms way” as long as necessary. The action gives hostage taking a whole new meaning.

With Christmas coming and Congress anxious to return home, Clinton could really pull it off. With every day of delay, the master manipulator realizes he has a better chance of avoiding impeachment and the embarrassment of a Senate trial. And if he can delay the vote until next session in January, the balance of power may well turn in his favor.

Simply unbelievable.

Did Clinton use the bombing to delay the impeachment vote?

Tell us what you think in the comments below.

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  1. This is the saddest day in the history of the US. While the Goebbbel machinery spins
    the american public watches boy clinton kill more people to save his sorry rearend. I am ashamed
    of our country.

  2. Bill Clinton will stop at nothing. He has no conscience.
    I don’t understand how the American People elected
    him to office, twice. His attack on Iraq is nothing less
    than “Wag the Dog”. I will never forgive him for putting
    Americans at risk to try to keep Congress from putting
    him in his place, out of office.

  3. How can this man sleep at night ? No matter how much Clinton or his people deny this , it is blatantly obvious why the strikes happened when they did. What an insult to the publics intelligence to even attempt to suggest otherwise.

  4. The really oputrageous thing about last evening’s actions seems to me to be the placing of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians ‘in harm’s way’ and the continuation of construction , threat of use, and actual use of weapons of mass destruction by a ‘rogue nation’ – anyone’s ears burning over there – there are a few in that category here.

  5. Vanguard of the Revolution
    National Edition

    By Syndicated Columnist and Commentator
    Rod D. Martin <http://www.theVanguard.org&gt;

    Rod D. Martin, 16 December 1998

    With a courage none would have believed just after last month’s
    elections, the House Judiciary Committee voted this weekend four
    articles of impeachment against President Bill Clinton. Their
    consultants told them this would be suicide. The polls told them
    they were risking everything. The Democrats offered them censure,
    an unconstitutional, horrible precedent-setting, but nevertheless
    politically-popular way out. They assessed their lives, decided
    who they were, and cast their votes. They are heroes.

    By contrast, with his political efforts failing, his personal
    threats against individual “swing” members such as Arkansas’s Jay
    Dickey backfiring, and an almost certain impeachment vote by the
    whole House looming on the morrow, Bill Clinton showed tonight a
    craven cowardice unlike any in the history of the Republic.

    He again “wags the dog.” He again bombs Iraq. He again takes the
    lives of thousands of innocent civilians, carefully calculating
    that the political price will be small since, by using cruise
    missiles, no American lives will be lost. And he does it while
    straight-facedly telling us the reason is Saddam’s “lies,” his
    years of “intentional obstruction.”

    It is an irony worthy of the devils in Hell.

    Does this seem too harsh a judgement? Then let us look at the
    year that has been 1998, and see how regularly trod has been this

    1. January. The Monica Lewinsky story breaks. Within two weeks,
    Clinton has America on full alert for war in Iraq. The Lewinsky
    crisis, initially said by even the liberal media (including Cokie
    and Sam) to require his resignation “before the State of the
    Union”, recedes.

    2. June. Linda Tripp is slated to testify before the grand jury.
    On the morning of her testimony, Clinton fires cruise missiles at
    two Iraqi radar stations, resulting in almost no coverage of

    3. August. Clinton makes his “apology” speech, which backfires.
    Three days later, US forces bomb Afghanistan and Sudan, again
    averting an almost certain swift impeachment. Cokie Roberts calls
    this “wagging the dog” on national television, but it accomplishes
    Clinton’s purpose nevertheless. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs
    of Staff admits on live national television, thirty minutes after
    the bombing, that the attack was neither in response to any
    imminent threat, nor targeted any particular person, much less a
    “conference of terrorists” as Clinton later (implausibly) claimed.
    Two of the four camps bombed in Afghanistan are later shown to
    have no connection to bogeyman-of-the-week Osama Bin Laden, while
    the Sudanese target proves to have been a civilian facility with
    no production of any substance remotely useful for chemical

    4. Today.

    Some may suggest we should give Clinton the benefit of the doubt,
    and perhaps in January they might have had a point; but the
    reality is clear. Every time Clinton gets in a fix, he uses our
    armed forces to commit mass murder to cover his crimes. This is
    nothing less, and a great deal more, than David’s dealings with
    Uriah the Hittite. It is time we say so.

    Some may also suggest that, regardless of the motivation,
    Clinton’s actions against Iraq, whatever they are, are justified,
    and that we need to slow down the impeachment process to allow him
    to act “in the interests of the American people.” Yet whatever
    truth there is to the evils of Saddam – and there is much truth
    indeed – this precisely misses the point. The fact that Clinton,
    shown plainly on national television to be a serial-felon, is in
    office while so much danger exists in the world is the most
    compelling reason why he must be removed with all haste. His
    willingness to misuse our armed forces in this way is itself
    impeachable, and the fact that we cannot trust him with power, or
    with anything else, requires that we replace him immediately. We
    simply cannot entrust our war-making power to a criminal.

    For some crazy reason, modern Americans have a hard time grasping
    this last point. They should look to the history of one of their
    closest allies for the reason why. Today, Bill Clinton uses the
    military to create a crisis, stopping the House from impeaching
    him, at least for a time. It has only been a scant six decades
    since another wildly-popular elected leader, of equal willingness
    to take lives for political ends and of equal willingness to tell
    lies both in speeches and under oath, found his political needs so
    great that he had the Reichstag burned. It took a world war to
    restore liberty to Germany. What will it take to restore “equal
    justice under law” to America if the felon is allowed to remain?

    America must decide what it’s made of. The Republican members of
    the Judiciary Committee decided this weekend, and took their
    political lives in their hands. It will take wisdom to see
    through Clinton’s scheme, and honor to both see and actually care.
    Do we have either? In the next few days we shall see.


  7. I’m usually as articulate as the next guy, but I am having no success in finding words to express adequately my utter contempt for Clinton.

    As an aside, it is deeply disturbing that his actions against Iraq were so painfully predictable. After all, he did the same damn thing on a somewhat lesser scale when he bombed Afghanistan and the Sudan. Yesterday’s attack was so predictable, in fact, that it WAS predicted by quite a few people. AND IT HAPPENED ANYWAY!

  8. I find it abhorrent that Mr. Clinton is willing to “slick” himself with the blood of American military personnel and innocent Iraqi civilians in his desperate effort to remain in office. Mr. Clinton is a coward with no sense of honor or decency, only his own abominable appetites.

  9. if he did, which I do not think he did, it would be grounds for more than an impeachment…….I will back clinton on this one.

  10. I find it incredibly funny that all these people “Raging” about the Chief Executive Liar’s attack on
    “Innocent Iraqis” are probably the same people who used to wear the “I’d walk 10,000 miles to
    smoke a camel” T-shirts during the Gulf War. You people must really want an American Coup d’Etat
    if the guns & freedom crowd has suddenly reversed years of hatred and mistrust towards the middle
    east. I’m amazed that you’re not screaming that the evil Dictator Saddam must be overthrown at all costs.
    Makes me glad I now live in Mexico where the leaders have real crimes on their heads (like drug smuggling
    and murder charges), instead of petty scandals that are totally overblown by political enemies.

  11. Anyone who thinks this was not a ploy to delay impeachment
    must be incredible stupid or incredibly naive. After all he
    only has to delay for two weeks and THIS congress will
    be out of there.

  12. I find it frustrating that, given my opinion of the man’s lack of understanding of the truth, I have no way of knowing whether or not this was necessary.

  13. NO !

    I think Iraq had it comming. (Should have been done a
    long time ago.) But I don’t care if he picked this particular
    day (too bad it wasn’t done sooner than just before
    Christmas, I think he probably should have waited till after
    the Holidays). I just hope that this time he finishes the job
    so we don’t have to go in there and do it again. Talking
    about outrage, the biggest outrage in this whole fiasco is
    all the taxpayer dollars that are being spent over
    someones private sex life. And don’t talk about that
    “But he lied under oath stuff”. Give me a break already.
    I’m sick to death of hearing it all already. Get over it !
    Seriously, how many men are going to fess up to cheating
    on their wife in a he said-she said situation (really think
    hard about this one MEN). What if this was you. Would
    you like the government to be able to come in and ask
    you abour your private life under oath. I think not. If he
    weren’t put into such a ridiculous situation, (after millions
    of taxpayer dollars were spent on a witch hunt for
    something unrelated to the Monica Lewinsky thing).
    Personally I don’t think that he lied. I do think that he
    misled us into believing that he didn’t have an affair with
    Monica, but to tell you the truth I was never nosey enough
    to want to hear about any part of his sex life. I definately
    don’t believe that they had any right asking the president
    about his sex life. And if you think they had a right, I hope
    that it doesn’t happen to you some time. By the way, if
    every man/woman in congress or the senate were asked
    about their private sexual lives, do you think that they are
    going to tell the truth. I seriously doubt it. By the way I just
    wanted you to know that I do not vote for a particular
    party so don’t think that I am only saying this because I am
    a democrat. I am not. When I vote I wiegh the options and
    vote for the best man, the the party.
    I hope that I haven’t offended anyone. If I did I apologize;
    this whole waste of time and MONEY has me so
    infuriated. I just don’t want to hear ANYHTING about it

  14. The ex-UN inspector Scott Ridder
    said today that this was a process
    started several weeks ago and that
    the UN chief was asked to strenghten
    his report to reflect the immediacy
    of the situation that Clinton has
    begun. The “American People” are
    being lied to and led to ruin by
    this despot. And the majority will
    not act. One can only pray that
    as a NATION we will survive.

  15. I am what is fair to say, a seasoned Geo-political analyst. I am also one of the thousands and thousands of Democrats who could no longer tolerate being the cause of the daily nausia associated with supporting the scum that is – and has been for some time – so emblamatic of the Socialist/Communist/Democratic Party. The only Americans who really believe that Klinton started another war for reasons other than to deflect justice, are the ones with the blank stares, wearing backwards baseball caps. You know – the type that compells you to ask:”Are you really stupid – or do you just want to look that way?”

    Iraq being a threat to the safety of my family has got to be the greatest military absurdity I have ever encountered. Cuba has nuclear missiles cabable of destroying at least part of thre USA – The murdering Chicoms have every major American city targeted with ICBMs at this moment – The stinking Soviets who have in fact murdered more of their own civilian populace than the entire populations of several major countries, can still anniliate us with nuclear ICBMs. I might add, that we have NO defense against these weapons – thanks to the Democrats.

    I traveled in 13 European countries last year, and It was a constant embarassment to me as an American to discover that we were considered the laughing stock of the world. Intelligent people would ask how in name of God could we tolerate Klinton’s disgraceful conduct – time after time after time. What could I say? We are stupid – we are irresponsible – we are cowardly? I just hope I can be proud to be an American someday. If Klinton isn’t the ‘anti-Christ’ of Biblical revelations, I’ll be surprised.

    Joe Cortina

  16. How assinine are most of the people who have posted commecnts here? “He again takes the lives of thousands of innocent civilians”? Thousands? Hello, what are surgical strikes? I will grant you that the timing is suspect, but something needed to be done. Clinton should go about it a different way, however. He needs to cancel the Executive Order for no assassination, and pop Saddam in the freaking head with a 50 cal. sniper rifle. Saddam and his biological weapons MUST be removed from the face of the planet. Do you have a CLUE what anthrax can do to people? It only takes a speck the size of a grain of dust to KILL one person. Imagine how many innocent people would die if Saddam launched a missle full of the stuff at, say, Israel. Or if he set off a bomb in a crowded airport in New York or L.A. Think about it for a minute, and you should see that no matter what other trivial motives (yes, impeachment is trivial compared to the amount of people that would die if Saddam ever got to use his little toys)that Clinton may have, the main motive is right, and the corrective action is long overdue.

  17. The first time Clinton called for bombing I was hard-pressed to believe it could be coincidence. The second time – no way!
    To take the lives of others to save his power position is totally unacceptable and an extremely sick method for dealing with his disappointments which have resulted from his own behavior.

  18. It’s not “Wag the Dog”, it’s just ol’ Bubba wagging his penis.

    Does anyone remember the recent news stories about US interference in the UN inspections several months past. Could it have been done to set up this whole bombing/impeachement scenereo? God help us!

  19. Bill Clinton will be impeached. The question is, will he be removed from office? He should be tried and if found guilty, he should receive the same punishment any other U.S. citizen would receive for these crimes.
    We don’t have the right to meddle in the politics of other countries. Look what we’ve done with our own. Look how much of our money Clinton has given away in his attempt to buy peace in the middle east and procure for himself an honorable mention in history. This is Clinton’s last big ditch effort to save his dishonorable butt. This is abuse of power. This is political corruption at it’s finest. This is an act of aggression and it doesn’t matter that we bought people to sanction it.

  20. The timing is clearly suspicious , no doubt there but perhaps more importantly I’m not confident that we have the right to be dropping bombs in any event. We seem to be taking it for granted that Iraq has or will have the weapons to ‘destroy the world’ and that they are fully prepared to use them. How do we know this? Blind trust in the U.N. or our government? Heaven knows none of those esteemed organizations have ever lead us astray. In the first Gulf conflict we responded to military aggression with military aggression, there was some justification for that (albeit that was questionable too). What is our justification now? A perceived or perhaps imagined threat? One can’t help but feel that if the danger was fully legitimate we would have more support fom our allies, excepting the British , we clearly don’t. We have put our fate in the hands of man with all the military savvy of Dudley Do-Right and who himself avoided military service at all costs. We are now paying for this & I expect we will be for many years to come. When we present to the world a real & imminent danger at some future time I expect we will be ignored , it will be thought that either our leader at that point has other motivations or that we are just ‘trigger happy’.
    I would hope that we all realize what is at stake here & that is the reputation of one of the last ‘super-powers’ of the world and perhaps democratic government itself. Politically, I expect Clinton will survive this, whether we as a nation will is where our concerns should be.

  21. Hey, if you can’t believe what he said about the affair with Monica, how in the heck can you second guess why he launched this attack?

  22. Especially laughable in the wake of Clinton’s latest brazen insult to our intelligence is the miraculous transformation of our normally military-loathing Democrats into “hawks.” The only thing missing from the usual Clintonista suspects’ post-attack rhetoric last night were blood-stained fingertips. Stand by the president in this hour of crisis? It’s got absolutely nothing to do with the impeachment, and anyone who suspects otherwise is a loon escaped from the rightwing nut hatch? Bullocks! They must indeed take the common American to be a jackass if they honestly expect us to buy this shameless bill of goods. And perhaps we are. We’ve elected their dear leader twice now.

  23. I think that Iraq should be attacked but it should have been done months ago. I feel that the president started this conflict to divert the masses from the impeachment issue.

  24. Once and it might have been coincidence. After all, to bomb two countries after being forced to admit you lied to the American public–why, it’s OUTRAGEOUS for us to think that Clinton did it just to avoid the scandal!!! But now he bombs another country on the eve of the impeachment vote, and we’re supposed to believe this is coincidence too? How stupid does the president think this country is? Has he actually thought about the consequences (ha, need I bother to ask a question with such an obvious answer)? It’s obvious that the draft-dodger doesn’t care about American lives at all. He’s used American men and women and put their lives in jeapardy because he’s too cowardly to resign. And what will happen after the war? Well, what happened after the LAST political war (which was ALSO started by Democrates!)–troops come home and get spat upon because the American public is not behind them.

    No one I have spoken to is behind this action in Iraq. Everyone I’ve talked to hates Saddam, but it so obvious that Clinton is using this as a political ploy that any hatred we’d feel toward the dictator of Iraq goes to the psudo-dictator of America. How many people, Mr. President, have to die before you come to your senses? How many millions of dollars will be wasted before you realize that you’re only making the situation worse? How can you stand up in peace talks to try to get Israel and the Arabs to be friends while you’re bombing another country because you’re at the end of your rope fighting for your job?

    If ever a president deserved to be impeached, it is President William Jefferson Clinton.

  25. Perhaps more disgusting than Clintons, perjury, obfuscation and criminal conduct is the fact that so many Americans support this mutt.The social and moral fabric of this country is tattered beyond repair, America has reaped what it has sown. God help us!

  26. I have no doubt that William Clinton will do anything possible to thwart the impeachment actions that are pending. He is such a clever manipulator of facts, and such a master politician that it is believable that he has manipulated his staff actions to his benefit. The man cannot be trusted!!

  27. It is about time Hillbilly Feminazi Klinton finally got his dick
    caught in a wringer rather than up in some warm, wet

    I sincerely and deeply hope that the articles of
    impeachment actually goes through today.

    Impeach, try, convict, toss out from office, and trash that
    Sonofabitch !!!!!!!

  28. I wrote the letter Anonymous – 12/17/1998 10:44.4

    A few days ago I wrote my opinions on this “wag the dog”
    thing. I did no name calling, ranting, or the like. I, however,
    was appalled at many of the letters that were posted. I
    myself, respect the rights of others to have their own
    opinions, after all, that’s what this country is all about.
    I couldn’t believe the name calling from both sides (Like
    “idiot”, “moron”, etc, etc, etc). This is ridiculous. You don’t
    even know the people that you are attacking. If people
    can’t have their own opinions, then is this not a little like
    communism ? This is really sad. No matter what you
    personally believe, that gives you no right to put-down
    another human being (No matter how much you disagree
    with them). Remember, only one side can be right,
    therefore, you (or I) may be the one with the wrong view !
    You never know, the person with the opposing opinion
    could be your best friend, sister, brother, mother……
    If you think about it really hard, how does any of us know
    that we are the ones with the correct information.
    As much as any of us hate to admit it, there might just be
    someone out there who knows a bit more about this.
    I am not saying that you don’t have the right to express
    your opinions, I am just saying that you should do it with a
    little more couth. There is no need to be so nasty and
    close minded to different views. And I would also like to
    say, that I didn’t write this reply because someone
    attacked my comments. I don’t think anyone did.

    Now a bit of humor: I would like to comment on another
    comment that I read. Someone wrote something about
    dropping a bomb on congress. After this whole ordeal,
    I think I just might agree with him/her. Maybe if we got rid
    of every single representative and senate member and
    the president, we could start fresh. Get rid of ALL the
    self-serving politicians and pick some real leaders.
    Leaders who will run this country the way it should be run,
    and who aside from their party, or personal opinions, will
    ultimately vote the way that their constituents want them to
    vote. Of course I know that this is a ridiculous thought,
    and it could never happen, but wouldn’t it be nice….

  29. William Shakespeare on Bill Clinton
    ….by whose power I well might lodge a fear
    To be again displaced. Which to avoid,
    I cut them off, and had a purpose now
    To lead out many to the Holy Land,
    Lest rest and lying still might make them look
    Too near unto my state. Therefore, my Harry,
    Be it thy course to busy giddy minds
    With foreign quarrels, that action, hence borne out,
    May waste the memory of the former days.

    From Henry IV, Part Two, Act IV, Scene V
    (King Henry offering advice on ruling to his son, Harry)

  30. Domino pizza india limited has suddenly like a robber in midnight vamushed in the air closing the rented shop without informing the owner of the shop

  31. Come on, you must be Republican to think President Clinton
    would do this just because of this impeachment vote.
    They should censure anyway.

  32. Seriously doubt that Clinton
    deliberately used the Iraq crisis
    to stall off impeachment vote.
    It is predictable that the
    bombing would only delay House
    consideration of his impeachment
    by a matter of a few days–i.e.,
    his trial next year is a near-
    certainty, whether the House
    votes Thursday or Monday.
    But Clinton should resign
    because this incident demonstrates
    that the people of the US will
    never trust him again.

  33. go on, bill! stand up to that bullying, lying hypocritical monster — congress!! compared to their evil, saddam is small change. but they’re both bullies. stand up to them! kick their ass!

  34. I have always believed that Saddam should be terminated but the timing of our involvement is nothing but an attempt by Bill Clinton to stall the impeachment process. Why didn’t he do this last month or even last year. I am boiling hot about our people putting their lifes on the line for a man that is so sleezy & amoral just as some past rulers of other countries that we sacrificed our people’ lives but to free that country’s people from men that were amoral.

    I say go on with the impeachment while supporting our service people over in the gulf.

  35. For those who read news sources not overwhelmed by the impeachment ‘hearings’
    this strike has been in the works ever since the Nov attack was called off. Rumblings if a strike
    have ocurred for the last several weeks when Iraq started blocking the inspectors.
    Saddam reneged on his promise, and retalliation is the only option. Diplomacy has not worked.
    Please recall that Clinton was pilloried in Nov for calling off the attack on the grounds that
    Saddams promises could not be believed.
    This act only delays (slightly) the impeachment vote, it doesn’t (more’s the pity) derail it.

  36. I love women who are intelligent, well informed, and are independent thinkers. Unfortunately some that are just the opposite of this have responded to this column. How can you still defend this corrupt low life scum of a man. God forgive you.

  37. I was watching CNN last night and I am shocked with the
    Gallop polls. Of those who participated, a shocking
    amount (~75%) feels that Clinton did the right thing
    and this act was not used to delay the impeachment.
    Even the Whitehouse does not have any rebutals about
    the charges. He is just using his power and the economy
    for his “personal” gains. It is a same that people do not
    feel adultary, purgry, and covering up do not merit
    impeachment or do not merit any wrong.

    A very sick US citizen

    Martin Williams

  38. Well, we have people still claiming that the American public twice “elected” this shyster. The “American Public” has not elected anyone since the computers started “counting the votes”.
    Set your search on Vote Scam and learn a little bit of what we have been subjected to.
    I am one who predicted there would be an attack on Iraq before the impeachment vote, and stated that a week prior to the action.
    I now predict that it will be dragged out into next year, and after the date when Algore can take over and still be “elected” for his own two terms, Billy Shyster will leave, and Saint Hillary will be chosen as Veep.
    The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  39. Bombing Iraq is not an abuse of power. The real abuse of power that we have witnessed for the past 6 months or so has been the Republicans and their relentless obsession to overthrow The President and put their party back in the spotlight. Impeaching a politician over lying is a redundancy. The Conservative masses in this country are a bunch of sex starved closeted S&M wannabes who rail against anyone or anything that might be getting more than they are (which is anybody having sex). Now that homosexuals and AIDs issues has quieted down they need something to feed to the mindless masses who “religiously” follow. A collective whose asses are so tight you could sharpen a pencil by ramming up their posteriors. I’ve had it with these puffed up blowhards from these backwater states acting all prim and proper while wagging their phallic finger at Mr. Bill. What he does with his Garcia Vega’s is nobody’s business.

    As far as the bombing I personally am against all forms of violence and the timing is pretty suspect. However, I don’t think anybody except those in the elite circle of knowledge in the White House can make judgements on what really is going on with Iraq and why the bombings occurred when they did. We’ll never really know and it could be totally in the right or the wrong.

    There needs to be an Oral Sex Holiday in this country so that everybody won’t be so damn uptight! Maybe the day after Presentmas. One Nationwide Orgasm under Genitalia, with Dress Stains and Cigar Fisting for ALL!

  40. Yes, I agree with you 100%; but one must consider the source; what do we really expect from a man who obviously has no balls or morals…oh well, at least he didn’t inhale but then again, that’s also only his side of the story!

  41. My first comment yesterday morning when I heard that the “event” was going to happen was “How convenient”
    I sent an e-mail to a local talk show host relating the same sentiments. It seems that every time Clinton has a crisis,
    Saddam rears his ugly head to create a distractionary crisis.
    Seems like Nov. 17 was a crisis date in the Clinton Investigation — There was a Saddam event that date also.
    I am thoroughly disgusted with this poor excuse for a man who not only fooled the people once into electing him, but
    twice. I am sure that the White House will have to be fumigated when he finally leaves to be sure all the vermin have
    left with him.


  43. The fact is that if our president had any morals at all, we
    wouldn’t be having this debate. It’s because he is so
    immoral and so “slick” that everything he does from here on
    out will fall under a cloud of suspicion. No one can believe a
    word he says, now that we know that he LIED under oath.
    Even if this military action was justifiable, it certainly came at
    an awfully convenient time for him, and I’m absolutely convinced
    that he’d do just about anythng to extract himself from the
    predicament he’s in, including start a war even though there
    might be other options available (which of course he American
    public would never be told about).

    I truly believe that Bill Clinton just may be the most immoral
    president we’ve ever had (if not, he’d certainly be in the top
    five). And the fact that the American people don’t seem to
    care (although I suspect “loaded” questions and otherwise
    biased polling methods are being employed, to make it seem
    as though people care less than they really do) is indicative
    of how differently the media treats a liberal, Democratic
    president as opposed to a conservative Republican president
    such as Nixon (not that Nixon didn’t deserve what happened to
    him, but I think Clinton would have been out of office a long time
    ago if the media had treated him the same way they did Nixon).

    We must overlook every stupid Springer guest we encounter, who are given that ultimatum, cause they always wana fight when they know that they are loosing everything they love.


  45. Outragous,is to put it mildly,this is a act of a very desperate man to throw the heat off the impeachment hearing! Putting in danger the lives of our military men & women overseas!When are americans going to wake up and smell the coffee!

  46. You bet your sweet Tomohawk he did.

    He will do anything to take his fat out of the fire.

    I hope other Americans are as aware of how low an individual he is and charge their congressmen/senators to do the right thing and send him back to Arkansas or wherever he decides to park his double wide.

    John B.

  47. The current attack against Iraq is another Wag the Dog scenario. Bill Clinton would do _anything_ to avoid being impeached, up to and including betraying his country and starting World War III. May he be impeached, may the Senate convict, may he then be tried for high crimes and treason, and may he get the punishment he deserves. And may God have no more mercy on his soul than Clinton did on the people at Waco, Oklahoma City, the Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq — not to mention our own tropps over there now.

  48. And isn’t it interesting that Clinton named this courrent horror after a Nazi general?

    As we get closer to the holidays, we all look foward to peace and goodwill toward man. Obviously, with the latest attack on Iraq, our President wanted to give himself an early Christmas gift, and that is, no impeachment debates.

    He wants to be a King and it is time that American`s wake up and see that our once free Nation is slowly going to become a dictatorship.

    Our President is going to keep this military attack in the forefront for as long as it takes to ensure that he will not be impeached.

    This crazy sociopath is going to declare Martial Law with the dawn of the next New Year or before and he is going to make himself King of Amerika.

    Write letter, speak out to anyone and everyone that will listen, this man has to go or we will never have PEACE or GOODWILL toward men ever again.

    One last thought:

  49. MR PRESIDENT, I am Outraged by your actions, although you may figure that 50% of the American People are Dumb and will support you under any conditions, I wish to inform you that the average citizen that has common sense is wise to your doings, you will go to any length to protect yourself and your henchmen, human lives mean nothing to you here in this country or around the World, I feel that the time is at Hand that you are running out of “GAS”. Lets hope that the people in this country who do not give a dam will wake up and cry for Justice.

  50. Clinton ,if not the antichrist, is the lead in for him. We have lost so many of our freedoms under this narcisistic liar. And now his wife who can’t even keep her own house in order wants to work for us? I don’t think so. Two such dysfuntional individuals should try to get their own houses, lives, and.souls in order. We were doing better before slick willy lied his way into our lives and his power hungry spouse with no sense of pride or respect for herself came into our lives, homes, schools, churches and the very moral fiber of our country. Now he’s abused his power for sex, to start a war to distract from his lies and hasn’t the morals to feel he did anything wrong. If he retires we will have to continue to support him. We lost John Kennedy, Princess Diana, and thousands of decent ,honorable and contributing members of society, WHY CAN”T WE LOSE THEM?


  52. I want to thank Outrage for helping us to look a perspective
    of the situation. Can we know what Clinton thinks and
    feels? We can only see the results, his actions. It’s
    possible he himself may not have a good understanding
    of his own thinking and feeling on the issue. What I
    want to have is a better grasp of the entire issue. Since
    we can’t control whether Clinton is motivated by his
    fear of impeachment, lets look at what we can clearly
    evaluate. What is accomplished by bombing Iraq? Is
    there good reason to do so regardless of Clinton’s reason?
    Will Saddam now cooperate with the rules of inspection?
    What about the innocent people who will be killed? How
    potent and powerful are these weapons that Saddam
    may be hiding? It’s a much larger issue to wonder if
    our own very lives, our state of health and well-being,
    are in danger because of Iraq’s developements? My
    reading to this point gives me reason to think that not
    just foreigners, but citizens in this country are threatened
    by biological and chemical weapons. Though I have real
    sorrow towards the loss of life involved with attacking
    Iraq, my opinion is that suspecting Saddam of more
    weapons production is a valid fear. If that is the case,
    not only should we be bombing him into submitting to the
    inspections, we should be forcefully removing his ability
    to do anything, including taking over his country. He
    doesn’t deserve to be the ruler of a country when his
    actions clearly indicate his motivations for the vision and
    future for his people is by violent dominance towards
    others. His entire carreer as a leader indicate he has
    no conscience for respecting life, or for any humanitarian

  53. Hell yes!

    Clinton will do ANYTHING to stay
    in power. What’s next? A
    “terrorist” ct in New York or

    Martial law is just around the
    corner if he starts REALLY
    fearing for his job.

  54. Doubtful that he bombed Iraq just to postpone the vote on impeachment.
    First of all, if you know anything about how the government works, he can’t just send the bombs by himself!!
    Also, Hussein refused access to the UN inspectors early in the week, which triggerred our long overdue response.
    So, while we may not approve of Bill’s lying about his lack of self control with women, I don’t think that he can be
    faulted for this action, other than it should have been done years ago!!

  55. The Iraquis have been baiting the US a long time with their refusals to dismantle their organic agents of war. The republicans are the ones who need an asskickin’, starting with Homewrecker Hyde and the sissified racist Bobby “Cool Whip” Barr.” Are we supposed to hold our foreign policy hostage to a bunch of mealy mouthed, dolts and hypocrites? No, you have it all wrong, which is pretty typical. The third option is he will never be impeached because the GOP does not have the fricken votes in the Senate, or do numbers frighten or evade your hateful little minds.


  57. I have previously opposed
    impeachment because I do not
    think the offenses are im-
    peachable (rather they should
    be tried and punished as for
    any private citizen). This
    war, however, is a blatantly
    callous abuse of power and
    deserves an impeachment in its
    own right.


  59. Slaves in Paradise:

    “As far as the bombing I personally am against all forms of violence and the timing is pretty suspect. However, I don’t think anybody except those in the elite circle of knowledge in the White House can make judgements on what really is going on with Iraq and why the bombings occurred when they did. We’ll never really know and it could be totally in the right or the wrong. ”

    Right. I need the WH to tell me about a country they have allowed us to ride roughshod over us for 6 years.

    The man who wrote the above is a typhical liberal slave. Massah gonna tell him how to tink and where to hoe de cotton. De massah gonna tell me when to protest……

  60. First off, NO, Mr Clinton nor any responsible person put lives in Danger just to avoid an impeachment. Waiting for Butler’s paper’s to arrive , to remove any doubts on his decision, proves to me that he gave it a fair decision. He could have bombed in November and not recall our plane’s back, but he did, in all fairness. No matter which way we look at this problem, Mr Clinton will lose. By the way, I did not vote for him, but I will support my president in time of need. As Mr. Tony Blair said today: I am convinced that Mr. Clinton’s problems at home did not have any bearing on this decision to bomb, and I fully support him.

  61. I need some way to forward your Outrages to non-subscribing family members.

    New subject: Yes, it would appear that klinton has once again outmaneuvered the good guys.

  62. Perhaps all of you outraged people who know exactly
    what Clinton thinks and what his motives are could tell
    me what one possibly has to do with the other. Are the
    congress critters required to stand around with their
    collective thumb up their ass and suspend all business
    while the US leaves a few well deserved missles in Iraq?
    Get real!

    I think the president has done all he can. He was going to bomb Iraq in November. Then they promised to follow the rules so the President backed off. He did not want to bomb, neither did I. He told them that this is the LAST CHANCE. Just Tuesday he got the report that Saddam was again not following the rules. He had told him he would bomb if the rules are not followed, he did not follow the rules.
    The weekend also starts the religious holidays for muslims. WE DO NOT WANT TO START BOMBING DURING THAT TIME, WE ALSO DO NOT WANT TO WAIT UNTIL IT IS OVER TO START BOMBING. They would be able to rebuild many weapons of mass destruction in that time.
    He had no choice but to protect the world. He is doing a good job.
    I would like to know how many of the 70% of mem that DO CHEAT ON THEIR WIFES WOULD ADMIT IT. Thats what I thought, not very many. He should never been asked. If we are going to ask, lets go down the list of the House and Senate and see who clean their closet is.
    They continued for the last couple years trying to find something on him. Until now have not found ANYTHING.

  63. This attack is empeachable.
    The man is a traitor and so are the traitors in the Democratic Party
    wh defend him.

  64. How can anyone be surprised what Clinton does? He does not have a conscience, nor does his wife nor most of the House and Senate. I don’t have to riot though, God will punish this nation for being whimpy and not standing up for Him.

  65. This Jerk will do anything to stay in power,
    including sending the military out to delay the inevitable
    impeachment. The military that he abhors!!

    Impeach the S.O.B. NOW!

  66. Bob didn’t give me a chance to say anything, so here is my view: Having oral sex is not an impeachable offence. If I had an affair with another woman and I was asked about it, I would lie like some of these people are writing here. Why would I confess to having oral sex with another woman only to look forward to a divorce, losing my children, losing all my savings, losing my home, maybe a car, being embarrased in front of my friends and maybe losing my job. Hell yes, we would all lie about it. It was wrong to do but that should have stayed between him and his wife. Maybe he should answer to IF he put the Country at risk by having oral sex, but most of us would just laugh. The biggest problem now is how to get this witch hunt to stop and let him do his job. Did he bob Iraq to save his job? How ridicules can people think? If some of these people writing here think Saddam does not deserve to be bombed, then let them thank God that I am not president because I would have gone into the heart of Iraq to find that scumbag and removed him long ago. Oral sex is not an impeachable offence, so leave the guy alone and back him and out troops until they come home and then do your thing. In the meantime, be an American and back your president in time of need, and NO, I did not vote for him, but I am glad that he is now here on this day, in time of need. Just remember this, we could be much worse off if wimpy Carter was still in office.

  67. One rage stated:
    ” … And the fact that the American people don’t seem to care (although I suspect “loaded” questions and otherwise biased polling methods are being employed, to make it seem as though people care less than they really do”
    Suppose we address just what the “polls” are. The handlers decide what they want the sheeple to think/believe. They write up a “poll report” and send it out to the public. Since sheeple have a herd instinct, they must necessarily agree with the polls, since they don’t want to be “outside the pale”. After all, that’s what everybody “feels is right” so it must be “right”.
    But, remember, “Everybody knows the earth is flat”, but it was round just the same.
    The only thing a poll “proves” is that there are idiotic nincompoops out there who will believe anything their handlers tell them to believe.

  68. I think you’re full of it on this one. The situation in Iraq seems to be very different now than other times in the last 18 months.

    Perhaps the timing was polically motivated. I would not deny that possibility. But I also think that it was high time we sent Saddam Hussein a clear message that we will not tolerate his refusal to comply with the United Nations weapons inspections.

    Personally I wish this whole impeachment thing would just blow over and that they could get back to the more serious business of government.

  69. Bill Clinton may very well survive impeachment, but after his reign, will this country survive the shame and hypocrisy his legacy leaves it? Will we ever be the same? Will we ever be able to hold our heads so proudly high again in the midst of the rubble he leaves behind? I think not! It’s a very sad chapter in the history of our great nation.

  70. The _Rocky Mountain News_ has these words on the headline: “We had to do it.” with Clinton’s ugly freeking picture underneath these words. All I have to say is, don’t EVEN say we, when it’s his dick that started the entire problem to begin with. If one American, one innocent Iraqi is wounded, I say we cut off his bone.

  71. I would agree that Pres. Clinton could be seen as using Iraq
    as a reason to protect himself from the impeachment process except for three points:
    1. A well respected Republican, William Cohen, is Secretary of Defense, and his agreement to the bombing of Iraq was necessary before President Clinton could authorize the bombing.
    2. The British are also involved in the attack, and the British really would have no reason to protect Pres. Clinton from the impeachment process.
    3. Saddam Hussein is notorious for using U.S. domestic politics for his own benfit, and I may add that he keeps misjudging the will of the American people.
    I live in Europe and I can see the weak willed Europeans trying to have it both ways, the appearance of being against weapons of mass destruction (WMD) while selling Saddam the parts to construct them,
    and at the same time decrying the loss of innocent lives brought on by U.S. weapons (they forget to mention the British involvement). The U.S. can only count on the English speaking countries in any of its alliances. Pres. Clinton realizes this, and he proceeds along with these acknowledged allies on the search for world peace.

  72. I enjoy reading your outrages.
    Usually you are right.
    In this case, however, I think
    you make incorrect assertions
    and assumptions, the most
    important one being that the
    situation was fundamentally
    the same at the time of the
    commencement of bombing as
    it had been in the months
    before. The United Nations
    negotiated an agreement
    from Iraq several weeks ago
    that Iraq openly broke.

    In all your hand-wringing
    and moaning, you forget that
    Iraq’s leadership invaded
    another sovereign country,
    used poison gas on its own
    minorities, and, if left to
    reaslize its own plans,
    would wreck great mischief
    in the Middle East.

    If you’re going to complain
    about the way Iraq is being
    treated, then you must
    necessarily give us some
    workable solutions to this
    situation, instead of just
    being a knee-jerk complainer.

    Despite his many faults,
    Clinton has demonstrated a
    remarkable ability to compartmentalize
    his personal life and his work as
    president. I don’t believe his action
    against Iraq has ahnything to do with
    what is presently happening to him in this


  73. I am so happy that most of you think the way you do. I don’t hover over the television like most of you because it sickens me to hear what i hear. I take the facts and i form my own opinion. What Clinton did, that was wrong on a certain level yes, undoubtedly. I feel for Hillary Clinon and Chelsea Clinton. But in no way, does his sexual blunder effect what he does as president. Saddam has been a problem for years, and in now way wil that ever change unless he is bombed. So according to most of you people out there, Clinton did it because of impeachment, right? Well i suppose he called Saddam himself and asked him if he could start trouble again, and not let the UN inspectors in and refuse to cooperate completely. Then he called the UN and said hey, look my impeachment hearing is tommorrow, ya think mabey we could start a war on iraq? Then he called England and said to them, you know, just to make it look better for me, you think mabey you could bomb with us and then address the world first?
    For the majority of you out there who really think that he did this purley to postpone his impeachment process are not thinking clearly. There are alot more people to consult in this matter. I’m sure the UN really allowed this to let him stay in office. Saddam is just being an idiot because the media is too opionated and most repbulicans have made our country appear weak and he is taking advantage of this opportunity. Also, don’t think for a minute that most other countrys laugh at us. France, they think we’re a joke! Why? because it is a common practice to have a mistress and it affects them no way pollitically. Everyone is human and at least i know the president is human and not superhuman. No one is perfect. What do we think of Kennedy? That he was a great president and had potential to be one, at least that is what they teach to our younger generations, then as they grow up what do they find out as they grow up? That he was no saint! He has his many issues with extramarital affairs!
    Why don’t we deal with the more important and unfortunate issue of our men out there in Iraq, that is by far more important than any sexual problems with the President. If only the media and the public would let him do the job he is supposed to do right now. I think he has done a fine job as President aside from his sexual troubles that has nothing to do with his ability to govern this nation.

  74. I think you’re full of it on this one. The situation in Iraq seems to be very different now than other times in the last 18 months.

    Perhaps the timing was polically motivated. I would not deny that possibility. But I also think that it was high time we sent Saddam Hussein a clear message that we will not tolerate his refusal to comply with the United Nations weapons inspections.

    Personally I wish this whole impeachment thing would just blow over and that they could get back to the more serious business of government.

  75. First degree murder? Yes, and by another’s hand to keep the blood off of his own. The murdered Iraqis deserve justice, and the President jail. (From governor’s mansion to White House, and jail – still in public housing!)

  76. The idea that the British military is somehow in league with the president of the United States to avoid a meeningless vote is absurd.
    I think every one on this web site owes the British government and the People of the United Kingdom an apology.
    I can’t believe the inbreading of Americans has reall destroyed our brains so much that we should fall for such a stupid partisan tactic.
    Really you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

  77. The US is now the world’s worst terrorist nation, controlled by criminal politicians and aliens. Iraq is no threat to us and never has been. We’re killing civilians for Israel.

  78. Although I general agree with The Outrage, and find it insightful, I have to say this:
    I find it’s readership (with a few exceptions) to be the most paranoid, hateful, misguided, herdlike apes who ever cursed the word human by greedily grasping it.
    I find fault in every single one of you who voted for Clinton in either ’92 or ’96 and now tear into him as raging hypocrites.
    I despise all of you who voted in ’92 or ’96 period. If you really had such a strong objection to him at the time, you should have been more active.
    I wouldn’t stoop to spitting on the lazy morons who didn’t vote in both elections but now find Clinton’s actions so disgusting.
    What about me, you say? Well, I can’t vote. I’m a minor, and, due to those who voted and those who represent, I have been denied the right to vote over an arbitrary man-defined line drawn in the river of time.

    I hope you whine hypocrites burn in the pits of the hell you profess to believe in.

  79. i usually agree with what you have to say but on this i must dissent. i don’t believe clinton is using this situation to employ a delaying tactic only because i believe it impossible to involve everyone in his circle in such a conspiracy. he simply does not inspire such loyalty in his staff.

  80. One more thing I forgot, you misanthropic apes.
    Maybe Clinton did bomb Iraq and start this war just to avoid impeachment.
    But then, I guess you believe OJ was framed?

  81. I agree with your editorial. Even today’s Wall Street Journal lends support to this view. And you are right about the riot-free college campuses. Quite a contrast to the Vietnam War era.

  82. It’s always been completely obvious to all but the most dim-witted i.e. liberals, that Clinton is s criminal charlatan whose only concern is for his is own political viability.
    Now this criminal has surpassed his previous record of venality and corruption by engaging in crimes against humanity.
    To order the destruction of Iraq and the murder of its citizen to divert attention from his political problems is a new low even for him.
    The Republicans MUST proceed with impeachment and a trial must be held in the Senate.
    Clinton’s hideous crimes must be punished.

    All the time, I’m saying to
    myself, “Clinton can’t top
    this” and sure enough, he does
    and normally, very soon after.
    This latest episode of The Bill Clinton Show amazed me in
    that I’m surprised that he couldn’t wait until prime time
    in the evening to begin his
    bombing spectacular. Every day that Clinton remains in
    office makes me more ashamed
    and insulted to be an American. For the remainder of Clinton’s term, the American flag on top of the
    White House should be replaced
    with a Jolly Roger. Save
    America, Impeach Clinton!

  83. I can’t understand why you would think Clinton would use this conflict as a way to avoid an impeachment vote. He already said that he would not resign, and he certainly is resolute enough to go through a trial where others might deem the details to be “embarrassing.” I also can’t understand why you can’t see the clear conflict of interest that Republicans present when they vote a partisan line to impeach the President. I am outraged that they are using their political maneuvering to bring this issue to an impeachment vote. Their political gambit is costing the US credibility – and don’t even begin to think that the world views Clinton in a different light because he didn’t admit to a sexual affair. This Capitol Hill back-stabbing has gone on long enough. If Clinton is impeached, then every single Congressman and Senator should be scrutinized for publicly-told lies, and outed from office. This is ridiculous how far the Republicans have taken their transparent agenda.

  84. Fnaly the president does the right thing. But he does it for all the wrong reasons. He has started a war for his own political gain. Slick wilily works for himself and only himself as always.

  85. Congratulations Mr. President. When I thought that you could not stoop any lower to avoid impeachment, you have by starting a war the day before the vote. Mr. Clinton, you have now joined the ranks of modern history’s worst despots to divert attention from your political problems. Hitler declared war on the Jews. Mussolini invaded Ethiopia and used poison gas. Stalin and Saddam Hussein conducted numerous purges of “traitors” and “spies”. Innocent people were killed by these men, innocent people are now being killed in Iraq. What is next Mr. Clinton? Are you going to order in ground forces of the military you loath to die in the hot sands for you? How much innocent blood are you going to spill before you finally yield to the inevitable vote of impeachment?

  86. It is unbeleivable that some of us just refuse to beleive the obvious corruption of this president and the ones pulling his strings. These events are the culmination of many problems we are faced with. It is ridiculous how many people just do not think for themselves and follow the national press to our nations peril. I do beleive people will wake up, but will it be in time???

    Impeach and get rid of the

  87. Yes, I’m outraged at Clinton. But I’m also outraged at the Republican leadership. If they had any courage, principles, or true commitment to Constitutionally-limited government, they’d have immediately called Congress into session to:

    1) Pass an emergency bill requiring the Administration to cease the attacks and remove American troops from “harm’s way.”

    2) Vote for the 4 articles of impeachment referred by the committee.

    3) Take up a fifth article of impeachment charging Clinton with gross abuse of power for launching the attack without Congressional authorization and for purposes of obstructing justice.

  88. Oh, I forgot to mention: I’m not just sitting here outraged. I’m also making a donation to the Libertarian Party (www.lp.org), which DOES believe in Constitutionally-limited government!

  89. Even someone with Chris’ obviously limited perspicacity should be able to see that if Clinton is allowed to lie under oath, knowingly submit false affidavits and obstruct justice, then the rule of law will be rendered meaningless.
    Perjury is a felony. If Clinton is allowed to go unpunished then how can any future perjurer be fairly punished?
    To ruthlessly attack a sovereign state in order to divert attention from his domestic crimes is further proof, as if it were needed, of Clinton’s total lack of morals and complete unfitness to hold public office.
    Only the most brain-dead sychophantic liberal could fail to see this. The biggest problem in America today is that far too large a percentage of the population fit exactly into that category.

  90. even when you think he can’t stoop any lower he up and surprises you. committing crimes against humanity in order to save his political hide is so beyond the pale who would have ever thought it possible? even more amazing are the sycophants in the media and on the left who continue to support him. they must think there is something more at stake than just his political viability for them to back him so. i wonder how it feels to sell your soul for the sake of political advantage.

  91. Your analysis is sophomoric and irrational. Perhaps
    you are too busy selling insurance, or whatever, to learn
    the facts. We will not attempt to teach you. You used to have some good ideas and we sent you some $ a few months ago
    to support you. We now regret that. As for those who have commented
    above, most seem to get their facts from Rush Limbaugh
    and the like. Fortunately, the country is strong. It has survived
    Joe McCarthy, Pat Robinson and others of their ilk. We will survive you and your idealogs
    But we don’t need to listen to you. I am off to unsubscribe.

  92. Remember, it’s not whether he had sex with Lewinsky that’s the main problem. The Paula Jones case was for sexual harassment. That _is_ illegal, and it’s a completely different can of worms from the “did he? didn’t he” of the Lewinsky affair.

  93. Personally I can’t believe some of the garbage comments
    to your article. The very notion that this attack just happened
    to coinside with a “necessary” attack is ridiculous. Would
    the idiot sheep that support Clinton actually have us believe
    that his attack is so important that it must happen now?
    Even assuming that an attack was imminent are we to
    believe the b.s. that he “had to bomb now” out of respect
    for Ramadan? Just before the House vote? Gosh how
    convienient. I wonder if starting a nuclear war the night
    before the senate vote will be “necessary” as well. Lets
    get some facts for the stupid sheep that still believe this
    murderer. 1. Clinton is the head of the military and can
    order it to do what he wants. He is ‘commander in chief’
    and the joint chiefs can’t say no when he says attack. 2.
    The attacks on Iraq are completly worthless militarily
    speaking and as long as Saddam is in power this wag
    the dog B.S. is a complete waste of time. 3. We have a
    president who is a consistent and PROVEN LIAR. Yet
    every stupid socialist Clinton sheep out there trust and
    hang on his word as if he would never lie again… I know,
    I know, define exactly “lie”.

    Seriously this man is going to get us all killed. If he is
    willing to attack another country on flimsy pretexts just
    to cover up a scandal (and he has) then what is to stop
    him from pushing the button to keep his power? The
    joint chiefs? (Ha!) England? I heard some pathetic loser
    from England act like his socialist country wouldn’t toe the
    line if Clinton demanded it… (your empire is history idiots,
    and ‘all that sort of rut’). We have someone who is not
    only dangerous to Iraq, but to the rest of the world. He needs
    to be impeached, imprisioned, and tried for Treason.

  94. I am indeed outraged. Why should many of our husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, etc. have to give their lives to protect his presidency.
    I believe he is a world class jerk. I think, we should put him in a ring with Sudam and let them duke it out. I am tired of our soldiers
    dying for lost causes. With all of the look alikes in Iran, how do they expect to get the right one. In addition, many innocent people
    will be victims in Iran just as our soldiers are. Shame on any of us who support such a selfish b______!

  95. I just heard on a radio call in show today that the United States undergoes arms inspections by United Nations monitors. And not so very long ago they refused access to certain sites because some of the inspectors were Iranian. They also gave the UN crew static over having FBI agents accompany them at all times, rasons of national security, yak yak woof woof. Sound familiar? The facts pretty much speak for themselves, unlike us li’l ol’ voters.

  96. I say keep it up Bill!! The oil prices are climbing, and that for the good! Gives Norway more money!!! And getting the stupid congress off the impeachment stuff is only for the good! The SEX MANIAC Ken Starr should’ve been shot AGES ago!

    Long live King Bill!!

  97. Please excuse the cynicism, but this piece of garbage we have in office has made new headway into outrageous conduct. Cynical as it is, the American public in general is just plain stupid. To have elected this disgrace in the first place proves it. To re-elect reaffirms it. To put up with his transparent, self-serving actions hammers it home. To see poll after poll supporting him is incredulous. How can people be SO incredibly dumb?
    And we wonder why there are so many problems…..WAKE UP AMERICA! It’s time to put the blame where it belongs. The sooner we get rid of this devil from hell, the better.
    Did he bomb Iraq for personal gain? Gee….let me think about that……..duh.

  98. I think that just the fact that we all have to question the motive behind every action is proof enough of the fact that impeachment is necessary. The entire world is questioning the actions of this president. Character not only matters, it is of paramount importance.

  99. Canadian Bacon’s comments prove what an idiot he/she is. Assuming that this cretin is from Canada, the stupidity of his remarks would seem to indicate so, this shows why Canada is the only place on earth more moronic and thick-headed than America.
    Take that you Canadian Swine!!!!!!!!

  100. What is this? This govorment of ours is not ran by one
    single person. did you idiots not listen to the news?
    this force of power was not an overnight thought. Iraq pulled the last
    the last straw on there own…. they went as far as removing
    FURNITURE to try and hide things.. let’s get back to reality here
    yeah maybe the timing was right but the president has
    ADVISORS!!!!!! and they felt it was time. this religion BS
    isn’t the the problem, the problem is the american air heads don’t
    know what they are talking about politically….. I bet
    1 out of every 5 men in the house has extra-marital affairs
    rvryday….go back in history and it speaks for itself. it is the media who
    in controlling our world and it’s destiny..read the book of
    revalations it will shock you…they killed Lady Di didn’t they????????

  101. Saddam had it coming, there’s no doubt about that, and I don’t have a problem with that.

    What people (dare I say it?), in their Outrage, fail to see is that there is a real problem with the whole Iraq situation. The UN has made a declaration that Iraq must provide facility for inspectors to go around and see exactly what it is that Saddam uses to kill his countrymen with. The fact remains that Saddam Hussain failed to comply. The US decided that it was going to enforce this matter a while ago. Hardly surprising, as this whole problem with Clinton’s been going on some time now.

    So it was inevitable: at some point, missiles were going to be launched.

    Certainly, the timing of this whole thing’s incredibly convenient for old Bill. If nothing else it delays what ought to be inevitable (surely your elected representitives aren’t so naive that a few bombs make them change their mind about so serious an issue). The point is, what’s all the fuss about?

    Y’see this is what we’ve come to expect from your dear president. He’s so far managed to manipulate every situation to create some kind of smokescreen, to detract from the issues, to hide his flaws. And until now he’s been allowed to get away with it.

    Bomb a few foreigners, and people will forget that there is are impeachment proceedings going on.

    OK, so we’ve heard so much in the media that we’d rather the whole thing go away than us hear about it any more? Well that’s a fantastic bit of work by somebody. Make the public accept the man’s wrongdoing by boring them with it. It becomes to well covered and so popularised that the importance of the issue becomes lost: The guy’s a liar. It would appear that your president can’t be trusted to tell the truth. In court!

    Now in the UK, we’re used to politicians lying. We’re more surprised when they tell the truth. But we’re clamping down on perjury (just ask a certain arms dealer who’s going to have a less happy new year than he expected). However, I sincerely hope that nobody over here would accept this kind of action (i.e. bombing Iraq) as a reason for somebody not facing up to their responsibilities. And you in the US must do the same. You have a right and a _responsibility_ to have somebody you can TRUST in power (I’ll ignore your congressmen and senators for now, let’s just focus on the president).

    As a people, you have a duty to ENSURE that your local representatives act the way they are supposed to act. You should INSIST that they go with their original decision (be it to impeach or to let him off the hook). The actions of the last 24 hours must not be allowed to change the course of justice.

    Like I said, Saddam has it coming. I think Clinton has it coming as well, so long as the people in power in the US stick to their guns (forgive the pun).

    Oh, and one more thing: Our puppet PM, one Tony Blair has backed Clinton all the way. We’re even sending some of our planes in to help the guys out (I’ll not go on about the fact that at least our lot can read maps!). Anyway, if and when Clinton goes, I hope people here will remember exactly what’s gone on between Blair and Clinton. I honestly hope that people will start to question the judgement of a PM who could back a president who got it quite so wrong. Maggie would have had nothing to do with him. Major would have shied away (he’s too much of a gentleman for Clinton anyway). Blair… you know what they said about great minds thinking alike? Over here we also say that fools never differ.

  102. I pray for our country, for our troops, and for innocent victims. All of these mentioned are being used by a desperate President. The life of others doesn’t seem to be an issue here. President Clinton is a very selfish, self-serving person. May God bless America and save us from Clinton.

  103. Anonymous is a prime example of the stupid witless 1990’s american. Dumb as a box of rocks and proud of it!
    The impeachment of the fat pantload in the white house has nothing to do with extra-marital affairs yous stupid loser. IT’S ABOUT PERJURY!!
    come on you stupid moron! get a clue!
    as for lady di, good riddance. why don’t you do the world a favor and join her.

  104. Any member of the armed forces that goes to battle for this evil and corrupt ‘president’ is no better than a mercenary and desrves a mercenary’s fate.
    The armed forces should lay down their arms and refuse to carry out Clinton’s atrocities.
    Remember Nuremberg? “I was only following orders” won’t wash. Complicity in Clinton’s malevolent and malicious machinations is as reprehensible as he is.

  105. You know, I’ve just seen all this in a new light.

    In November, Clinton said that if there’s any more trouble, he’ll attack without warning or diplomacy.

    In December he attacked.

    Bloody hell. The guy told the truth. Maybe he’s turned over a new leaf?

    Nope. He’s probably just got a short memory and forgotten what he said a month ago.

  106. Klinton will do anything—ANYTHING—to stay in office. Of course Desert Fox is a “Wag The Dog” ploy to accomplish his ever-popular delay the trend. Was the military on full alert for war with Iraq within two weeks of the Lewinsky story breaking? Were cruise missles fired at two Iraqi radar stations the morning of her testimony? Did the US bomb so-called terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan three days after his August “apology” failed miserably?

    This low-life First Crook’s actions lend credibility to the “Arkansas suicides” linked to Klinton/Klinton minions so easily written-off as fictions from a “vast right wing conspiracy.”

  107. While political talking heads will obviously protect their party, I can’t believe anyone with an ounce of honesty could consider this move a mere “coincidence” in timing (Clinton launching attacks against Iraq on the eve of impeachment vote). You nailed this one. What startles me is that there are people naive to believe otherwise. But then again, look at the condition of our nation.

  108. I heard that Scott Ridder said that Clinton Adm. deliberately
    sent inspection team to locations vehemently disallowed by
    the Iraqis. Which forced the them to take the step of forcing
    inspection team from Iraq. AND, now we here Gebhart and his
    sanctimonious schpeal.. Yes it was planned this way.

  109. This is mindless dribble. Clinton should not resign, nor should he be impeached. The precedent that people like you are setting is truly frightening. By overturning election results based upon your condemnation of sexual behavior that has been the rule, rather than the exception, in the oval office, you are bringing forth your disrespect for the democratic process. As a life-long republican, I am deeply ashamed of what the republican party is doing. Would we republicans have supported impeaching Reagan for Iran/Contra and all the lies related to Iran/Contra – deeds which clearly displayed activities antithetical to US policy and congressional will? If not, then how can we condemn Clinton for lying about consensual sex? Oh sure, you’ll say its not about sex, its about perjury. But that’s a crock of s__t. It is about two things – your hatred for Clinton and the success he has achieved in office and your alarm at the sex-filled reports you insisted be investigated and publicly disclosed.

    Hypocrisy reins. The republican party will regret this travesty for a long time. And it will come back to haunt them again and again.

  110. I think that it’s very sad that to take everyone’s mind of his
    penis, Bill felt that he had to show some even bigger guns.
    The only thing that will take a politician’s mind off of sex is war.

  111. We totally agree with you. As you stated, things are not
    significantly different with Iraq then they have been for the
    past year or more. There was no reason we couldn’t have
    waited until after the first of the year so our troops could
    have a normal Christmas. No reason that is, except that
    Clinton can use it to try and weasal out of his

  112. The big money and the media wants the
    man to stay in power. The attack on Irac
    is nothing more than a move to make this
    possible and drag it into 1999. The Outrage
    and I both know this. The cozy warm couch
    potatoes are asleep and are doing thier part
    yo keep the low-life where he’s at. Do I smell
    something burning? You bet, me.

    Regards, …………..Pete B.

  113. I think the bombing was completely justified. The UN inspectors were being turned aside again and it was time to blow up Iraq and teach them a lesson once and for all. No, I don’t want Clinton impeached. I think the whole thing is a crock imposed by a bunch of dickless Republicans who haven’t been able to get it up since they played with themselves as children and they just can’t stand the fact that Democrats don’t have that problem.

  114. How could Clinton do all this unilaterally? And the Republicans are the focus of outrage. 65% of the American people don’t want an impeachment. Your comparison to Nixon is inept. Nixon committed impeachable offenses. Clinton committed immoralities. They are not on the same plane.And what do you suggest we do with Hussein? Ignore him at our own peril? I found this one hard to take. Usually, I agree with your positions, but this one is outlandish.

    President Clinton is going to be impeached for perjury…
    for telling a lie about having sex with a consenting adult. To protect his wife, daughter and himself. who among you wouldn’t or hasn’t done the same thing. it wasn’t about this country’s secrets it was about his own and the country didn’t have any rigt to ask the questions anyway. What the president does in his own sex life is as private as what you do in yours.

  115. The most recent instance of the bombing of Iraq by the
    Hillbilly Feminazi Prevaricator in Chief in the White House
    cast in even more bold relief the absolute necessity of
    damning the torpedos and moving full speed ahead with
    absolute Iron determination the codign impeachment of
    Billary Klinton.

    After all is said and done, it will then be incumbent upon all
    honest and upright Americans do their part to keep Algore on
    a very short leash.

    Having done that I think it is absolutely imperative to wage an
    all out campaign against the Feminazi dominated Femicrat
    party that has done so much to drag this still great but
    declining nation of ours through mud and mire by, inter alia,
    giving to that good for nothing bubba in the White House a
    “no matter what” level of support. They deserve to burn in

    I could go on and on and fulminate some more but I think I’ll
    rest my case for now.

  116. I have lived for nearly sixty years and never seen our nation nearer to destruction. The current crisis of presidential insurrection, in which Bill Clinton, at the exact moment he can no longer manipulate the House, unilaterally declares war on a tiny nation that has pestered the international community for over a decade, must be ended by the rule of law. Democracy is always a fragile thing willingly defended by a minority whose freedom it protects. That is why we are not a majoritarian tyranny, in which popular whims support corruption. It is because we are now at war that Clinton must be removed from office with all expedience.! Heaven help the Democrates who have stayed aboard his sinking ship, and has today struck bottom. We will never forget that during this Clinton-induced crisis, the highest value of the Democrats was to defend perjury, immorality, and grand schemes toward power.

  117. You are naive if you believe that this is Wag the Dog.
    If anything Congress new that the military action may occur in this month because of the
    postponement of a month or two ago.
    Therefore Congress probably started these proceedings now knowing that whenever
    Clinton acted against Iraq he would look bad.
    If Congress didn’t have a clue about a possible military action then they are so out of
    touch and should be disbanded. This could be the case because they are definitely out of
    touch with what the people want.
    Congress is only interested in staying in office. Issues and the good of the country does
    not matter.

  118. Impeach the president so we can rid ourselves, once and for all of the RR in the Republican Party. Pleeeeeeeeeese impeach him…..will you…pretty please…..GOP=Whig

  119. It would appear that the attack on Iraq was timed to coincide with the impeachment. I am suspicious of the timing and I don’t think that Clinton is above such tactics.

    CONTINUING . . .

    I do not favor impeachment…
    but since Billy Jeff will not
    resign, the only option is to
    drag the country thru the
    cleansing process called

  121. Although I agree on the attack on Iraq I question the timing.
    I for one and others are questioning the motives behind this
    attack on the eve before impeachment hearings!
    Any time any American has to question the motives of a President
    our Commander in Chief we have a major problem!
    Clinton is losing his ability to lead! He cannot be trusted!
    He will do anything to hold on to his power and I for one
    say IMPEACH HIM!!!!

  122. Of course he wagged the dog! Have we forgotten August
    and the bombings though no media mention it any longer?
    And the mud slinging at Hyde. Now here goes Livingston’s
    reputation. Clinton has no moral or ethical stopping point.
    He will no anything or sacrifice anyone to win. Saddam
    needs to go, so does Clinton.

  123. The impeachment vote on President William J.B. Clinton is
    comming up and I wanted you to know how important it is
    that you vote to impeach him. The time to make a decision
    on this is now, and I want to see you on the right side of this
    one. As for myself, I honestly think that President Clinton
    deserves to be impeached for lying to the American people,
    as I for one would have liked to believe that he was not capable
    of doing such a thing, but it is pretty darned obvious now that
    he has on numerous occasions. As a simple matter of fairness,
    people are going to jail for lying in court or in front of grand
    juries in this country. Why should President Clinton not have to
    face what the constitution provides for. He would be a lot better
    off to do it this way than to have to wait until he is out-of-office
    and take his chances in the U.S. District Court system. Once he
    has been tried in the U.S. Senate, he can not be tried again. I do
    not like the idea of his having power over the U.S. Military, and
    our country’s foreign policy if he can not be depended upon to tell
    the truth. I think it is terrible that President Clinton chooses to
    make the country go through this heartache rather than resign
    like Former President Nixon did, at least Nixon had a sense of
    shame, whatever else can be said about him. For the sake of the
    country, lets get President Clinton out of office before any more
    damage is done.

  124. The fact that only one carrier was in position with two others steaming into position certainly adds credence to the “Wag the Dog” scenario.

    To those Clintonistas who are still in denial. The man used the great powers of his office to obstruct justice, namely to hide an affair. Please recall that he lied about Jennifer Flowers before he was elected. As the saying goes, the first lie is the fault of the teller. The second lie is the fault of the fool that believes it.

    And 86% of the people know this man is a LIAR.

    He has lost the respect of almost all in the armed forces. If we are to go to war, the armed forces need to have as their commander in chief a man who has their respect.

    Think for a minute about the circumstances that triggered Paula Jones complaint. Think about what happened to the widow Kathleen Wiley. Both were sexual harrassment and occurred over a number of years. He removed a Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Frank Kelso for far less — ie just being in the same hotel as Tailhook.

    Impeach and Remove. Try, convict and sentence to prison.

  125. Pray for a speedy impeachment of Bill Clinton. To maintain power, he is willing to do anything, including risking the lives of our U. S. service personnel.

  126. Of course he did! Any damn fool with one eye and helf sense can see that. If this Arkansas s***-head was as tall physically as he is morally he could stand on tip-toe and still not be able to kiss a chicken’s ass. He would climb a tree 80 feet tall just to tell a lie when he could stand on the ground and tell the truth.

  127. I feel that the attack in the middle east was a “Wag the Dog ” senario.
    I am so outraged my stomach has been hurting and I am in need of Zantac
    daily. If I had the power and authority to do so I would have BC shot at sunrise for treason.

  128. To Scott Mosley who stated “who cares if he got a BJ”.
    The troops and their parents and families who were
    deployed to Bosnia –remember the telephone call about
    that while receiving a BJ. If you were in their place would
    you care whether the blood/oxygen was in his head or

  129. Label me as nonserious Tom. I for one believe this attack was entirely for the reason of avoiding impeachment and the worst is he may get away with it. God help us.

  130. I did not write the following, but I wish I did. As a former Army Officer, I can concur with what this other Officer says!
    A retired Army Officer’s letter to Clinton

    Dear Mr. President:

    It’s not about sex. If it were about sex, you would be long gone.
    Just like a doctor, attorney or teacher who had sex with a patient,
    client or student half his age, you would have violated the ethics of
    office and would be long gone. Just like a Sergeant Major of the Army,
    Gene McKinney, who though found not guilty, was forced to resign amid
    accusations of sexual abuse. Remember the Air Force General you
    wouldn’t nominate to be Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff because he
    freely admitted to an affair almost 15 years before, while he and his
    wife were separated? Unlike you, he was never accused of having a
    starry-eyed office assistant my daughter’s age perform oral sex on him
    while he was on the phone and his wife and daughter were upstairs. If it
    wereabout sex, you should be subjected to the same horrible hearings that
    Clarence Thomas was subjected to because of the accusations of Anita
    Hill. The only accusation then was that he talked dirty to her; He didn’t
    even leave semen stains on her dress.

    No, it’s not about sex. It’s about character. It’s about lying. It’s
    about arrogance. It’s about abuse of power. It’s about dodging the draft
    and lying about it. When caught in a lie by letters you wrote, you
    concocted a story that nobody believed. But we excused it and looked
    It’s about smoking dope, and lying about it. “I didn’t inhale,” you said.
    Sure, and when I was 15 and my buddies and I swiped a beer from an
    unwatched refrigerator, we drank from it, but we didn’t swallow. “I broke
    no laws of the United States,” you said.
    That’s right, you smoked dope in England or Norway or Moscow; where you
    were demonstrating against the U.S.A. You lied, but we excused it and
    looked away.

    It’s about you selling overnight stays in the White House to any
    foreigner or other contributor with untraceable cash. It’s about
    Whitewater and Jim and Susan McDougal and Arkansas, Gov.. Jim Guy Tucker
    and Vincent Foster and Jennifer Flowers and Paula Jones and Kathleen
    Willey and nearly countless others.

    It’s about stealing the records from Foster’s office while his
    body was still warm and putting them in your bedroom and “not noticing
    them” for two years.

    It’s about illegal political contributions. It’s about you and Al
    Gore soliciting contributions and selling influence at Buddhist temples
    and in the same Oval Office where Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt
    led their countries through the dark days of wars that threatened the
    very existence of our nation. But we excused you and looked away.

    It’s about hiding evidence from Ken Starr, refusing to testify,
    filing legal motions, coaching witnesses, obstructing justice and
    delaying Judge Starr’s inquiry for months and years, and then complaining
    that it has gone on too long. The polls agreed. Thank goodness that
    Judge Starr didn’t read the polls, play politics or excuse you and look
    away. He held on to the evidence like a tenacious bulldog. Your
    supporters say that you’ve confessed your wrong doings and asked for our
    forgiveness. Listen, what you said on TV the night you testified to the
    grand jury was not a confession. Confession in the face of overwhelming
    evidence is not a confession at all. Not that it would make a lot of
    difference. A murderer who contritely confesses his crime is still a
    murderer. When your “confession” didn’t sell, even to your friends, you
    became more forthcoming.

    Maybe someday you’ll confess more, but probably not. You’ve
    established such pattern of lying that we can’t believe you anymore.
    Neither can your cabinet, the Congress or any of the leaders of the
    nations of the world.

    When a leader’s actions defame and emasculate our country as
    profoundly as yours have, it’s no longer a personal matter, as you claim.
    It’s no longer a matter among you, your family and your God.

    By the way, I don’t believe for a minute that Hillary was unaware
    of your sexual misadventures, abuses of power and pattern of lying. She
    has been a party to your wrong doings since Whitewater and Jennifer
    Flowers just as surely as she lied about the Rose law firm’s billings and
    hid the Vincent Foster evidence in your bedroom for two years. Why? So
    she could share in the raw power that your office carries. The two of you
    probably lied to Chelsea, but that is a matter among you, your family and
    your God.

    Remember the sign over James Carvill’s desk during the 1992
    campaign? It said, “It’s the economy, stupid! Place this sign over your
    desk: “It’s about character, stupid!” No, it’s not about sex, Mr.
    President. If it were, you would be long gone.

    It’s about character; but we have to live with your filth, lies
    and arrogance for a while longer. Your lies, amorality and lack of
    character have been as pervasive as they have been despicable, so we have
    no reason to believe that you will quietly resign and go away. You’ll
    count on half truths and spin doctors to see you through, the country be
    damned. It has always worked before. We excused you and looked the
    other way. No more, we’ve had enough. You betrayed us enough. You have
    made every elected official, minister, teacher, diplomat, parent and
    grandparent in the country apologize for you and explain away your
    actions. Now go away, and let us show them that our country was not
    without morals. It was just that you were. Let us show them that
    America was not the problem. William Jefferson Clinton was.

    Go away, Mr. President. Leave us alone. And when you leave, know
    that your legacy to the United States of America will be a stain on the
    Office of the President that is as filthy as the stain on Monica’s dress.
    It will take a lot of scrubbing to make it clean again.

    >From a Retired Army Officer

  131. Really,

    At least in “wag the dog” no one actually died in the fake
    war. In this version inocent people die so the Zipper Bill
    does not have to face the music.

    I actually don’t care what Bill does or with who when it
    come to sex but I really care what he does when it comes
    to war.

    He says he launched the attack on Iraq because Saddam
    uses weapons of mass distruction and uses them again
    and again. Sorry but is that not what Clinton is doing
    right now. Are not cruise missiles weapons of mass
    destruction ?

    I just don’t but it. I feel that starting this new conflict so as
    to avoid the impeachment vote is an impeachable act.

  132. The man is an amoral coward and
    deserves to be thrown out of
    office, the sooner the better.
    He is not fit to be dog catcher
    much less president.


  133. I think that Clinton started a war with Iraq just to divert attention
    from his upcoming impeachment trial. I think they need to get
    him out of the White House as soon as possible! He is an
    embarashment to the office of President and has made a mockery of
    our judicial system and constitution.

  134. Of course the Coward started lobbing the missles because he knew he would be impeached tomorrow.
    I am so proud of the Congress and the Senate as well for not buying this one!

  135. To those who continually say “who would’nt lie about an affair to protect their family” I say to you some of us still have morals and would not be in the position to have to lie under oath. I for one love my wife and took a vow that I WILL keep. If I would’nt keep that vow, what vow would I keep. If President Klinton would not keep the vow to his wife, what makes anyone think he would keep any vow or oath to ANYONE!!!

  136. Is everybody retarded except me? Anyone who thinks BC did this to stop the impeachment process has their head so far up a Republicans behind they are looking out his mouth.
    The House votes for impeachment? So. Doesn’t mean he’s leaving office, or being forced out. Do any of your readers (or you yourself Outrage) understand the Constitution? What am I talking about? Even if impeached a 2/3 majority in The Senate is needed to force him from office. Does anyone understand that this will NEVER happen? Do you understand BC doesn’t need a diversion and never did?

    Just because a man lies about extra marital affairs does not make him the ‘devil’ your readership thinks he is. I guess it was just my imagination the the weapons inspectors leaving Iraq and submitting a report the U.N. (not Clinton)stating they couldn’t do their job. They must be in BC’s pocket. Must be all the Joint Chiefs are all in Clinton’s pocket too. Let’s not forget George Bush, Gerald Ford, and Jimmy Carter who all backed Clinton in this action and THE TIMING OF IT! They must all be Clinton supporters also. Boy, are you all paranoid or what? Frickin’ morons more like….

  137. When B.C. was elected to be “President,” I was very surprised
    because I didn’t think people would want someone who
    dodged the draft for our president. I personally think it was
    awful the way they handled all the sex stuff. I think it was
    very degrading for Hillary. I think they should let him finish
    his term.

  138. impeach impeach all of washington. not only clinton should get it but also all of the house.
    they act just like the little kid that took his ball home.

  139. I hope and pray Clinton did not launch the attack to
    take attention away and postpone the impeachment vote
    however having said that,and while I agree with the
    attack the timing is very suspicious.

  140. What is important at the moment, people, is not Bill Clinton’s
    impeachment, but the fact that there is a war going on .
    Americans need to realize that if we can’t get Mr. Clinton
    today, then what’s wrong with Monday? Or Tuesday?
    Let’s stand behind our country now and we’ll slap Bill’s hand

  141. You people just don’t get it. We bomb in the middle of the (Iraqi) night to remove all the maintainance men and cleaning ladies who have to work the midnight shift. Veery subtle strategy…tooo subtle for me.

  142. That we even have to wonder about his motivations says
    a lot. If it turns out that this was started for political gain, as
    there is evidense to suggest, Clinton, Gore, their wives and
    pets should be handcuffed and dragged to jail in the back of
    a panel truck like Billy Dale.

  143. The bombing of Iraq was probably timed to delay the impeachment vote. But the vote should never be taken anyway. It is just being pushed by a bunch of radicals determined to pay back the Democrats for Nixon. I have never seen such proceedings as took place in that kangaroo court they called the house judiciary committee.

  144. How the heck can you people say this is a “wag the dog” scene?
    Honestly, this action has been long due to Saddam and Bagdhad.
    Whatever happens to the people in the middle east it was brought upon them
    by their leader. Haven’t you realized that we are just playing games with this maniac
    and that it was damn time someone stepped up to the bully?
    What use are our troops if they can’t help defend powerless countries
    or even maybe our future? We all have families. Pray for everyone!

    The impeachment trial will go on and what happens will happen no matter who is
    in power! Sex lives shouldn’t be anyones business unless the word “NO” is used or
    someone is physically harmed. The fact is Clinton lied under testamony and that is wrong
    and yes, he should be punished for it and he will. Lets just start taking action
    for the American people instead of standing back and letting someone else do it for us.

    Outrage, I am glad that you give the american people a voice that can be heard! Thank you!!

  145. They say the decision was made in November — OK, I can even accept that. Slick Willie’s dick was still caught in his zipper in November, and I DO believe this move was consciously planned and executed to take some of the impeachment heat off of him.

  146. Did Swell Ol’ Bill go to war to
    avoid impeachment? Is the Pope a
    Catholic? Does a bear s–t in the
    woods? Of course he did, though he
    denies it. Given his track record,
    have we any reason to believe his denial?

  147. There’s no doubt in my mind that Clinton used this horrible incident
    for his advantage. He knows that if he can delay the impeachment
    vote until the 106th Congress assembles, he’ll have more
    support. This man and his vice president should be charged and
    tried for treason!

  148. One can’t help but question the timing and the ultimate goal of these attacks. It is a paradox that Clinton, about to be impeached for lying about Monicagate, should bomb Iraq?  Is it the wage the dog? What really bothers me is the fact that Mr. Clinton chose to bomb Iraq, on the eve of the impeachment hearings and vote in the house. The problem with Iraq has existed for years yet he chose to do it now!
    I have felt for some time, that Mr. Clinton has used Iraq as a trump card for his impeachment problems! 

  149. Wag the Dog on live TV!!!

    I think it is highly probable that Clinton used Operation Desert Fox to detract from the impeachment. I don’t have a problem with that. I do have a problem justifying our being in Iraq. All we are doing is killing innocent citizens. The U.S. has always been a country that minds other peoples business. If we stayed home and minded our business the rest of the world would be better off.
    I’m pretty neutral when it comes to the subject of Bill Clinton. He did lie to the grand jury, but the lie was harmless. Outside of Mrs. Clinton and his daughter Chelsea, the rest of the country was not hurt by his transgression. I think the matter should be dropped.

  150. Nahh! He is bright enough to know
    that is what people are going to
    say, especially those in charge of
    the process. What could he possibly
    have to gain except time, and surely
    anyone in that predicament would want
    and end to it all as soon as possible,
    regardless of how it is going to turn
    out. I doubt it will change any minds
    in so far as the outcome. Whatever is
    destined to be the outcome will be the

  151. No doubt in my mind. That was my very first reaction.

    Shouldn’t be surprised though. This guy has a long history
    of being a lying cheating deceitful scumbag.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – House Speaker-elect Bob Livingston admitted Thursday that he had had affairs while he was a member of Congress, a revelation that stunned Republicans preparing to debate impeachment of President Clinton for lying under oath about a sexual liaison.

    Livingston said he would remain in Congress and charged that an effort was being made to intimidate him and other Republicans on the eve of the impeachment debate.

    Republicans attending a party meeting Thursday night said Livingston did not offer to resign the speakership and it was not sought. They drew a distinction between Livingston’s affairs and the situation facing President Clinton.

    “I have on occasion strayed from my marriage and doing so nearly cost me my marriage and my family,” the Louisiana Republican said in a statement issued after Roll Call newspaper on Capitol Hill first reported the affairs.
    “This chapter was a small but painful part of the past in an otherwise wonderful marriage,” he said. Livingston, 55, and his wife, Bonnie, have been married 33 years and have four children. He said they underwent marriage counseling.
    Livingston’s confession came as a bombshell amid an already extraordinary week in Washington, marked by the U.S. air strike on Iraq and imminent debate on President Clinton’s likely impeachment.

    The House is to open debate on impeachment Friday with an eye toward votes Saturday. The vote was expected to be extremely close but was leaning against Clinton.
    Livingston was elected last month by Republicans to take over the speakership after the resignation of House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia.

    Gingrich stepped aside under pressure from Livingston and other Republicans following the disappointing Nov. 3 elections which saw the party narrow its margin in the House by five seats to an uncomfortably tight 223-211.

    Livingston’s statement continued: “I know this will disappoint my many friends and supporters, but I have complete faith that my constituents and colleagues will judge me fairly,” Livingston said the timing of the reports came on the eve of the House impeachment debate and said there were individuals working “to find indiscretions which may be exploitable against me and my party.”

    “I will not be intimidated by these efforts,” he said. Livingston said he would not reveal any specifics to avoid harming those involved and would make no further statement. “These efforts will not deter me from performing my sworn duty under the Constitution as a member of Congress,” he added.

    Speaking to reporters, Rep. Bob Ney of Ohio, said Livingston’s admission had no bearing on the impeachment vote and the situation should not be compared to charges that Clinton perjured himself in federal investigations.
    “There was no offer to resign,” Ney said. “He didn’t lie under oath, that’s the difference between that man and Pennsylvania Avenue.”

    I find it interesting that Bob Livingston is now pleading that constituents and colleagues treat him fairly as they consider impeaching Bill Clinton. If Congress really wants fairness they should demand a federal investigation on the incoming House Speaker and force Livingston to testify under oath about his extramarital affairs or drop their case against Clinton.

  152. This is one outrage that I disagree with. Surely BC didn’t also have Tony Blair in his pocket too? I believe the impeachment process will not be influenced in any way by the decision to take Iraq to task as “promised”. War is really an unsatisfactory solution to the worlds woes but history taeches us that it was ever thus and I don’t think that the process will ever change no matter how “enlightened” the World becomes.

  153. Certainly Saddam has something coming for his arrogant defiance of the UN peace terms.
    Did Clinton use this? Yes.
    He knows Saddam needs a butt-kicking. Just saving this trump to play when Bill needs it.
    Sad truth: this action will accomplish exactly zero, maybe less, for the international community. It will only serve to strengthen Saddam and get Bill off the hook. Clinton only knows that the Public supports whipping up on Saddam. He has no clue about objectives and how to accomplish them militarily. Unless it’s the objective of saving his own skin.
    The fact that this opperation is sorry and ineffective is the give-away. The policy being promulgated by the nature and timing of this attack is “SOB”-Save Our Bill.

  154. Finally! We are finally giving
    Saddam what he has been deserving
    since we left in 1991. If we had
    finished the job the first time
    we wouldn’t be here. We were
    ridiculoulsy close to having
    Saddam in custody, but we stopped
    short, and here we are again.
    Clinton may have waited for the
    time when it would be advangagous
    but he did not start a military
    action to keep from getting impeached.
    If he is going to get impeached, it
    isn’t going to be changed by the
    fact that we launched some missiles.
    I still don’t believe that he should
    be impeached, but I am in favor of
    the strike. I wish people would
    wake up. I personally do not want
    to wait until there is a nerve gas
    incident inside of U.S. borders.
    All we have to do is remove ONE
    person to significantly reduce that
    threat. With a new hope for peace
    in Israel, things are finally starting
    to look up in the Middle East.
    We also have to remember that there
    are Americans all over the world
    who may be threatened by a terrorist
    attack. Don’t be so selfish, and
    don’t be such a bunch of wimps.
    Leave Bill alone and keep the
    dictators in check. Both can be
    accomplished by sending Kenneth
    Starr to Iraq to follow Saddam around
    for a while.

  155. One wonders what Mr. Clinton will pull next as a way of distracting the nation from the impeachment — emulate Hitler’s bombing of the Reichstag by having a suitcase nuke secreted somehwere in the halls of Congress and detonated in the midst of Congress voting on impeachment?

  156. Of course! He did! Anyone who wrote in other wise has their heads so far up a Democrats backside they are looking out of BC’s mouth. Wait! He might get ideas! Maybe if BC would read the “Mr. President” section at worldnetdaily.com, he would get an idea that the polls are tainted and spun like everything else he touches. I hope you congressmen & senators have the BALLS to show him the door. I say, “good riddance” and go to ……………………………………………………JAIL!

  157. Article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the right to declare war. The sorry fact that Presidents have been waging war, without a Congressional Declaration, has finally allowed a desperate President to abuse a power that the Forefathers knew would be abused. The Forefathers did not want this immense power in one man’s hands–and they were right-on-target. We need to think long and hard about what we have done to our Constitution–It needs to be followed.

  158. Attacking Iraq for lying and deceit? Hmmm, the same thing
    he is being impeached for? Hmmmm, naw, it couldn’t be
    true….get us involved in a conflict that we can only win by
    complete takeover, a military walk thru and then turn the
    country over to the Arab consortium???? Somehow, I think its
    like the last time he used military force when he was in
    trouble domestically. Besides,he lied before, do you really
    believe him now?

  159. It seems America finally has its own megalomaniac for president. He’s worthy of a starring role as the chief villain in a James Bond movie. Now; where is our own “James Bond” to take him out in an ironic fashion? May God forgive us our foolishness for allowing him the despotic reigns of power, and for our ignorance, cowardice, and tolerance of his sins.

  160. Thank you for calling it as every half wit in this country should – the President of the USA, our current leader, will stop at nothing to maintain his hold on power. To hear the “average man on the street” try and defend this action just because America has once again chosen to bully a smaller sovereign country – for the benefit of its leader and his band of immoral groupies/harpies, profess to believe this individual, is just nauseating. How low we Americans have sunk – how little we care about anything but our bread and circuses.

    Of course, President Clinton chose this time to initiate actions against the already suffering Iraqi people. I am also ashamed at Great Britain to see how far and fast they too have followed us into the pits of hell by pursuing their politics, American style. It is so very interesting that Tony Blair and Bill Clinton are such twins tied at the hip. By tying the fortunes of the UK with those of Bill Clinton’s America, Tony Blair has shown just how far and how fast Western Civilization has sunk. As Thomas Jefferson, I too fear for my country (my Western post-Christian heritage) when I realize that God is just and that He will not be mocked!!!

    God Save Us All for we will reap what we have sowed!!!

  161. As a former resident of Arkansas, I’ve been telling people for years that Clinton is capable of doing anything to
    gain and maintain political power. I do not disagree with the action taken against Iraq, but it should have been
    done over a year ago, not when it was politically convenient for the President. I’m glad that the House will be
    going forward with the impeachment vote. Clinton’s impeachment will show the troops that the country they’re
    fighting for still supports them and the rule of law.

  162. People should read “The Year of the Rat,” a book just released. It seems that 1996, when Clinton/Gore were re-elected, was the Chinese year of the rat. This book makes it clear that Clinton has done far worse than engage in an adulterous affair. Clinton, Gore and Hellcat Hillary have committed high treason against this nation by selling out our top secrets to the Chinese. All three of them should AT LEAST be sent to PRISON for life without parole. I would recommend that everyone read “The Year of the Rat.” Yes, I do believe Clinton is conducting a “wag the dog” with Iraq to save his neck, probably at the behest of Hellcat Hillary. There is nothing Clinton/Gore and the Hellcat wouldn’t stoop to in order to further their own anti-American agenda. Ironic isn’t, that during the entire time they were selling American top secrets to the Chinese, they were simultaneously working to DISARM us through the Brady Bill, etc. This country is like the Titanic. We have the mistaken notion that it can never sink, that we are indestructible. We keep ignoring the fact that America is free only because our forefathers were diligent and patriotic. Hitler licensed guns and gun owners just prior to confiscation – this made it easier to identify and locate the guns when he imposed his dictatorship. Our politicians, and groups like the NRA have sold us out. As for Iraq, while Clinton is using our sons and daughters as a shield to protect his miserable career, we have Chinese communists flooding into the back door of this nation, and into the welcoming arms of the Clintons. Have you ever read about the “Trojan Horse?” The Clinton regime has wheeled a modern day Trojan Horse right into the heartland of America, and when we least expect it, the belly of that thing is going to open up to reveal a red Chinese army. Enjoy your freedom now America. I look for all hell to break loose in the not so distant future. The Clintons and Gores probably have their escape to Switzerland already planned, so they will be able to sit back comfortably and sip champagne while Americans are slaughtered.
    We need to flood Congress and the Senate with our phone calls – be polite, yet firm and demand immediate action. One wonders how much Gephart, et. al. have been paid by the communists. Read the “Year of the Rat.”

  163. being ex service, our “commander in chief” is in my opinion a joke, he has cut the military to a point that is ridiculous and if you doubt that just ask anyone in the service.

    Time to run him out on a rail.

  164. Yes, of course I think that
    Mr. Clinton timed this military
    action to try and weasel out
    of his impending impeachment.

    It follows his pattern of
    behavior to a tee. Think
    about it. He has never acted
    militarily unless he realized
    that he was losing public
    support. That his lies were
    missing their mark. Check
    his track record — you’ll
    see what I mean.

  165. Thank God for giving the Republicans in Congress some backbone.
    At long last they are going to proceed with what needs to be done. The impeachment of this corrupt and evil president.
    These Democrats that are screaming about how wrong it is for the Republicans are the same bunch that wanted to refuse funding to Bush when there were 500,000 U.S. troops ON THE GROUND in the Middle East.
    But what’s new about liberal Democrat hypocrisy? It’s their stock in trade.
    Impeach Clinton now! What’s happening in Iraq doesn’t matter.
    Roosevelt died during WWII and the country managed to win and survive.
    And self-serving phony in the White House today isn’t fit to lick Roosevelts shoes.

  166. I think everyone knows that the Prez called this attack
    for political purposes. But I think the American people
    have become so tired of politics, they are about to let
    a dictator get away with the murder of innocent troops,
    and Iraqui civilians.

  167. Yes I am sure he attacked the today inofensive Irak to delay the empeachement procedure. It’s a crime against humanity.

  168. Evidently these people that state “he” started this war, doesn’t know anything about How this process works, it takes more than just “him” to start a war…This stuff was going on when Reagan and Bush was in office, now all of a sudden it is Clinton’s fault. I say bull to you all, that say he started this to weasel out of this.. As for Reagan, he sold our weapons to them and guess where that money went. Maybe you people that is so bitter should learn more before opening your mouths, and be so ready to blame Clinton for the mess Bush and Reagan left behind, for someone to clean up………

  169. n November 1997, Saddam Hussein kicked U.N. arms inspectors out of
    Iraq. For 13 months since then, Bill Clinton has watched and dithered,
    threatened and flinched, while Saddam set about reconstituting his
    weapons of mass destruction. Then, after 400 days of inaction, hours
    before the House of Representatives was to impeach him, Clinton decided
    that this was the day to take America to war.

    This is all a coincidence, of course. Saddam’s weapons program is a “clear
    and present danger,” explained the president in his address Wednesday

    But it has been a clear and present danger for 400 days. Scott Ritter, the
    former U.N. inspector, told us this summer that for months Saddam has
    been reconstituting his weapons, thanks in part to “interference and
    manipulation” of the inspection team by a Clinton administration eager to
    placate Saddam. Now all of a sudden, placating is out and the danger is

    In November (’97) and February and August and October, Saddam gave
    clear provocation — expelling or shutting down the inspectors — and
    Clinton did nothing. Six weeks ago, Saddam’s termination of the
    inspections was so blatant that for once we had China, France, Russia and
    key Arab states supporting us. Yet Clinton sat.

    What pushed him over the edge this time? A report. Clinton said that after
    reviewing U.N. chief inspector Richard Butler’s report on Iraqi
    noncompliance, he had to act.

    But there was nothing in the report he did not already know. Among the
    report’s documented violations, Clinton told the nation, was that “prior to
    the inspection of [one] site, Iraq actually emptied out the building.”
    Shocked — shocked! — to find cheating going on, Clinton took America to

    Immediately. Impeachment eve. Couldn’t wait another minute, said Clinton.
    Why? Ramadan. “For us to initiate military action during Ramadan would
    be profoundly offensive to the Muslims in the world.”

    This will come as a surprise to the Muslim world, which unanimously
    supported the surprise attack initiated by two of their own (Egypt and
    Syria) in October 1973 — during Ramadan. In fact, the Arabs call it not
    the Yom Kippur War, but Harb Ramadan — the Ramadan War.

    This will come as a surprise to Iraqis and Iranians too, who savaged each
    other on the battlefield during the eight Ramadans of the Iran-Iraq war.

    Moreover, if Ramadan is such a sensitive issue, does that mean there can
    be no continuing the Iraq campaign past Saturday? Is Clinton giving
    Saddam 30 days’ sanctuary? If so, this is militarily crazy. If not, it is
    logically crazy: Starting to kill Muslims on Ramadan is bad, but merely
    continuing do so is just fine?

    Still skeptical of my motives? asks Clinton. Well, if you don’t believe me,
    believe my advisers. I did this, he said, “on the unanimous recommendation
    of my national security team.” He then proceeded, pathetically, to
    enumerate every single one of them — “the vice president, secretary of
    defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” etc., etc. The
    commander in chief and leader of the free world has fallen so low that he
    needs to draw authority from those under him.

    It was reminiscent of Clinton’s other Iraq speech, at the Pentagon in
    February, in which he was oddly and lavishly introduced by one underling
    after another (Gore topping them off) as if admitting that, had he come on
    stage alone, he would have lacked any authority to speak to Americans
    about war and sacrifice.

    Still skeptical? “Finally,” said Clinton, “our allies, including Prime Minister
    Tony Blair of Great Britain, concur that now was the time” to strike.

    Allies? What allies? The only ally we have is Blair. And Blair, Clinton
    friend and junior partner of this alliance, was hardly going to contradict big

    Clinton’s final proof of bona fides was offered the next day, however.
    Asked if the timing was meant as a diversionary tactic against
    impeachment, he replied, “I don’t believe any serious person would believe
    any president would do such a thing.”

    Any president. But what about this president? Here is Clinton drawing
    authority and trust from Americans’ faith in the office itself, in the sense of
    duty and honesty one associates with it — but not with Clinton. That is
    what this wreckage of a presidency is reduced to: a man of no credibility
    desperately trying to borrow some from subordinates, foreign friends and
    predecessors long past.

    But borrowed authority is bankrupt authority. It is no authority at all. And
    Bill Clinton has no authority because this is a man no more able to
    distinguish self-interest from national interest than he can truth from falsity.
    Former secretary of state Lawrence Eagleburger was being charitable
    when he said that the timing of this attack “smells to high heaven.”

  170. The timing of this military action confirms in my mind that Bill Clinton is a sociopath. He cares for no one but himself and his hold on power. If he thought that pimping his wife and daughter on Penn. Ave. would further his ambitions, he would. This cancerous political growth must be excised from the peoples’ White House. Further, it would show our foes that our country is strong enough to throw out our trash and still kick ass militarily when needed. By the way, Tony Blair is just another pea from the same pod. I am neither Republican nor Democrat, I am a Libertarian that is yet to join the party. Long live the Republic, Death to the New World Order!

  171. Well, Ron Hall, idiots are easily outraged,as you have clearly shown.

    Does anybody seriously think
    the secretry of defense, Chief of staff and Prime minister of England would condone bombing Irac just to help protect Clinton or delay impeachment proceedings?
    I am outraged at the lengths anti Clinton fanatics will go
    to unseat a popular president
    elected by the people and still enjoying the peoples confidence to run our country.

  172. Wag the dog! It is so obvious that this is just another
    attempt by Slick Willie to save his sorry ass from
    We have been playing with Iraq for years. The ostensible
    reason is because he has been building and stockpiling
    weapons of mass destruction. Where is the evidence?
    Despite numerous inspectors, constant overflights, and
    our highly touted intelligence sources, I have yet to see
    any proof.
    If Burkina Faso, Mali or the Central African Republic were
    producing weapons of mass destruction, I doubt we would
    hear anything about it.
    They have oil in Iraq. We want it. It’s that simple.

  173. When President Bush launched
    Desert Storm, he had the approval of the
    United Nations and the support of most
    civilized nations in the world.Grudgingly,
    he went to Congress to authorize the massive
    strike. He got it, but with a majority of
    Democrats opposing the move.
    This week, Bill Clinton ordered an attack on
    Iraq with the only real support coming from his
    friends in the United Kingdom. The U.N.
    specifically did not request nor approve of the
    action in advance. Clinton did not even bother
    asking Congress for authorization.
    Yet, many of the very same voices that
    opposed Bush’s Desert Storm have endorsed
    Clinton’s Desert Fox. How can this be?
    The answer is quite simple. This is a
    political war — designed, programmed, and
    executed to enhance the standing of a
    beleaguered chief executive cornered in
    scandal. Defending this scoundrel — even while
    risking the lives of courageous and patriotic
    U.S. troops and innocent Iraqi civilians — is the
    first priority of the Clinton supporters in media
    and the Democrat party.

  174. Billy Bob Klinton, the FDR wannabe, is showing the
    world that he is THE IMPERIAL PRESIDENT. He will do
    anything to maintain power. What is sad, but expected is
    that the statist Republicrats are getting boners over a good
    bombing. The problem is clear: Governments are force and
    force equals terrorism. According to congress’s own definitions,
    the US government is the worlds largest terrorist organization.

  175. The one thing that irritates me about this whole ordeal is that Monica is not totally innocent herself. Everyone sees her as the victim in this situation, she’s not. She could have stopped him. I’m not saying the president of the United States of America should have sexual affairs with every intern, but it’s not like he raped her. One thing that i heard a long time ago and I believe is true for this situation is “you can’t rape the willing”
    America needs to get over this and move on. Maybe he will be impeached, maybe he won’t. Either way we as a country will look like complete morons, we can’t win, so get over it!!!!

  176. Heather, you witless moron, Clinton isn’t being impeached because of the sex, he’s being impeached because of perjury and obstruction of justice.
    Whether Monica Lewinsky was complicit or not is irrelevant. Clinton lied under oath. A felony.
    It wasn’t so long ago that a powerful man having sex with a subordinate was the textbook example of sexual harrasment.
    You don’t hear that term used much anymore, now that the feminist’s boy is doing it.
    Once again the left has been exposed as the phony and hypocrital group that they are.

  177. I agree with your editorial as to why Clinton started the bombing
    of Irag. I get a kick out of the polls the democrats want to use in
    saying the presdient shouldn’t be impeached. Thy polls also tell
    that the American people want partial birth abortion stopped, and
    they want pray in the public shcools but the democrats in congress
    support Clinton veto of these items that the American people
    want. Suddenly polls are the determining factor in the fate of a law
    breaking President.

    I think it is an outrage that this war was started to avoid impeachment. I think Bill knew it was so outragous that it would be believed that it was “coincidental” that the bombing started on the eve of the impeachment vote.

  178. I think political rhetoric in this country ought to rise above the level of children. Your charges agaist Clinton ignore the fact that for the most part, what we see as a “presidential decision” is really the end point of a number of pressure groups, constituencies, etc. pushing their agendas. What is ignore here is that in an environment of a possible presidential coup coming from the radical right, Clinton can act on his conscious without regard for the impact of his decisions on his enemies. What we need to do is to stop focusing on individual character and look at the real target of the coup: the federal government.

  179. I’m outraged at your outrage!! Several prominent republicans showed their true colors yesterday when they publicly denounced the bombing of Iraq as
    politically motivated by clinton. At a time when bi-partisan support is of the greatest importance, Dan Burton, Trent Lott,
    Dick Armey and Gerald Solomon (to name a few) are whining about the timing of the invasion. But what else is new, they
    are the same guys whining that clinton hasn’t been strong enough in dealing with Sadaam to date. These guys are very good at
    putting the president in damned if you do and damned if you don’t situations. This way they can get all the TV coverage they
    desire while whining, without actually doing anything constructive for the country. The impeachment vote on clinton is going
    to happen, whether today or next week! Future Speaker Livingston had an interesting comment regarding the timing of the
    bombing of Iraq, he said, “it should be left to the best judgement of the american people to decide if the raids are politically
    motivated”. But when it comes to impeachment, the best judgement of the american people means nothing! Talk about rule of
    law………can you say treason.

    while I do believe that he

  180. It should be also pointed out that the press was informed IN ADVANCE OF THE ATTACK
    that the attack would take place so CNN could get better footage
    of the attack.

    Helping a military opponent by giving aid in time of conflict is treason.

    Information that an attack is coming is aid and puts the lives of US
    military personnel at greater risk. The CNN news crew should
    be accused of treason unless they “give up” the traitor who
    told them of the attack. I bet the investigation would go right up the ladder.

  181. This isn’t about Clinton or the Democrats, it’s about us – it’s a moral dividing line drawn in the sand, to separate the few of us who still care about basic right-&-wrong, from the Playboy-reading generation who elected, then re-elected Bill Clinton BECAUSE of his affair with Jennifer Flowers (v. 60 Minutes’ “Stand By My Man” interview – Clinton was 2nd in the Democratic running before Hillary put on a southern accent and the country winked. Polls showed him #1 after the interview.)

  182. what uncle billy should have been impeached for in the order of priority
    (1) selling the white house to the people’s liberation army(prc)
    (2) stealing fbi files even though the fbi has no business having files
    (3) perjury in white water gate
    (4) illegal use of material in fbi files
    (5) perjury in paula jones gate
    (6) perjury in monica gate
    (7) prosecution of undeclared war in desert fox
    (8) issuance of unlawfull executive directives which
    have expanded the extant covert fascist government of the united states(federals)

  183. I think that is exactly what the little weasel is up to. I said so to a college student of mine last night and she could not believe that the president would do that! She said it was the Republican’s fault–they looked at the deadline that had been given to Saddam and scheduled the vote knowing full well he would not comply! If you’re under the trance, you will believe anything!

    Clinton is not the only manipulator in our government, nor shall he be the first or the last. Politics breeds manipulation. Therefore, the game goes both ways. As far as the impeachment of Clinton for his infidelity, it’s ridiculous, it’s time and money wasted and it’s a nonimpeachable offence. He who has not lied can judge. Is there anyone out there? The outrage lies in the fact that the American people are so easily swayed by those who have personal agenda’s to further their political careers.

  184. Hell yes he bombed Iraq to delay the impeachement vote and disrupt the proceedings. But dont forget one thing people the same liberal congressmen and women who want to stop the vote while our honorable servicemen are fighting. They are the same ones who did thier damndest to not even fund the Gulf War and fought every step of the way against it. Now they act like hawks and talk of the hipocracy of the other side.

  185. If the majority of Americans feel that the President did not do anything wrong, then the majority of American are idiots. I voted for Clinton in 92, but then I didn’t vote in 96. I can’t believe I was so stupid in 92. Clinton is the most consumate politician in our era. That should be read as consumate liar. Bill Clinton will do anything to get votes. For example, Bill shot numerous Tomahawk missiles at a pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan. Our own allies, GREAT BRITAIN, has said that there was nothing even similar to chemical weapons at this factory. Clinton ordered this attack because he wanted to divert attention away from his August 17 confession to America of inappropriate relations. Now, he orders an attack on Iraq the day before Impeachment begins. Give me a break. The man will kill to stay in power; however, a simple message to the Republican idiots in Congress. American troops are going into harms way. Impeachment can be postponed. No matter what Clinton’s motives truly are, Iraq deserves what its getting.

  186. The Impeachment hearings and vote should have gone forwarod, on schedule without any delay whatsoever. This would not give Clinton the opportunity to extend this Military Action for his own political purposes.

  187. This draft dodging fool would rather kill US troops vs. doing the honorable thing and resign from his office. This does not surprize me in the least, the true sadness is that some Americans believe this is not Wag the Dog. Bull dung — He needs to go, NOW!

  188. This operation should be called “Free Willy” instead of Desert Fox.
    an operation named after a Nazi General (Rommell) in WWII. But Billery is probably part nazi and is an admitted Marxist.
    Congressman Pete Sessions of Texas said on the radio yesterday that Clinton knew and gave orders last Sunday before he left Israel that he was going to attack the day before the vote in congress, which he knew about, but did not know what the Security Council would say for another 48 hours.
    I think this is proof of the “Wag the Dog” theory. Many congressmen are saying the same thing. This is just “too” convienent for Bill.

    What is the Military Objective?
    To reduce Saddam’s ability to make war!

    That’s NOT a military objective.

    We also do not have enough support men, materials and machinery there to do an effective job.

  189. Just a few things to say about this wag-the-dog “message” that billy is sending to Iraq.
    1) You don’t send “messages” with Tomahawk cruise missles. You send them with Christmas cards or E-mail. An ALCM is the ultimate letter bomb. Say…. isn’t the unibomber in federal custody? Maybe billy can call Marion Ill. for some tips.
    2) The lives of American service men and women have NEVER been of the slightest concern to Slick Willy. He proved that as far back as the late 60’s when he went to Oxford insted of the University of Saigon for his post-graduate studies. That he should become a patriot now stresses credulity to the breaking point.
    3) If Ramadan is so Godawful important to our Muslim allies and friends what about the Christmas season to our own people? Last time I checked US citizens made up the armed forces and has not the rallying cry in US military history for 221 years been, “home for Christmas”?
    4) Lastly, to the same morons who think that this attack is any thing other than a rather lame attempt to divert attention from the impeachment hearing. You are probably the same idiots that voted this scumbag into office in the first place!!!!!

  190. How can there be any doubt that this president, being nearly completely surrounded by Jews, is really doing their bidding by authorizing military action against the enemy of the Jews? Who benefits from the latest attack on Iraq? How is it that a people of a certain race who comprise about 2% of the population has gravitated to disproportionate positions of power in this government? Do their interests REALLY comport with those of grass roots America? Is it not time we realize which tail is wagging which dog?

  191. History is a great instructor. The comparisons between Nazi Germany and the U.S. today for example. The Weimar Republic was in place when Hitler began his career. He promised the people a good economy..they bought into..he began a war machine that provided employment..he had a scapegoat that was the Jewish population of Germany.. oh yes he controlled the media.. Clinton controls the media …doesn’t bother to ask Congress to act on matters of bombing…has good economic times which is way the people are complacent and oh yes in addition to controlling the media he too has a scapegoat called the “Radical Right” another name for Christians..The other eveniing when I watched the news with my husband Betty Freiden had the audacity to say it was the dirty old men of the radical right that were the problem with impeachment…my husband asked me who was getting his jollies in the oval office while she was calling him a dirty old man. This is a little bizzarre to say the least. Now for the final point if congress does nothing then what is to prevent Mr. Clinton from sending them packing in 2000 while he establishes by executive order a national emergency and takes over. Congress needs to think about this. After all breaking one law with no recourse not only sets a bad precedent but also makes breaking other laws easier. Remember with no law comes anarchy and waiting in the wings is tyranny. Will Americans sell their souls for a bowl of pottage/good economic times? If so we a not only a lost generation but also possibly the last generation to know freedom that was fought for by braver men than Mr. Cinton ever was or will be..Slick yes…Brave never….thank you

  192. I can’t put into words the loathing that I feel for the Clinton, his bitch, and the Clintonoids. I don’t think we’ll ever know how much our country has been hurt by this throw-back. As far as I am concerned every Democrat that has stood with him and carried his water should be run out of town.
    anet Reno should be the next to go. Once she is out of the way along with all of the Federal Prosecutors that the Klintonistas brought in with him, then we get the great socialist Albert Gore, man am I dreaming or what. Talk ablut new brooms sweeping clean, we could really clean house.

  193. While the benfit of the doubt should be extended in this instance, the absolute questionable timing and the President’s previous track record for deliberate distractions can only lead an intelligent observer to be highly suspicious of his motives. Did he do it to delay the proceedings? Yes, yes; Hell, YES!!!

  194. Until now I havent been more than just a little disgusted but then some “Democrat ” had to break into my computer and change something because I made a comment on the Free Republic Forum.
    Now I am outraged, do we still have the free America we are suposed to ahve or do just Dumbocrafts have the American freedoms? If we disagree with the whoremaster in the white house and the queers in the congress are we to be denied the right of free speach?

  195. While before I was leaning towards impeachment but no
    removal from office, even if convicted by the senate (which
    doesn’t look likely), this little stunt is absolutely the last straw!
    A fifth article of impeachment, TREASON, should be drawn
    up, with an immediate trial in the senate upon approval ! Clinton
    must GO if we are to preserve this country and the principles
    upon which it was founded.

  196. Making war has always made those in power look very
    presidential to a great (majority?) of Americans. Bush
    also needed a war. His own ambassador to Iraq admitted
    on the tube that Saddam was told that the administration
    considered the dispute with Kuwait an Arab affair. Saddam
    believed he was given the green light to make war. Frankly
    I am more outraged by the passing and signing of a bill to
    allow the drug companies to bypass FDA testing. But, alas,
    we were all watching the circus while this was quitely done
    with little note by the “free press”. I suppose next Social
    security will be turned over to the investment bankers and
    brokerage houses. …very quitely.


  198. Yes, I’m outraged. What’s more outrageous is that I don’t know anyone, at work, or personally who isn’t outraged. Yet, the media keeps reporting results from these “polls” that say most people feel otherwise. What a fabrication. What is more outrageous is that Clinton has the media in his pocket and pushes all their buttons. They say what he wants them to say. I believe he thinks that he can convince the American public to approve of him if that’s what they see on TV. I only hope that there are more individual thinkers out there. I hope most people aren’t thinking, “well, the majority think he’s still doing a good job, they must know something I don’t. Maybe he’s doing a good job.”

    Livingston at least walked away with his dignity and self respect still in tact. But dignity and self respect are two characteristics that Clinton and Hillary are obviously lacking. I think Outrage should have it’s own poll. Clinton has abused his office too many times and should be forced out. I believe he used action against Iraq as a mechanism to change focus. Comparing him to Hitler is unfortunately appropriate.

  199. Yes, I’m outraged. What’s more outrageous is that I don’t know anyone, at work, or personally who isn’t outraged. Yet, the media keeps reporting results from these “polls” that say most people feel otherwise. What a fabrication. What is more outrageous is that Clinton has the media in his pocket and pushes all their buttons. They say what he wants them to say. I believe he thinks that he can convince the American public to approve of him if that’s what they see on TV. I only hope that there are more individual thinkers out there. I hope most people aren’t thinking, “well, the majority think he’s still doing a good job, they must know something I don’t. Maybe he’s doing a good job.”

    Livingston at least walked away with his dignity and self respect still in tact. But dignity and self respect are two characteristics that Clinton and Hillary are obviously lacking. I think Outrage should have it’s own poll. Clinton has abused his office too many times and should be forced out. I believe he used action against Iraq as a mechanism to change focus. Comparing him to Hitler is unfortunately appropriate.

  200. First the President can’t maintain a group of troups in the gulf w
    after 90 days without congressional approval. So he can’t indefinitely put
    them harms way.

    Second, I think that the reason the american public doesn’t care about this
    is because it is fairly unimportant. If Clinton did abuse power or abstruct justice
    nobody has testified to that effect. All the senate has is a president who forgot
    when his intern gave him oral sex. Personally, as a member of a the american public,
    (and not a huge Clinton fan) I would never vote for a Republican again after this. I
    think that all things being the President has conducted himself as well as can be expected
    with the press going after him the way they are.

    Last I would like to believe that the bombing has more to do with national security
    than it does with stalling a vote.

  201. He did although the Pentagon did screw things up a bit. Defense Secretary Cohen thought Slick said, “Bomb the hell out of the Republican Guard strongholds.” The word “Guard” was not in those orders.

  202. Of course, the dog wagged his tail, and started the war to cover his sorry butt and try to “look” presidential. He manipulated the inspections so they would be going to somewhere to provoke Sadam. pharmacutical factory we bombed… which HAD to be bombed right then because of the “terrorists” (who weren’t there). There is NO limit to what Clinton will do. It is frightening and all the more reason to kick his sorry self out!

  203. Too much is too much: every time Clinton faces an internal problem
    he starts sending the boys to bomb somewhere in the vast world:
    does he believe the world is his propriety, is he the boss of the planet?
    We European remember the mistakes our ancesters made during the cruisade
    or the colonial period: we have learned to respect other cultures, other way of thinking;
    sometimes I feel the States president ignores all the world suffering (mainly in Irak, in Cuba, even in Congo), all those sufferings are the result of a blind foreign politic.

  204. Clinton should be kicked out of power by inpeachment, he’s a lying a**, if he was a real man he would step down and ament his lies to the world. Who cares if he had sex he flat out lied about the thing under oath. If it was me or anyone else we would be put in jail for perjury. Kick him out!

  205. Look, as a teenager it should effect me the most cause we are suppose to respect our elders and especially the president. I dont think he did anything wrong, other then not doing it sneaky enough. He is human too, just because he is the president doesnt mean he can not have affairs, don’t get me wrong i wouldn’t do it, but he is only human. If you sat back and thought of all the people right now that are having affairs, your boss, your banker, your accountant, would you get mad at them. if you do, you need to grow up, and not judge people. Sure he is the president, and he has a big job, but as long as he does that why are you worrying, he had the lowest un-employment rate in years, he had low welfare rates, medicare and taxes, and did great things for this economy, and you are all angry cause he got head, or better yet that he got head from not his wife but a mistress, and in the oval office. My motto is DO YOU, or do who ever you want to: president, CEo, or Staff sargent in the marines so be it. Hollar at ’em

  206. Hi. Maybe you adults think that us children are incapable of making decisions. But i have something to say about this all. I HATE WAR!!!!! WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME IN A DECADE THAT WE DIDNT HAVE ATLEAST SOMETHING THAT DISTURBED MY HOPES FOR WORLD PEACE? WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME THAT SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE DECIDED TO HOLD A GRUDGE OR JUST BE GREEDY AND USES VIOLENCE TO GET BACK AT THE “OFFENDER”? anyway, even as children who are no more than 11 to 13 years old, my whole class- i can proudly say- wants there to be peace. i hope President Bush, or anyone else out there in the world, if ur thinking of killing some people out there because of some grudge or just because your plain greedy, please! Think before you act! Dont we all want this to be a better world?!

  207. i think that #7 is the best coment on this page. i am a 15 year old boy doing a report on bill clinton and how he comitted purgery

  208. To the best of my knowledge, the military advised on the attack and Clinton accepted their advice.
    I am appalled at this continuing idiocy, trying to badger an unfaithful man from office when the public
    sees no better alternative (that’s the CRIME).
    Pierre Trudeau, while Prime Minister of Canada, stated that the state has no
    business in the bedrooms of the nations, and that was probably one of the wisest
    political statements made in generations.
    There is a lot of controversy out there, but there are two very basic
    truths: Clinton is seen as being a very good President and his
    policies and programs have the support of the public (if not the
    Republican Party, which has tried to thwart any progressive programs
    that might serve to take the burdens off the masses (like medicare). The
    second truth is that Iraq is a virulent state (yes, it is because it’s ruler is a
    virulent man and no one can shake him from the top) that is
    bent on destruction of its neighbors, the Israelis and ultimately the
    US and it’s allies. Get your heads out of the sand and realize that if this proliferation
    of chemical, germ and conventional weapons is not stopped, we will eventually feel
    them used against us in North America.
    We tried to ignore Hitler and look where that led. The problem is that the US is
    trying to juggle the power and didn’t wipe out Iraq (and Saddam) when the opportunity
    was presented because of fears of Iran.
    Nuff said.

  209. i would like to thank you for finally (not that you haven’t done so all along), doing what no one else seems able to do and just coming out with the bald truth about clinton and his character as revealed in his recent action on iraq. he is a ruthless power junkie (i didn’t inhale) who will do anything to save his own ass, no matter what the consequences, just so long as he comes out on top. thanx for doing a great job, and keep feeding the rage.

  210. Yes, I am outraged but about the only thing it going to get
    you is hight blood pressure. There is a goal of the elite
    and both Republican and Democrats are all on the same
    side. When people of my generation are dead, there
    won’t be any hope for freedom, or at least freedom as I
    allways think and taught it to be. They now teach the young
    people different meaning to what we grow up beleiving.
    Clinton has always beem a slim and it seems slimmy things
    are in for most the country. Best advice for free thinkers is
    “Keep your powder dry”.

  211. STARR I ARE — (a newly discovered tale of Dr Seuss )

    I’m here to ask
    As you’ll soon see —
    Did you grope
    Miss Lewinsky?

    Did you grope her
    In your house?
    Did you grope
    Beneath her blouse?

    I did not do that
    Here or there–
    I did not do that

    I did not do that
    Near or far —
    I did not do that

    Did you smile?
    Did you flirt?
    Did you peek
    Beneath her skirt?

    And did you tell
    the girl to lie
    When called upon
    To testify?

    I do not like you
    Starr-You-Are —
    I think that you
    Have gone too far

    I will not answer
    Any more —
    Perhaps I will go
    Start a war!

    The public’s easy
    To distract —
    When bombs are
    Falling on Iraq!


    IN the early 1990s newly formed Russia and old guard China cut a deal.
    Russia would send advanced SA-10 Grumble, surface to air, missiles to China
    for money. At the time the deal seemed prudent for both parties all around.
    Russia was strapped for cash, and China had just witnessed American airpower
    dismember a larger Iraqi force equipped with Chinese weapons. This little
    known billion dollar arms deal set a whole world into motion. China suddenly
    recognized that their arsenal of aging Soviet knock-off weapons would be
    obsolete in less than a decade. The massive People’s Army would be helpless
    in the face of superior US technology which could immobilize the giant with
    pin-point accuracy. A vulnerable China acted in her own self interest to
    shore up her aging missile forces. The exchange of firepower took place and
    soon the Chinese were producing their own SA-10s. New arrows to arm the

    In an effort to improve their vast forces the Chinese began to look outwards
    toward other technologies from the former Russian super-power and the ™
    sole remaining world power, America. For example, last year Ukrainian police
    arrested a Chinese technician who had obtained plans to one of the most
    powerful missiles on Earth, the massive,nuclear tipped, Satan ballistic
    missile. These plans included details of the Satan multiple warhead
    technology. The MIRV designs could greatly improve China’s long range
    nuclear missile force and multiply the number of nuclear warheads aimed at
    the US in their arsenal from ten or twenty to well over one hundred.

    Other outlines of this techno-espionage home shopper’s club became known in
    1994 when Pentagon intelligence officials grew concerned over US Patriot
    technology being leaked to China. It quickly became apparent that the
    Chinese had incorporated some of the finer features of Patriot into their
    SA-10 copies, greatly improving it’s performance, in particular, against
    aircraft. These concerns were passed on to then Secretary of Commerce, Ron
    Brown. In response to those concerns the Clinton administration took no
    action to stop US technology from being sold.

    However, arrows sometimes fall into the wrong places. Several articles
    appeared in Aviation Week and Space Technology alleging Israel had also
    leaked missile technology to China. At one point, DRAGONAIR, an airline part
    owned by the Chinese government and part owned by Moctar Riady, was fined
    for carrying a live Chinese missile as cargo while also flying passengers.
    The missile, and the airliner full of people, was bound for Israel. It was
    enclosed in a mislabeled box and partially dismantled. Again, the advanced
    Russian missile was destine to be improved with US and Israeli seeker
    technology. Again, the Clinton administration choose to ignore the warnings.

    To many the the connection between China and Israel seems like an odd
    coupling but in reality their relationship goes back to the eighties and the
    Iran/Iraq war. China and Israel supplied arms to both sides. In fact,
    President Reagan okayed a sale of Israeli gun sights, based on US
    technology, to China for tanks that would equip Iraq. China and Israel
    played middlemen as massive amounts of equipment were sent to either Iraq or
    Iran. China and Israel were conduits and industrial producers, far from the
    watchful eyes of voters and investors in America, that could be used to
    smuggle T-55 tanks to one side and TOW missiles to the other. The official
    American policy of stalemate would alternate, depending on circumstances, to
    stop either side from winning or losing.

    The nineties, however, were quite different. The Department of State and the
    Pentagon approached the GAO in 1995 with a request to study the Commerce
    Department approval of dual use technology sales to China. The GAO report
    concluded that Ron Brown had more or less opened the door to everything but
    the kitchen sink. Secretary Brown’s Far East commerce trips corresponded
    with each new batch of approvals for dual use, advanced US technology. The
    assertions by Mr. Brown that the US products would be monitored behind the
    bamboo curtain were simply pipe dreams since the Chinese would not allow
    such follow ups. This report is available here on the Internet at the GAO
    web site:

    * GAO – Government Accounting Office web site.
    * At the Federation of American Scientists.

    In late February, 1996, the Chinese Warlords were finally able to buy their
    way into the White House when Wang Jun entered for a coffee with President
    Clinton. Wang would donate $690,000 to the Democratic National Committee in
    a quiet effort to reward those who have helped China. Wang, a son of the
    ruling class in China, had far more than a few checks in his pocket. Wang
    has also been accused of attempting to smuggle 2,000 fully automatic AK-47s
    to Florida drug gangs. Wang Jun’s history as an arms dealer is world
    renowned. It was Wang who set up the original delicate deal with Russia to
    buy the SA-10 Grumble. Wang was among a host of other unsavory characters to
    pass through the White House and leave a check. Wang’s credentials as a
    dealer in billion dollar weapontry were well established long before 1996.

    Today, President Clinton says he knew nothing of all this.

    Is he serious? Are not missiles and world domination the very essence of
    Presidential power? Did the warnings issued over the last few years by
    various sources, ranging from the GAO to the Pentagon, fall on deaf ears at
    the White House? One would expect the President would at least familiarize
    himself with people he was about to meet. A simple briefing on Wang Jun
    would have set alarm bells off in a heartbeat. In fact, his administration
    took the money and went back to sleep. Like a guard-dog bribed with a t-bone
    steak the Clinton administration ignored the threat and took the cash. Now
    US pilots are tracked by Chinese missiles equipped with US technology and US
    cities are threatened by nuclear tipped missiles guided by US science.

    Arrows stolen from the Eagle’s quiver to arm the Dragon.

    Ronald Reagan, held the presidency in such honor and reverence that he was never in the
    Oval Office without a coat and tie. 
    Bill Clinton has such disrespect for the presidency that he was often in the Oval Office without his pants. Behold the leader of ‘the most (un)ethical administration in history’ –  

    (Ronald Reagan has a building and an airport in his name.)

    (George Bush has the new CIA headquarters in his name.)

    A Partial listing of suitable Memorials considered in honor of Clinton:

    Renaming the Blue Plains sewage treatment facility after Mr. Clinton.

    Renaming all the park portal-potties “Clinton Depositories.”

    The Capital Grille to “Bill Clinton’s Grand Jury Cafeteria.”

    The FBI crime lab to the “William Jefferson Clinton DNA Lab.”

    Department of Justice to the “Clinton Department of Just Us.”

    D.C. Jail to “Clinton Clink.”

    Smithsonian’s first lady’s evening gown collection to “Monica’s Dress Display.”

    Interstate 495 loop to the “Bill Curve.”

    D.C. General Hospital to “I Feel Your Pain Treatment Center.”

    Communist Red-Chinese Embassy to “Clinton Embassy.”

    Ellipse to “Elusive.”

    Chinese Laundry (9th Street NW) to “Bill’s Chinese Laundry.”


    What will be the title of the movie made about the Clinton administration?
    asks the Washington Times.

    Here are a just a few of the (printable) responses:

    Truth and Consequences
    Citizen Stain
    Prince of Ties
    The Bad News Bares
    Dumb and Dumber
    Lady and the Tramp
    The Big Lewinsky
    Dial M for Monica
    Willy Wonka and the Cigar Factory
    Saving Private Lyin’
    Easy Liar
    The Lying King
    Free Willy
    Animal Spouse
    Terms of Impeachment he Wizard of Odds
    Hip, Hip, Beret
    The Full Monica
    Romancing the Phone
    Sex, Lies on Videotape
    Sex, Ties and Audiotape
    Waiting to Inhale
    The Eight Commandments
    Neither an Officer nor a Gentleman
    Honey, I Shrunk the Presidency
    The Me Lie Massacre
    Bedtime for Bubba


    From a 1974 speech by Clinton, innovator of ‘the most [un]ethical administration in history’:

    “Yes, the president (Richard M. Nixon) should resign. He has lied to the American people, time and time again, and betrayed their trust. He is no longer an effective leader. Since he has admitted guilt, there is no reason to put the American people through an impeachment. He will serve absolutely no purpose in finishing out his term; the only possible solution is for the president to save some dignity and resign.” –William J. Clinton,-1974(how about you Bubba?)


    (Hillary Rodham Clinton (co-wife) was a member of the hordes of far-left Federal Lawyers
    attempting to smear, impeach and/or force then-President Richard M. Nixon out of office!)

    “it doesn’t matter where he drops his pants, it’s where he drops his bombs …”

  213. Is Iraq really the danger in the Mid-East ???

    Q: Which country alone in the Middle East has nuclear
    A: Israel.

    Q: Which country in the Middle East refuses to sign the nuclear
    nonproliferation treaty and bars international inspections?
    A: Israel.

    Q: Which country in the Middle East seized the sovereign territory
    of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in
    defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?
    A: Israel.

    Q: Which country in the Middle East routinely violates the
    international borders of another sovereign state with warplanes
    and artillery and naval gunfire?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What American ally in the Middle East has for years sent
    assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies (a
    practice sometimes called exporting terrorism)?
    A: Israel.

    Q: In which country in the Middle East have high-ranking military
    officers admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to prosecute its
    soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country in the Middle East created 762,000 refugees and
    refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country in the Middle East refuses to pay compensation to
    people whose land, bank accounts and businesses it confiscated?
    A: Israel.

    Q: In what country in the Middle East was a high-ranking United
    Nations diplomat assassinated?
    A: Israel.

    Q: In what country in the Middle East did the man who ordered the
    assassination of a high-ranking U.N. diplomat become prime
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country in the Middle East blew up an American diplomatic
    facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international
    waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country in the Middle East employed a spy, Jonathan
    Pollard, to steal classified documents and then gave some of them
    to the Soviet Union?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country at first denied any official connection to
    Pollard, then voted to make him a citizen and has continuously
    demanded that the American president grant Pollard a full pardon?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country on planet earth has the second most powerful lobby
    in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine
    survey of Washington insiders?
    A: Israel.

    Q: Which country in the Middle East is in defiance of 69 United
    Nations Security Council resolutions and has been protected from
    29 more by U.S. vetoes?
    A: Israel.

    Q: What country is the United States threatening to bomb because
    “U.N. Security Council resolutions must be obeyed?”
    A: IRAQ.

  214. Congratulstions for noticing the blatent use of our soldiers lives for Clinto’s own political gain, but guess what folks, virtually every action was done clearly for personal use, not national security.
    Example, just prior to this, Clinton bombs an aspirine factory, and attacks a training center that should have been hit for gp LONG AGO. This in response to terrorist attacks the likes of which Clinton ignored numerous times before. This latest one was particularly blatent, considering, that Scott Ritter was screaming about the necessity for real invasion long ago. The same liberals who lauged at Ritters judgement merley because he was the man on the ground, and not “Riding in the Limousines and making the paygrade” that Maddeline Allbrite enjoyed, were now saying ” it was a necessity, these people could make a new batch of biological weapons every thirty days” ( which means Bill ignored 12 batches before he did his token bombing.
    But still, Bosnia? Somolia? Helping dirtbags in Haiti? I quote one soldier who left the 82 ABN after somolia when his time went out, “The bad guys were impossible to tell. Sometimes it was the soldiers in uniform raping and plundering which we couldn’t move in to stop, and other times, it was plundering civilians who we could not shoot at until we took casualties.” This draft dodger has always used military action of no pertinent interest to Americans at home or abraod until he got into a fix. Practically every operation concides with a major scandle date or crises time for clinton.
    This is not even to mention his giving missile technology to china all “in the American interests” only shortly after recieving 600,000 smackeroos from the American company which he allowed to do it, and 3,000,000 from red chineese military leaders, all donated and greatfully accepted through bhudist monks who had taken a vow of povery or through clintons china connentions like wong and tree (insert own jokes about wong and tree here). This man is a clear traitor, and this is what we should be trying him for. Unfortunately, the traitor attourney General, despite huge objections from her many of her own top underlings, has refused to look into a situation in which when congress bungled hearings by imposing time limits, scores of witnesses either plead the fifth or leave the country. Clinton is more than merely a womanising, using, embarrasment to his office. his people his word, and his family, but he is a traitor that is for sale (and cheap, too) to any bidder- bhudist monks and communist chinese included. At any other time in our moral history, save perhaps the late sixties, Clinton would have been punted long ago, and all his boot licking followers know it.

  215. Kudos to Larry Flynt!! The true blue independent counsel who brings
    hypocrites and self-righteous politicians out of their immoral closets.
    We need more brave men like Larry.

  216. Kudoes to larry flynt you say? Oh my God Democrats have sunk tooo low now. It is low enough when the President has a hit squad of goons (no, I’m not talking about the ones who threatened or killed cats, or slashed tires, or who knows what else in the trail of 40 or 50 some odd dead bodies that goes from litle rock to DC, I am talking about muck rakers) the likes of James Carville, but when James gets his Hustler pal to dredge up dirt, it’s sad. But there is something significant in this revelation of flynts- Barr never purgered himself. We can also assume that Barr never did this on public time or that his mistriss was being payed by us at the time. Also, I doubt the affair took place in a public building, or involved forcing other public servants to cover up. I also doubt that Barr caused the American public 40 Million Dollars either. SO I am glad we have now such a clear comparrison between public abuse of power and private misdeed. And I am glad that Clinton has stooped even lower (if that’s possible).

  217. Btw, I’m no democrat. Those people scare me. And I’m no republican
    either. They scare me more.

    Oh yeah. Barr has perjured himself when he lied in a court of law
    about his infidelity and sexual activity during divorce proceedings.
    His many ex-wives are witnesses. Everytime a court is used or
    abused for personal or private matters, taxpayer money is spent. There is
    no such thing as a private court – unless you’re referring to the tennis court
    or courtyard in your house.

  218. Barr Was accused of taking a geogia code simalar to the fifth when asked about an afair, he did not deny it. Not that this excuses infedelity- if you can’t honor your word to the one person that should be able to trust you, how can taxpayers trust you- but- you ignored the obvious point of abuse of power, and doing the nasty on company time. But ignore this for a moment- arent you concerned about the real crimes like trading arms to communist china for contributions. OR holding hundreds of FBI Files? Sure if you don’t care which employees you are paying for clinton to screw, you won’t care which bedroom is for sale, but man, there is a stench of dead bodies, mutilated kittens, slashed tires and roughed up folks that rots it’s way from little rock to the whitehouse. Its true. Don’t you care? Isn’t that wrong? Unjust? DO you support THAT? Is this what our cheif diplomat is supposed to do? Beat up women and smear them at will because he can’t keep it in his pants and then sell out (and cheep I say) to communist countries just to stay in power? What ever happened to one having the ambition of leading this country and bringing its sons prosperity, nosy? When was it replaced by personal ambition of the most molevolent kind withonly personal gain in mind and callous disregaurd for any lives that stand in the way? That nosy is what I am talking about. If we sit here and say I don’t presuppose to hold anyone in washington to any standard, then how are we ever going to get decent polititions? Is it their jobs to be dirtbags who degrade us all and drag our nation through the mud with the likes of Careville and Flynt leading the charge??????? I hope you can respond to this nosey- I am curious to see if you care about how our country is being led and if corruption and greed are in themselves offensive to you or not. I am curious. (I am not being mean and sarcastic either) Also- who said private court, anyway?

  219. Now I’m pretty sure that you are no saint. And I’m not one either. Tell me this…how many times
    have you been unfaithful to your wife? Or are you a typical child molester hiding behind a keyboard?
    Or perhaps a deadbeat dad?

    I’m not supporting anyone in D.C. unlike your zeal about Barr. If you preach all these wuzzy fuzzy righteous
    goodness politics, then the blind support of any politician makes you a suspect. The bottom line is – I don’t support
    any politician — not Barr, not Clinton, not Hyde, not Gephardt. Never. They are all scumbags.

    And they all represent the middle-age white men of America — unfortunately we are part of that group — with a nasty
    record. This single group of men has the highest number of divorcees, adulterers, deadbeat dads, child molesters,
    porno addicts, hate societies, etc. This group is probably the most hypocritic group in the good ole USA. I’m not abashed
    about it — that’s why I’m proud of Larry. At least he says who he is, without hiding behind a facade of righteousness
    and holiness.

  220. First I would have to say that I agree with the outrage. Not only did the president put American soldiers in danger, but he broke Article 1 section 8 clauses 10 and 11 of the constitution, in that Congress has the right to declare war. Bombing a nation is declaring war.

  221. No, I’m no saint, not in the colloqueal sense anyway, but no, I’m no child mollester, and I haven’t married yet, although I have always been faithfull in relationshios with women while I was in them. Not that any of this is relevant. I am no big defender of Barrs, I only point out that his indiscretions were not public ones. My only point is that we should have a higher standard than a president who holds our private FBI files because he doesn’t like who we are or what we stand for. I have a problem with using government employees in cover ups, Giving job for ‘jobs (a new clinton program) or giving away national security for campaign contributions. I think any republican would agree that while this is impeachable, we wish he could have been caught on obstruction in so many other matters, or for China gate or filegate, there are too many dead people who have challenged this man, and there are too many government employees that have spent their time covering up, intimidating, or assisting in completely unconstitutional goals. The American people at large must understand that we are the protectors and defenders of the Constitution, we dictate politicians values by accepting them or denying them. It was once said you get the government you deserve. If our polititcians are all dirtbags (and I don’t believe all of them are) then it is because we have tolerated it. When will America realize that we must demand responsibility, that Presidents command awesome responsibility, and do many things that the American public must never hear about- for our own good- and that we must therefore have a relitively honest individual making decisions not for personal gain, but for the good of the nation. We have a president who wouldn’t pass a background check to work in the post office. He is a hypocryte (for firing two generals for commiting adultery) and probably a two bit thug who has strongarmed his way through his career. This is beyond reprehensible- it is dangerous, and all the rules of conduct in America have been rewritten since this man has taken power. It’s time for us to have someone who doesn’t hate the military who serves him, someone who hasn’t had half of his friends convicted or indicted, someone who isn’t for sale, someone who can chose a cabinet that doesn’t break the law, someone who doesn’t want international drug dealers over at the whitehouse for christmass,someone who can keep it in his pants so he doesnt have to kill off half the female population just to stay in office. You know, Jimmy Carter wasn’t a great President in my eyes, but I’m still proud he was my president. He was a good decent, honest man. True, you can’t elect gomer pyle president just because he’s wholesome, but you can’t elect hitler president just because he’s bright. We need a ballence, and we need presidents- people who are citizens accountable to our laws, who break laws at will- not a King who can do no wrong.

  222. Carl,

    I agree wholeheartedly with you.
    He should resign the moment he does anything
    unbecoming in the Oval Office. He should not even run
    for the presidency knowing his own weaknesses and past sins.
    For him to take up the office and subject a country and her
    institutions and people to great risk and embarassment is bordering
    on selfishness and self-denial. He should just go — he has already
    lost his face, and while losing his face he has defaced the Office
    of the Presidency.

  223. Thanks,Nosey.
    I honestly wish Bill Clinton didn’t make me so sick sometimes. But he does. It was enjoyable raving about Clinton to you, or at least I feel better somehow. I only hope he hasn’t damaged the presidency or democratic tradition too badly. I guess if we survived too see the last rotting vestages of the Kennedy clan fall from grace everywhere but Massechussets , we can weather anything. Oh, well, I’ll listen to an Alan Keyes speach and it’ll make me feel better.

  224. Has it crossed the mind of anyone here that calling Lewinsky over to the
    Senate to stand as a witness can infer a LACK of thoroughness in Ken
    Starr’s investigation and data collection? Have all those millions of dollars
    paid to him gone to waste for a sloppy and incomplete job? Or is calling for witnesses
    to the Senate a desperate attempt by the GOP to find new clues and evidence to start
    a fresh inquiry — sort of a bait and hook for future motions in case this impeachment comes short
    of the two-thirds vote? Please flame.

  225. No. In order to have a trial, you must have witnesses. As far as future motions, there is no real possibilty of future motions. Democrats may want to censure Clinton so that they can at least go on record as stating his actions were “reprehensible”, but the Republicans probably won’t go for it. There is no constitutional grounds for it, and what more could be really done. There is of course the hopes that Lewinski has become less happy with Clinton, and will be even harder on him, particularly since they will hear some testimony on Clintons attempts to destroy Lewinski’s credibility, which, if she believes, may make her more inclined to burn Bill. But time will tell.

  226. I don’t know where this information is gotten from , but the President cannot start a war that was already in progress before this crap started. Second of all the President alone cannot start a war on his own, that is part of the check and balance part of the Government…As for his private life that is no one business, if he does have a black child, so what look at how many of different races that is floating around that the men or you don’t take responsiblity for so don talk that bull, that is not any of your business…. Besides Monica was also doing one of the Republican Senators as well. The problem is that those that don’t like the man because he was able to do what no republican President was able to do. I didn’t hear complaints when Regan was doing the same thing in the office…plus Nancy was doing it all because mentally he wasn’t able to do. She told him what to say and do, and she had to write it down, it was like playing a role in one of his “B” movies…..By the way there is going to be an investigation into Starr and Linda Tripp….smoke on that for a while. By the way if the women didn’t let him know they were available he would not have done it with them, it takes two to tango, in that there is no innoncent party!!!!

  227. The evidence presented on TV in the Senate trial over the weekend was
    weak and inconclusive — not enough to convict. This is my fair objective view
    of the arguments presented. Have a feeling almost all Democratic and some GOP senators will
    acquit the President. The final vote IMO may be as follows:

    44 Democrats — total acquital
    6 Republicans — total acquital
    12 Republicans — partial acquital (1 count off, 1 count on)
    1 Democrat — no acquital
    37 Republicans — no acquital

    This doesn’t mean I side with the guy. I don’t. I just think the case is too weak
    to warrant all the time and money spent. For an ordinary guy, the case would have
    been thrown out before getting to the grand jury. It is political dare and thrillsmanship that
    got it to where it is today. As for the guy pulling the trigger on Iraq, he blinked and swerved in this
    stupid game of ‘who’d chicken first’.

  228. Close, three republicans will vote no on both counts, and I will have to guess 6-8 will have to vote on more. But I think they do have a reasonable case- many prosecuters win cases based soley on circumstantial evidence. I would frame the facts like so: President says under oath that he didn’t have sexual relations, and sat there as his lawyer said to the court he had no relations of any sexual nature whatsoever.-DNA Dress.
    Says to Grand Jury- I only told things to my friends that were true- Blumenthall is under oath as stating the President outright lied. One of them committed purjery. Next: Betty Curry wants Monica’s stuff back. Why? She did it on her own? Next on obstruction- the job search by Jordon- for fun? Pretty strong case of circumstantial evidence. But this wasn’t even a trial. Honestly, I think a lot of Republicans are more worried about their jobs than they are about principal. I don’t know if this is a good thing or bad thing. Our founding fathers not only warned of tyranny of the majority, but they also warned of tyranny of the minority. The whole purpose of a congress is to have a group of people who don’t bend with every turn in the wind direction. This is no longer so. If Congress is to become nothing more than a group of people who only vote based on opinion poles, we need to fire them all and have electronic populist votes. Anyway, I think too many in the republican party copped out. That’s the sad thing. I think that if they truly believe this guy comitted impeachable offences, then they should vote their concience. I can’t quite figure out if Clinton is the most brilliant communticator or if republican PR people are just complete morons. I think it’s a little of both. Wow. WHat a country. I just want this nightmare of the Clinton Presidency to be over.

  229. As a mom of military son who may fight in Kosovo I have a few comments for our commander-in-heat.

    1. When Chelsea goes, my son will go.

    2. Will someone please get Clinton on Viagra? Now that Monica is gone (and hundreds like her) Clinton obviously needs to find Hillary attractive again. Then maybe he’ll turn his sexual aggressiveness against his beloved wife instead of attacking a sovereign nation.

    The man is insane and I intend to use all my resources that make sure my son’s life in not sacrificied for Clinton’s ‘legacy’.

    Wake up America! Why do we find Littleton so outrageous when our bombs are killing children, women and men on a daily basis? Is is because Littleton was on American soil and Kosovo is far away and only viewed from your television set?

    Learn to think and discriminate for yourselves. Fight, fight, fight for what you believe is right.

    I intend to.

  230. Okay, old topic, just wanted to say that reading Jans comments above have given me insight as to just how much stupidity can be crammed into a females skull. Answer-a lot. Next time, vote with your brain, not your crotch, you damn cow. Oh yeah, I guess you must have done that already. Too bad.

  231. Of course he did! But in a way, I’m glad Sadam is suffering. On the other hand, I did want him out of office, but on another hand I’d hate Al Gore as president so it doesn’t really matter.

  232. BC’s fisrt actions in office were to reduce the strength and number of personnel in the armed services. Having recently enlisted and serving only a few months I was offered the opportunity to early discharge. I was infuriated by this and adamantly refused. Then just a few short months later I find myself in Iraq, how convenient for him. Put America’s soldiers in harms way and watch as interest turns away from his indiscretions. I’ve never seen such an abuse of presidential power. Furthermore, as president he more than any other in history had the military fighting in multiple theaters of combat. Voters please wake up and think !!!

  233. In my opinion The Clintons are just a couple of CROOKS! But can you really blame them? The UN-EDUCATED AMERICAN PUBLIC elected Bill for a second term! Now whos fault is that? When the population of a country elects crooks in high offices, that is bad enough, BUT LEARN FROM IT! DON’T PUT THEM IN AGAIN! What did you expect? Hell, They are crooks and YOU ELECTED them again.

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