

Which is more valuable, the life of a cat or the life of a human being?

In the very sublime kind of insanity known only to occur in American courtrooms, the killing of cats seems to merit harsher punishment than the killing of a child.

Wisconsin Circuit Judge Richard Werner sentenced Barry Herbeck to 12 years in prison for beating five cats to death. The sentence was three times as long as prosecutors requested. Herbeck told investigators that he killed the cats to relieve anger built up from being abused as a child. 200 animal rights activists present at the trial cheered the sentence.

Latrena Pixley committed a much lesser crime than killing an animal. In 1992 Pixley smothered her six week-old daughter to death. A judge in the District of Columbia gave Pixley a suspended sentence and placed her on probation. Pixley would not have served any time at all for the infanticide except for the fact that she later committed credit-card fraud, violating the terms of her probation. In effect, she served no time for murder but did serve some time for the credit-card offense.

Despite the fact that Pixley admitted killing her daughter and dumping the body in the trash, she recently won custody of another one of her children. The two year-old boy, one of four children Pixley had by the age of 23, will be turned over to the child-killer on September first. A Maryland police officer had been taking care of the boy, and filed to adopt him. Officer Laura Blankman argued, not unreasonably, that a mother who kills one child is unfit to raise others. The court disagreed, arguing that two year-old Cornilous was best off living with the person who had killer his sister.

Like Pixley, Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson committed infanticide. Unlike Pixley, they will serve some time for their crime, although not nearly so long as cat-killer Herbeck. The young unmarried couple beat their baby to death and dumped the body in a motel dumpster. Delaware Superior Court Judge Henry duPont Ridgely sentenced mother Grossberg to two and a half years in prison. The father, Peterson, was sentenced to two years.

In a recent Outrage we told you the story of Susan Cummings, the heiress who shot her lover to death in cold blood. Since her lover, Argentinean polo player Roberto Villegas, was neither a cat nor a kid, Cummings was slapped on the wrist. She was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail, and fined $2,500. She was recently released from jail after serving 51 days; she got nine days off for “good behavior”. (Apparently she didn’t kill any cats while serving time.)

Let’s see;
– One of Latrena Pixley’s daughters is dead; Pixley is at liberty and is about to get custody of her son.

– The child of Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson is dead; they’ll each serve a couple years in prison.

– Susan Cummings’ lover is dead; Cummings is free and rich.

Three cases, three brutal murders of human beings. Combined sentence: about four and half years.

On the other hand, five cats are dead; Barry Herbeck will serve twelve years in prison.

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0 thoughts on “CATS OR KIDS!

  1. While I don’t approve of the light sentences of the persons guilty of murder, I was rather appaled that one would imply that killing cats does not warrent a 12 year sentence. All of the victims in these stories, save the polo player, were defenseless. Just as a young child is no match for an adult neither is a cat or any animal for that matter. The man who beat the cats to death should have had to suffer the same fate, and had I been there when he was sentenced, I would have cheered too. As for the murders of children – that is the sole fault of a legal system that doesn’t know when to do the right thing. Murder is murder and no one should get away with it no matter who the victim is.

    Much of the real reason for outrage is that it is lawyers who become judges and politicians. Merely make it illegal for lawyers to become judges or politicians,and there will be far less fodder for The Outrage to report.It is the legal aristocracy,who are responsible for these assaults on our society.Change our system in this small way,and watch reason and justice flow back into a hopelessly corrupt establishment.

    Wow…Homer S is a really big loser…aren’t ya boy.

    Time: 8/4/98 (14:4:14)

    I congradulate Judge Werner for imposing a 12 year sentence on that cat murdering SOB Herbeck; I wish he had given him 20 years – that’s only 4 years per life. It is well known that most serial killers (of humans) begin their careers with animal torture and killings; so who can know whether Judge Werner has perhaps saved or, at least, prolonged several lives by sending Herbeck away for 12 years? I have two cats, and if anyone killed one of them, I would not hesitate to exterminate the SOB that murdered my cat. What is needed is not more lenincy for cat murderers but more death penalties for people murderers. Again, I say the Judge was right as far as he went, but the sentence would have been more appropriate for the murder of dogs, maybe, than for cats. I would have given Herbeck life or maybe death; so it good for Herbeck that Judge Werner was his judge and not I!

    I am 25 years old. Seems young and healthy, huh? Well, I got married at 20 and wanted to have children right away. My husband had a good job, I could stay home with a baby. It took us 5 years and that many doctors in 3 states, Mass, Kansas, and Georgia, to get pregnant. I have a beautiful tiny baby girl. For all those years, it killed me to hear about those things happening when there are so many of us praying for children. They should have done to them whatever they did to the babies.

    Time: 8/1/98 (13:33:9)

    I live in Orange County N.Y. and in the last “7” months we as County members had lost “2” toddlers by the hands of their Mothers. I live My life Serving my community by being a State Qualified Interior Firefighter and A Company Photograher a Nurse and An E.M.T. . I Have “2” Daughters and teach them love and kindness and to be helpful to others and need and I am also looking to adopt or foster children for I can’t have anymore of My own and I am completely affened and heart broken how people can be so cruel and then they are treated as a victim instead of being treated as a criminal but let us protect the stray animals and raise money for animal rights but there is NO ONE raising funds to protect OUR CHILDREN and their rights to live healthy and pain free from beatings and protect them Before they have to die.. To outrage comments that have no purpose but to boost oppinions is of no use. to be of purpose it is better to write to your state authorities and make a true difference and join or start a fund raiser! I Try to make a difference, Thank Heaven I have My Faith for I see Horrific things and My faith keeps me sane! Please make a difference of Your’e Own?

    I have found that the most outrageous trait of OUTRAGE is the horrible spelling & grammer used by those who choose to respond. How can any reader put credence in what has been written by those who have not even mastered the basic skills of their own language? I’m embarrassed for almost each and every one of the respondents. My only hope for the survival of the english language in this world is the fantasy that, maybe, there is one poorly-educated editor at Rageback that erroneously re-types the replies prior to publication. If this is true, then I want it known now that there were no errors inherent in this original message.

    I was a cat in one of my previous lives.

    All I have to say is God is watching all of this “drama”, and that should be more than enough if these people would know, to set them straight. Stuff like that shouldn’t go on, but it does do to humanity rather living in darkness, than in light.

    It terrifies me to see that England is going the same way.

    LaTrena Pixley, is that her real name? Would you know what (Nationality, she is).

    Both of these show liberal justice at it’s most excessive. A middle class person who had committed either of these atrocities would have been strung up and left out the dry.

    O.K., if someone came into my yard and killed my cat, Motormouth, and I witnessed it, I would most likey beat them silly with the handiest object available.

    On the other hand, if someone killed one of my two children, I would beat them until they were quite dead. Then I would shoot them with the nearest gun. Then I would get another gun and shoot them with that. Then another, and… well, you know what I’m saying.

    I like my cat, but my children are the reason I get up @ 5:30 every morning and hit the coal mines.

    The judge who gave the idiot 12 years was not wrong. The judges who slapped the wrists of the murderers were wrong. I support the death penalty. As a friend at work told me: I would go to Russell Weston and say “I’m sorry you are having problems living in our society. It’s a real shame.” BOOM! BOOM!

    No more problems.

    I think this guy should get a medal for offing those horrible cats! Think of the millions of mice these horrible predators have killed (mice have rights too) – not to mention the family bird and little Johnnies goldfish! All this carnage is just awful!!!

    I like cats. They are superior in most ways to the vast majority of humans I encounter, especially on the freeway. To value human life over that of a cat is both wrongheaded and cowardly. When we consider that even “innocent” children will most likely grow up perverted into supporting some form of monotheism, or the rule of law, or both – the brutal murder of a child is pretty inconsequential.

    It looks to me like Homer S may be the next that needs to see the world through prison bars. He claims that he wouldn’t hurt people, yet he has probably killed the cats of many children who were extremely hurt by the sudden disappearance of their cat. If Homer came to do something like that to my cat, he would recieve the same treatment from me that my cat got from him. If that resulted in his death, oh well, one less idiot in the world that is already much too full of them. Maybe he doesn’t know that cat owners live longer, happier, healthier lives than those without cats. I suggest he never own one in that case.

    Does this mean if I hit an animal with my car (accidentally of course) that I could get thrown in jail? Tell those damn squirrels to stop running across the road!

    Maybe its our legal system.

    We no longer base court decisions on precendent. We base them on political motivations instead.

    This will continue to happen as we get further and further from Common Law and more entrenched in political law.

    The fact some paranoid schizophrenic shot a cat (not 12 as has been claimed) and later committed a horrible crime at the capitol has given the animal rights terrorists new ammunition. Using this logic it’s OK to sentence someone to 12 years for cat killing because he “might” commit a crime against a human. Read the consitution Larry, you can’t sentence a man for what he “might” do in this country.

    The man who killed the two officers at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Friday was kicked out of his fathers house in Illinois on Thursday because he shot and killed 12 cats there. This is an example of cruelty to animals leading to violence against humans and why people who kill animals should be locked up in jail before they start killing humans.

    What’s the point, here? Separate courts, different states. Different events. All are outrages — but why do you connect them?

    Why not do an outrage on “Fat Americans and Starving Ethiopians?” Republican gay-bashing? Or anything else truly worthy of ‘rage’?

    BTW — my best friend is a cat, a loyal friend whom I’ve had for ten years and she got what she well deserved

    12 years for cat killing?!?! I have killed at least one hundred cats in my life. Many by slinging into a brick wall. It is jolly good fun. Hurt a person? NO WAY! EVER! Cats suck and the only good cat is a dead cat. Cruel? No, not really, it’s just something to do, hell these morons that think animals are special and all that need to go somewhere and eat some strychnine. As to the baby killer, well, the death penalty is there for just that reason. It should be used liberally.

    Poor Barry, he should have killed latrena Pixley, he’d be free by now! … But he doesn’t sound very bright, he probably would have beat her to death with the cats — and got the chair.

    Sadly you seem to have succumbed to the same disease that infects tabloid journalists over here in the UK (I guess you have them in the US too). That is, not letting the facts stand in the way of simplistic moralising. Having researched what Mr Herberck did after reading your article I agree with comments posted below that 12 years is a more than appropriate sentence, among his rather large list of offences I believe the sexual abuse of his own children is included.I don’t really think you can compare the two cases.


    If those murderers (including the cat-killer) had been smoking a joint, they would really have had the book thrown at them. I like cats more than most kids; I guess that judges and juries feel much the same way.


    Time: 7/22/98 (13:3:21)

    This is ridiculous. I hate The Outrage. This article made it seem like they were mad at the judge who gave the guy 12 years! 12 years is a good sentence for killing cats, however, the other sentences were way too lenient. They should have made this article less sarcastic and more obvious. The readers who wrote in on the web site obviously didn’t pick up on all the sarcasm, either that or they were so outraged they couldn’t think straight. I got so frustrated that I wanted to write in and say that the article leaves the wrong impression (lighter sentence for cat killers), so I went to the web site and saw all the stupid stuff some people wrote already. I had to unsubscribe. Normal life upsets me enough, I can’t deal with outrages too.

    Yes, the taking of a human life is a terrible crime, but no one ever seems to mention that almost all serial killers start by killing animals. They move on to people when animals are no longer the thrill that they once were to kill. Perhaps we should be glad that the next Nightstalker is off of the streets before he moved up to people.

    I think it’s high time that an animal killer was given a stiffer sentence than usual. Nevermind that most serial killers of humans started off with animals. It’s just wrong to put so little value on a poor defenseless animals life. I am not an environmentalist and I am not a cat owner because I am allergic to them. But rest assured that if I was, my pet would be an indoor pet because of all the crazies out there. It’s just too bad that people seem unable to leave their children at home as well. Although this is not PC to say these days, not everyone loves children.

    These verdicts show how social engineering by left wing zealots can alter our moral and ethical beliefs to the point where we should be outraged but we don’t want to be politically incorrect.

    What is a shame that we now know what a human life is worth in the State of Delware around 2 years 14 months with good behavior as in the case of those two spoiled rich kids who murder the newborn baby and then dumped it in the trash.And then after pledging undying love to each other,they tripped over themsleves trying to blame each other for the murder. what is more frustrating is these two were only concerned with themselves they did not give one hoot about their child that them murdered. It was why are they doing this to me? It is a sad day for America when a child life is only worth 14 months, God help this country.

    These items give even more proof that our judicial system is as out-of-control as our local, state, and federal governments.

    Insanity in sentencings, insanity in laws being passed, and general incompetence of those elected by special interest money is pushing a lot of really MAD people to re-read that part of the Declaration of Independence about “… Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to alter it, or to ABOLISH it, and to institute NEW government , laying its foundation on principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

    It;s apparent that what Jefferson called “The Great Experiment” has failed.

    What now? Another rebellion? Anarchy? The mind boggles.

    Sure must feel good to the Animal extremists to see some one sentenced to twelve years for killing cuddly little life forms. No, forget the possibility that the perpetrator is likely a sick individual in need of mental attention. Forget that the eco-fanatics have elevated all other forms of life to a level above humanity. But, I won’t forget the sickness that pervades a confused and foolish society at large who supports decisions such as this one. Sick, Sick , Sick…

    Does any of this surprise you ? I mean it is perfectly legal to murder your baby in the womb, so what is the difference if you wait just a short time after the birth ? When are “we” going to have the first Murder case with a post/birth or retrograde abortion defense ? Since “good” is now defined as evil and “evil” is now the in, popular, or correct thing why should anyone be outraged by the unspeakable acts of our fellow people ? By now all those “evil, mean, and hypocritical, racist, hate mongering Christian Fundamentalists” have been proven correct, so look up because Jesus Christ is really coming back and He won’t be happy with any of this.

    You don’t care, of course, since you are selling mindless sensationalism. But I’d be embarrassed, if I were you, to appear to be this obtuse.

    Yes, there is broad inconsistency in sentencing; sometimes it is inequitable. In this particular instance, however, the sentence clearly addressed the near certainty that the defendant will, when released, continue these acts–very likely moving on to human infants and children. How do I know? The histories of the very worst serial torturers and murderers of babies demonstrate this kind of lack of remorse, and begin with this sort of acts.

    Wisconsin has no death penalty. However, this defendant’s acts against even one child would have resulted in life imprisonment without parole (and will, when he is released from this sentence and performs these acts on a child). Each torture and killing of an animal resulted in a two-year sentence–so much for the theory that crimes against animals are more seriously treated.

    Since we don’t, in this country, imprison people for what they are almost certainly going to do, the judge could protect society only by giving the maximum sentence for what has been done. In the meantime, that judge has humanely saved at least one family a lifetime of bitter suffering by delaying as long as possible the return of this violent sociopath to society.

    As to the cases you dredged up for contrast, you give little evidence to show even what the charges were, much less the mitigating circumstances.

    Time: 7/20/98 (17:44:12)

    THIS REALLY SUCKS!!!!! What is this world comming to ???????

    Since we have legalized killing under the rubric of “choice” it is no surprise we have reaped a whirlwind of murder. We have seen fit to sow death; we should not be surprised to reap a harvest of murder. If life has no value or meaning before birth why should it have any meaning or value anytime afterwards?

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!?!?!?

    Will you please post a phone #, email address, fax #, or mail address for these #(*&(#*&% judges?

    Since we have legalized killing under the rubric of “choice” it is no surprise we have reaped a whirlwind of murder. We have seen fit to sow death; we should not be surprised to reap a harvest of murder. If life has no value or meaning before birth why should it have any meaning or value anytime afterwards?

    God bless America again! It looks like it needs it.

    What a shock…. No really… I wasn’t shocked at all. Why couldn’t this guy kill the jurors on the O.J. trial instead of the cats. As for the animal rights activists who cheered at his sentencing….. just wait. These liberal hypocrites always get theres in the end. They create a standard that changes and moves to their liking. Soon the standard turns on THEM and then they have to change the rules or take the heat of what they have created. For Example: NOW wants respect for women.. Clinton degrades women….. NOW justifies their position on Clinton because … “he has done so much for women….”. He has done quite a bit TO women!!!! The baby killers…. why not have the cat killer torture them and let’s call it even. Remember, when you see an animal rights activist toting a sign at a rally… look at his shoes… they are always leather!!!! Hipocrytes. All of them.


    I hope the cat killer was also banned from keeping any animals after he’s paid for his crime.

    I’m really opposed to killing animals without just caude. Just because I don’t like cats
    I would not harm them. I love dogs, their animals I would be upset if some killed mine.

    Now seriously, a human life is a valuable comodity. A cat, dog, or any animal should not be abrused or slaughtered. But in America, the judicial system is sporadic. People and the amount of money they have determines their punishment. I think people who have committed murder, or those who are rapist should never be paroled. The above statement is a personal opinion. But let’s be realistic, our system needs to be improved. People in by book, are worth more alive than any animal.

    The so-called Animal Rights Activists don’t know or understand the Constitution of the United States. There is nothing in that document that gives animals any rights at all. This does not mean that anyone should treat any of God’s creation cruelly but to use animals to feed, clothe, or experiment on to save human life is not unconstitutional nor should it be. Human life is always more important than any animal. It is true that a person who tortures animals is mentally ill and should be treated by a compitent doctor. In some cases animals become pests in certain areas and have to be removed or terminated.

    However, no matter how evil a human may be the unlawful termination of that human by another human should be punishable by death not 2 -5 years with early parol.

    This make me so angry that words cannot even exress it. 12 for cats and not even a quarter of that for killing a baby!!

    Let’s face it, the problem isn’t that that cat-killer got 12 years instead of the 4 years that the DA wanted. The problem is that the baby killers didn’t get enough of a punishment. The other problem is that if any of them serve more than a year before getting paroled for good behaviour, I’ll be extremely surprised.

    I have had the views expressed by you guys about this society placing more values on animals than human lives for a long time so I was very happy that somebody has finally expressed the same views, so I am normal.

    You hear of people who die and leave their fortunes to their cats and dogs whereas the money would have benefited human beings more, and the welfare of their animals would also have been taken care of as well.

    And I strongly believe the American society is gradually disintegrating because of misplaced values.

    The American society is a hypocritical one and there can be no peace on earth for as long as people chose to value animals more than human beings while there are so many children who go hungry and are not raised with love and kindness.

    The disintegration of this society will also continue for as long as there are children/orphans in this country who cannot find homes to go to while people shower their animal with earthly riches.

    Time: 7/20/98 (8:14:21)

    The bottom line is that both of those people are sick and they both deserve to be in jail. You’re comments that question which is worse are pointless. You should realize they are both atrocious acts of violence and the guy who killed those cats will most likely graduate to killing humans if he isn’t put away now. Animals aren’t here for us to torture and kill, they have a right to be defended and if you can’t agree with that then at least consider all those serial killers that began their murderous sprees with animals and then moved on to people and maybe then you will see some value for putting people like him in jail now.

    Time: 7/20/98 (1:44:18)

    And we wonder why so many people are losing faith in our system of Justice? (Maybe it should be renamed the American Injustice system.)

    We moved into the country almost eight years ago. Two of our biggest reasons for moving was so that we wouldn’t have to listen to the neighbor’s dog bark all night; and I wanted to indulge in a favorite hobby of mine raising chickens.

    I tried to be nice to my neighbors. I called them and asked them to kindly keep their dogs from killing my chickens. Did they listen? Nope. You know what I did then? I loaded up my 12 guage Remington with some butt kicking 3 inch magnums each with 2 ounces of number 4 shot and I waited. Know what happened? I got three of them sons-of-britches.

    Now, I am the biggest butt on Jersey Ridge Road.


    I am currently in the mist of this animal vs human controversy. I live in a small Texas town called Canyon. It’s about 15 miles south of Amarillo. We have a serious problem with stray dogs running loose and a part-time as needed only dog catcher. My son hurt a stray dog that got into my fenced-in back yard and attacked my dog. The local police Dept. wants to proscute him for cruelty to animals. Two weeks after this incident we also had three dogs attack him, knock him to the ground, scratch and bite him while he was taking out the trash. The police Dept. would not even write a report on the incident. It seems that in this town at least, when there is a confrontation between a child and an animal where the animal gets hurt the child will be punished. If the child gets hurt instead they don’t think it even warrants writing a report. I think the real cruelty here is that these “animal lovers” don’t care enough about their animals to keep them home safe. We have been told that our Randall County DA is going to decide whether or not to prosecute my son. I hope he has some of that rare common sense most people now days seem to be lacking.

    I see federal agents outside my door, uh-oh! I knew I should not have gassed those gnats in my garbage can.

    I have no problem with the fact that a man who killed animals is sentenced to twelve years in prison. People who are cruel to animals deserve lengthy sentences. The fact that they can kill a living creature who has shown them no harm is indicative of severe psychological problems The next step in his progression may be to kill humans. The judge was protecting everyone from this man when he sentenced him to a lengthy prison sentence.

    People who kill humans also deserve lengthy prison sentences. Society can severly punish both kinds of offenders. You made it appear that there is something wrong with his sentence when the problem is with the other sentences passed by less responsible judges.

    Time: 7/19/98 (11:14:58)

    The animal rights wacos strike again because we allow it. Join together. We need to get rid of all Attorneys and Judges. Then elect inteligent people with COMMON SENSE to rewritre the laws (not the constitution).

    If it is a, “government of the peopleb by the people and for the people,” why do we need somebody to read the law to us or act out a charade in a fancy room?

    Make lawyers and judges get productive employment, if that’s possible for fools.

    Time: 7/19/98 (11:13:40)

    Why is this so surprising when we have a country in which a guy growing marijuana gets more time than a rapist or a murderer…? In fact, we have mandatory minimums for drug offenders and none for real criminals. I DO believe that the cat killer in question should have served time (perhaps in a mental hospital), but no where near as long as the sentence he received. As far as the other scumbags in question? Well, if we’d end this ridiculous, so-called War on Drugs, we’d have some more prison space for criminals. Until then, expect more and more of this kind of injustice on a daily basis. Bill Clinton just okayed another 17 billion dollars for this year’s combat… now that folks is an OUTRAGE! If you are as sick as I am over the current state of our country, I URGE you to check out the Libertarian Party (www.lp.org)…Have fun…

    Judge Bork was right…we are slouching towards Gomorrah. In a society where the President can commit crimes, employ numerous Federal (and many state) agencies in the obstruction of justice, then accuse the investigator of being unreasonable by investigating, and make that accusation stick, the “outrage” does not seem so extraordinary.

    You gotta be kidding me!!!!! 12 years for killing a few cats!!!! You americans are crazy! 12 years for killing a few cats, and no time for killing a baby!!!! SICK!!!!

    This is a classic example of the chaotic state of the american judicial system. And what does it say about us as a people – when the death of a few cats somehow becomes a more important issue than the death of innocent human beings. No doubt the case of the feline felon will be appealed and the sophomoric jurist who passed sentence will be reversed (and I hope severely admoinished if not recalled.) And for those obviously consitutionally challenged animal “rights” activists – animals do not have the same constitutional rights guaranteed to humans, nor should they have. Perhaps if you would expend your considerable energies defending those of your own species who are brutalized on a daily basis, we could expect people to learn more universal respect for all things living.

    We get the government we deserve. It is OUR fault.

    People who wonder what happened to the respect for human life should read this outrage. When we allow kids to be aborted and don’t punish those who kill infants, is it any wonder that we have kids killing kids in school?

    Whoever said Justice is blind, sure got it right!

    In addition to the outrages in your last issue, here’s a couple more:

    1. The fact that O.J. Simpson was found innocent of murdering two people in his 1st trial, then found guilty of the wrongful death of the same two people in the 2nd trial, proves the point.

    Justice is not only blind, but it’s deaf and dumb, too.

    2. The fact that the Menendez bros. are still breathing air after confessing to the deliberate, brutal, premeditated murder of their parents is proof that Justice is all of the things listed above, but stupid, too.

    The State of California has capital punishment, right? What kind of crime does it take in that State to get executed for?

    3. I used to get the Daily Outrage, daily, before I donated $25 to the cause. Since then, it straggles in every once in a while.

    Let’s face it… there ain’t no such thing as Justice!

    -Cliff (grin)

    We need to socialize the lawyers, and make standard penalties for standard crimes. Try for thwe crime not the circumstances surrounding the crime. Make all judges follow the same standard of penalty for any criminal act.

    the laws where made to protect the innocent but they only protect the quilty anymore i think almost all of our present day laws need to be redone the death of a cat is bad but a human is a heck of a lot worse i think that people in law inforcement need to use their heads more and that people rights activavist need to get more controll animal right activisist people do

    It’s easy for us to focus on such obvious examples as one man killing four cats, or one woman killing her infant, while avoiding the responsibility we all share.

    The real outrage lies in the fact that millions upon millions of children are dying each year from the environmental destruction multi-national corporation, governments and consumers (that’s you & I) participate in every day. The outrage is that millions and millions of animals for vanity (ie cosmetic testing & fur coats). Millions and millions of animals are abused in factory farms for human consumption is most certainly an outrage!

    Where’s the priority here? Scapegoating one individual or bringing about awareness to the ‘Bigger Picture?” It’s easy for people to be outraged at that individual scapegoat while wearing Nike sneakers and chowing down on a bucket of wings. When will our society ever grow out of it’s denial, stop looking at all of the dots and see the real OUTRAGEOUSNESS of it all?…

    While I found your essay quite brilliant and witty, I don’t think a “or” comparison is fair. I think the punishment meted out to Mr.Herbuck was more than appropriate, but I think the punishment for infanticide should be far more severe than even that. It’s time to let go of Animal survival to justify or alleviate the severity of killing our young. We are human beings and the quality that makes us humans is the fact that we have the ability to rise above our instincts and evolve into something even better. Science and Religion both agree that we should strive to become more than we already are, whether it be for survival or salvation.

    Time: 7/18/98 (19:48:11)

    California sentenced a man to 25-life for heisting a bottle of aspirin, and another one for buying macadamia nuts. That’s a combo of 50-life for questionable crimes. They should have been rich and killed someone, huh?

    Time: 7/18/98 (19:48:3)

    I’m as mad as hell and i’m not going to take it anymore! Peter Finch (A great American)

    Bravo for a Judge with enough courage to place the person that beat the cata to death behind bars. Actually, that person deserved the same treatment he gave the cats. When will we ever learn…alll life is precious.

    It is a good thing that cat loving judge and all the animal rights advocates do not live where I do or a 75 yr ols man would be spending the rest of his life in jail as he was responsible for the demise of 22 cats by trapping them and giving them to a vet to dispose of. Wild domestic breeding cats are not needed in this or any community. As for anyone that terminates another human being for any reason should be terminated whether thwt human is a relative or not. Termination of an human is only justified when defending oneself or family but not for malise or profit.

    The disparate sentences for the animal murders vs. the cited infant killers is not as outrageous as one would think. In terms of cruelty, the animal killer was far worse, and history shows that the kind of person who would do such a thing is a severe danger to society. Many serial killers started torturing small animals as children. So the judge was correct in his harshness.

    Second, the US is one of the few cultures in recorded history that equates infanticide with murder of an adult. In harsher times, the babies were sacrificed because of the harsh reality that in a tough survival situation, infants and small children could drag down the family, and the potential adult had to be sacrificed for the future well-being of the existing adults, and children old enough to carry their weight had to do just that.

    But now, we have evolved a large parasitic class of not just children but adults too. And since survival is not at issue (for now) the former legitimate reason for infanticide has disappeared. Hence there must be strong sanctions against it!

    But it really gets down to the fact that an idiot who should never have bred in the first place takes the easy way out because the US culture makes no attempt to paint parenthood as a difficult, demanding responsibility that should be undertaken only by those who are good and ready. Any other policy is just irresponsibly passing the buck to the taxpayers and the social institutions. If you doubt that, just look at life in the schools and on the streets today.

    Your e-mail was given the title of “Cats or Kids”. This misses the point. Barry Herbuck’s trial was independent of the other trials you mention and indeed of any other trial in which a murderer is given far too lenient a sentence. Yes of course murderers of either children or adults should be punished more severly than this but that does not mean that 12 years is overly harsh punishment taking into consideration his actions and the fact that those who are violent against animals often go on to be violent against people. Your e-mail did not mention the fact that he tortured a dog in the presence of a young girl and that he sodomised a cat. Another point is that his actions were premediated as he obtained at least some of his victims from pet advertisments.

    So yes you are correct when you protest that many murderers are treated far too lightly by the courts, but you are very very wrong if you think that Barry Herbeck was given too severe a sentence.

    Although I agree with someone finally acknowledging that animal abuse is punishable, sick crime, it does not mean that it was right to not punish those convicted of taking the life of another person. Our judicial system is indeed a joke.

  2. I just wanted to add this for the persons here who feel that animals have no rights or are not worthy of protection. Karma works in mysterious ways and that which we do not protect may be our downfall. And btw Homer, I hope that the next cat you kill has an owner that will bash your sick head into a wall. Honestly, you are a very very sick individual and I hope that your Karma cycles ASAP so that you may suffer as you have made those defenseless cats suffer. Be a man and post your address and phone number if you are going to boast to such a cowardly and sick act.

  3. One of these days justice will be served. These people comitting these crimes will be answerable to God, as we all will. They’re not going to get off scott free, although they may for the meantime.

  4. I think it’s terrible that babies and small children are killed. Although, I studied the Amy Grossberg and Brian Peterson case and if you read the court documents you will see that it was NEVER proven that the infant was beaten. He had skull fractures but medical examiners were UNABLE to determine the cause since the baby was dumped in a dumpster, aomething could have been thrown on him while he layed there. I am not defending Grossberg or Peterson I agree they should have both received a longer prison sentence because what they did was wrong. But… I think posting lies on the internet is wrong also. Try getting your facts straight before causing “outrage” over court cases.

  5. I know you think the sentence that Barry Herbeck recieved was a stiff one and that people who kill toher humans dont get as much. However inthe case of Herbeck, I was the Father of the chld he mollested back in 1988 he walked with a slap on the wrist for that did alot of damge to a 6yr old and I was very upset that he did not get a stifer sentence for that. Now at least he is behind bars and can’t hurt any one for the time being. But what happens when her get out. He is in a prison in Whitehall Tn. he wil be there for at least another 2yrs and if I have anything to do with it he will stay untill his sentence is served comp.

  6. Police were first called to the home of Barry Herbeck on April 9, 1997 when a former live-in girlfriend told police she found cat entrails in the garbage disposer while cleaning the house and trying to unclog the garbage disposal unit. She told police she remembered coming home about a month prior to that and finding a dead cat in the hallway, and also recalled the man’s 8-year-old daughter saying that he had killed the family puppy.

    Herbeck allegedly wrapped duct-tape around the mouth and nose of the 8 month old puppy, Nikko, and sealed the puppy in a small plastic container until it starved to death. The rotting corpse of an 8-month-old female German Shepherd was found stuffed in a container on Herbeck’s porch.

    The body of Nellie, a female black cat, was found in Herbeck’s home. An autopy examination showed clear evidence that Nellie had been sodomized; both of her back legs and neck had been broken, and she had massive abdominal injury.

    Herbeck told police he took in numerous cats and had been killing them since at least January of 1997. He claimed that killing the cats helped him cope with stress and anger he experienced from past abuse he was subjected to as a child. Herbeck reportedly told police that he killed the animals to release pent up anger he suffered from being subjected to physical abuse by his step father and a sexual assault by a neighbor.

    Court records showed Herbeck had a first-degree sexual assault conviction from January 1989. He was found guilty of First Degree Sexual Assault for performing oral sex on a 6 year old girl.

    He confessed to killing Monkey, Harley, Morris and Butterball by punching them, twisting their necks around, or throwing them against the wall until they died. Their poor little tortured bodies were discovered with their necks, jaws and other bones broken. He said he felt better after he killed the animals, and the more animals he killed the greater his relief. He also told police he felt guilty for killing the animals.

    According to police reports, Herbeck said that after he killed the cats he had in his house, he would answer ads in newspapers for free cats.

    Local residents told police Herbeck answered their newspaper ads for “kittens free to a good home”.

    Herbeck reportedly took his children along with him to answer ads for free animals. One Janesville woman told police that Herbeck took two adult orange tabbies and one gray and white tabby on April 3, 1997 in response to her ad for free kittens. He initially took the three adult cats and then later also agreed to take a mother cat and three kittens. He brought his children along on both visits, she told police.

    Three adult cats were found with their necks twisted in trash containers outside Herbeck’s home on April 9, 1997, the day of his arrest.

    An Edgerton woman also called police after seeing Herbeck’s picture in the paper and said he came to her house in April with his daughter and son, at around the same time that he took the other cats. The woman told police that Herbeck offered to take the cats she was advertising as ‘free to a good home’, but the cats had already been promised to someone else.

    The woman said he called her about one week later, and tried to talk her to into giving him her Dalmation, telling her that his daughter had fallen in love with the dog.

    The woman told police she was reporting these incidents to them because she wanted them to know that Herbeck had used his children to get animals.

    A Janesville man called police after seeing Herbeck’s picture in the local paper. He had also given his cat to Herbeck, who responded to an ad for a cat free to a good home.

    The man said Herbeck brought his children along with him at the time, and he thought it was very unusual that the kids didn’t show any excitement about getting a new cat.

    The man told police he later figured that the kids showed no excitement because they probably knew what was going to happen to the cat.

    Several other dogs may have fallen victim to Herbeck’s perversion. A six year-old Shepard Husky, Ginger, disappeared into Herbeck’s home. The collar and leash of a Chocolate Lab was found in Herbeck’s home, but the dog has never been seen again. Herbeck also admitted putting other dogs in the same container where Nikko was imprisoned, starved and left to die.

    Amy Williams, former owner of Nikko, the German Shepherd puppy horribly killed by suffocation and starvation, described for the press how Herbeck had talked her into letting him have Nikko, after previously adopting Harley and Smoke, two of her cats.

    “He came over to my house and talked about what a great home he would give my two cats. He took Smoke and Harley. He then called several times and said he and his girlfriend would just love to have Nikko. I finally gave in and let him have Nikko.” Ms. Williams said.

    Ms. Williams said she and her fiance had to find homes for their pets when they had to move in with her parents who already had pets of their own.

    “It was the hardest thing I had to do – give them away. I will never, ever get over this. I still wake up crying,” she said.


    Rock County Humane Society official Cheryl Silha reviewed veterinarian reports on the dead animals and said the animals had been tortured. “This wasn’t a ‘throw against the wall once’ situation. This was over and over. These animals were tortured and they died a slow death,” Silha said.

    Silha said the five dead cats found at Herbeck’s home were taken from one person. “We know he went through a steady supply of animals. How many, we won’t really know, since he said he was putting them in the dumpster where he worked.”

    It has been estimated that Herbeck may have killed as many as 20 cats.

    Herbeck’s trial was scheduled for May 13, 1998 but he entered into a plea agreement with the prosecutor, supposedly meant to spare his two young children the trauma of testifying at his trial.

    Herbeck pleaded ‘no contest’ May 5, 1998 to five felony counts of animal abuse resulting in death, and one felony count of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon. Previous to his Tuesday May 5th hearing, he had also been charged with one count of obtaining sexual gratification from an animal, and the death of Nikko, the 8 month old German Shepherd puppy. He also had admitted to police that he committed “an act of sexual gratification involving his sex organ and the anus of a black cat”, after he killed the cat, around Valentine’s Day of 1997.

    The felony charge for killing the German shepherd puppy was dismissed by prosecutor Scott Dirks after Herbeck’s defense attorney, Todd Daniel, filed a motion to have the charge dismissed because the dog’s carcass was destroyed. The misdemeanor charge of bestiality was also dismissed as part of the plea bargain agreement because a white substance found on Nellie’s body could not be identified as Herbeck’s semen, though prosecutor Scott Dirks felt the charge could have been proven in court.

    Herbeck had admitted these crimes and others in statements to police.

    Scott Dirks, assistant district attorney, told the court he would recommend a four year prison sentence and an additional six years probation. Animal welfare groups and many people who learned of this atrocity thru internet sources feared that Herbeck may have gotten off on nothing but probation!

    Judge Richard Werner was not bound by the plea agreement and had many options in sentencing, from probation to maximum prison sentence.

    Barry Herbeck faced sentencing July 6, 1998 in a Rock County Circuit Court, on five felony counts of animal abuse that resulted in death, and one felony count of possessing a firearm as a convicted felon.


    Reports of abuse witnessed by his 8 year old child

    Herbeck’s 8 year old daughter told police her father became angry after the puppy urinated on the living room floor, and that she watched as her father taped the puppy’s mouth shut and stuffed it into the container. She said he told her not to let the puppy out, and not to feed the puppy, even though the puppy was crying and whining.

    She told police that about a week afterwards her father moved the container out onto the porch. She also said she saw him throw at least one cat against the wall so hard that it died, and she saw another cat lying dead in the bathtub after it had bitten her father. She also saw a large heavy box in the freezer, which she suspected was yet another dead cat. It was.

    This 8 year old child also showed police a large piece of carpet over other carpeting at the bottom of the stairs in the home. She told police the carpeting was used to cover blood stains caused by her father throwing animals at the walls and down the stairs.

    The child was 8 years old at the time of these incidents. She will most likely bear the emotional scars of witnessing these horrors for the rest of her life.

    Herbeck was ordered to have no contact with his then 8 year-old daughter, 10 year-old son, his ex-wife, or his former live-in girlfriend.
    When Herbeck was arrested in April of 1997, he had custody of his children, despite his earlier conviction for sexually abusing a 6 year-old child!

    Herbeck has a long criminal history beginning in 1982, including complaints and charges of physical and sexual abuse of children, and the physical assault of several adults. Many times the charges were dropped! We begin to wonder what does it take for people to recognize serious and classic warning signs of dangerous individuals?

    Visitors since May 8, 1998

    Copyright © 1997-1999 Luvcatz. All rights reserved.
    Revised: May 26, 1999


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  7. You folks who made light of the animal killings seem like fools after reading the entire story about Barry Herbeck. So, you’d like this man coaching your daughter’s soccer team? Are you in the habit of defending depravity?

  8. The first thing I’d like to set straight is about the Grossberg-Peterson baby. He was not beaten to death. It was suspected he was beaten by prosecutors because of certain Skull fractures, but there are experts in the field arguing on both sides. Some say this was the cause of death…some say it happened after the baby was dead. Many things happened to that baby, in my opinion he didn’t come out healthy in the first place because of Amy Grossberg’s illness and a combination of lack of oxygen and coldness were the reason for his death. But I’m no expert.

    The second thing, is that Judges are finally cracking down on animal cruelty because its a fact that the majority of seriel killers in jail, started out as Animal Abusers. If a person is willing to “take out his anger” on 5 cats, what kind of conscience does he have? What would stop him from taking his anger out on his own children, the child down the street, etc? Animal abusers are just plain crazy.

    Crazier than those who could kill a child or another human? Depends on the crime and the person committing it. I do think the people you mentioned should have had stiffer sentences. (In the Grossberg-Peterson case, the only one I’m familiar with, they should have gotten 4 years each at very least.)

  9. Please do not compare the horrible crimes against children to those committed against animals! The animal-human abuse link is well established! It is grotesquely wrong that killers of children receive lighter sentences than that of Barry Herbeck, but that does not make Herback’s sentence excessive. He is also a known abuser of children! We must stop all abuse, torture, and murder of the helpless and voiceless.

  10. Please people! Yes Herbeck was a screwed up individual, but 12 years for stupid cats? I hope that wasn’t the only basis that the judge was making the decision on. People in this forum who think it is just that we parcel out 12 year sentences for killing cats are crazy. Murder is murder, that is bunk! People are predators, that is a fact, we have a killing instinct like any other animal, we just suppress it. You eat meat, you are a murderer by that logic. Besides it is all arbitrary anyway! What if we had decided way back when to make cats our food animal? No one bitches about killing cows or pigs, or getting thrown in jail for 12 years for willful and maliciously killing chickens. You would get a fine and that is it. In India the cow is sacred, other countries have temples that worship rats and bats. So I say eiher consistently apply the laws across the board or stop altogether with the biased sentencing. The entire reason why killing of a human is such a crime is that people understand the finality of death and experience the terror and grief that comes with the knowing. Animals do not understand, thus cannot be affected to the same degree as us. This sentencing comes from our emotion and our outrage about what we “perceive” the cats felt, but in reality the cats don’t have an opinion, individually or en masse. So wake up people, care about your cats, protect your cats, but keep it in perspective. Not everyone shares your view of the sacredness or the inherent “rights” cats have. Cats only have a right to what they can defend, as any species has.

  11. I have one question for Steve ‘bastion65@hotmail.com’: would you ever allow someone who sexually abused and tortured animals around your own children?? You justify an act of cruelty by saying that we all ‘eat meat’. Truly incredible. Please make note: I am not a cat lover. I do not believe in any sort of ‘sacredness of cats’. I do not own a cat nor wish to! However, any intelligent rational person can make the connection – a man who tortures and sodomizes an animal IS LIKELY TO DO THE SAME THING TO A CHILD. How can you not see that??? Anyone who commits infanticide should receive the harshest penalty and it is an absolute outrage and a shame that in this instance, it was not so. However, you should never trivialize animal cruelty, which often precedes cruelty to women and children.

  12. Un-fu@king-beleivable. Add into the bargain that cats are sadistic, evil killers and you have one sick society…on ya americans!! no other country in the world could have citizens who are so patriotic about a country that allows this kind of travesty of justice…I admire your forbearance.

  13. sorry – I admit it – the last comment I made was without reading all the facts – guess I look pretty stupid, huh? The guy got what he deservred, although – I’m not sure the killers’ of their own children did….

  14. You stated, “Cats only have a right to what they can defend, as any species has.”
    Humans are a species. According to your logic, if an elderly, sick, smaller, etc., human cannot defend his/her body, then a bigger, healthier, stronger, etc., person has the right to take it?

  15. You’re so transparent. How dare you use stories of murder to disguise a rant against animal rights activists.

    The *truth* is, people who are involved in causes like animal rights, and environmental issues are usually also involved in political, and human rights organizations. Compassion doesn’t stop at one cause.

    Yes, the cat killer got what he deserved. The murderers obviously didn’t. The cat killer case isn’t to blame for the other stories of injustice. Humans aren’t suffering injustice because animals are *sometimes* treated with respect. What a leap!

    If you feel so strongly about this issue, then get out there and break a sweat with the activists rather than criticizing those who are accomplishing something.

    It would have taken you all of five minutes of research prior to your rant to discover the fact that animal abusers are likely to become human abusers. You should be thanking the AR groups for helping keep potential murderers off the street.

    I am an animal rights activist. I’m also an environmentalist, and human rights activist. I’m not new to people hearing of something I’d done within the first two causes then commenting with something like, “Why don’t you help people?”

    Why do people make that assumption so often? Because it’s what they want to believe. It eases their own guilt of not being more socially active. It’s easier to just write a small charitable check every now and then than getting off the sofa and really working for a cause. It’s easier to pretend that AR and Env. organizations are a waste of time than admitting the truth. The truth is too revealing of the nay sayer.

    Educate yourself about activist groups. It’s far more productive than blind ranting.

  16. So your saying the guy that killed the cats should get off easier just because someone that killed a kid did? thats just as stupid as what you are complaning about.

  17. I’m 13 and studying this is english i believe that all animals and all humans are equal, well should be anyway,i think you people are an OUTRAGE because anything that is living surely deserves a bit of freedom, doesn’t it?

  18. Saddend to hear about the killed cats.. That man that done the crimes should have been killed the same way..
    On Nov.6,1999 My husband (X today) Killed our family pet. Foxy Lady,15lb.Pomeranian and placed her in the freezer. He beat her 60 times with our 3 yr.old son’s medal bat.. The X claimed the dog was attaching him.. That day I was sent off across town to fix a tire on his truck and when I came home the dog was killed infront of my son,placed in the freezer.. I know it was all preplaned.. After 2 days of delebration the x got off free with a 6 man jury cause no witnesses except for our 3 yr.old . I was outraged.. He done this in front of our son and that should have been enough… I am still not over it.. I have moved to Tennessee and got full custody of our now 8 year old.. He is doing great in school and a honor roll for the last 3 years.. My x was controlling to me and I couldn’t do anything right.. I hope to help others get out of abrused situations. All abrused start with animals then to humans..What is wrong with our Judge??? Thx for Listening.

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