

Normally our small crew here at the Outrage is pretty like-minded.

We all agree that Sade Adu is the ultimate goddess. We all think that spammers, personal injury attorneys, and Rupert Murdoch should be shipped off to Botswana. We all agree that Mr. Darcy is the coolest character in Pride and Prejudice.

But our little hovel — we mean office — has been sharply divided over the Clinton sex scandal. The comments below represent a few of our conflicting opinions, as well as some of the thoughts of Outraged readers and other assorted ne’er-do-wells. After you peruse the comments and questions below, use our Rageback section to add your thoughts to our grisly stew.

  • What a man does with other consenting adults in his own office is his own damn business.
  • Really, I would think his wife might take an interest. And what about the fact that he’s supposed to be working in the Oval Office? All this took place on government property, with government employees, at taxpayers’ expense.
  • Hillary Clinton called the whole thing “a vast right-wing conspiracy.” But I guess with a husband like Bill you need to be pretty creative in creating excuses.
  • The most interesting conspiracy theory we’ve heard came from a conservative who thought the DNC cooked up the whole thing to get Gore into office, in order to give him a better chance in 2000.
  • Where does Clinton find the energy and the time for these amorous adventures? I think we have to admire a man of that age who can keep up that kind of pace. Plus, he has to devote at least a little time to running the government. He should give time-management seminars if he gets impeached.
  • Everyone knew Clinton was a sleazy character when he was elected president. Not once, but twice. This is democracy at work, and the people deserve what they get. I would have been surprised if some scandal like this had NOT been uncovered.
  • Who really cares? With all the truly outrageous things happening in the world, Clinton’s sex life is totally insignificant. How does it compare, for instance, with a potential chemical weapons strike by Iraq against Israel?
  • Wrong — it’s very significant. The fact that the elected leader of the world’s only superpower commits adultery and generally lives his life in such a fashion is a real reflection on the decline of morality in public life.
  • This is a serious matter, not a trivial one. On the day that Clinton allegedly groped job applicant Kathleen Willey in the Oval Office, Willey’s husband committed suicide. Willey’s family had serious financial problems, and all the boss could think about was gettin’ some.
  • Clinton should be impeached — not because of the scandal, but because of his atrocious taste in women. Have you seen pictures of Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinsky? The most powerful man on earth and he can’t do any better than them? Outrageous!
  • The amount of media attention devoted to this is an Outrage. A random sampling revealed that the top four stories on Reuters Online were about the scandal; other media outlets were following suit and relegating international and domestic affairs to page B while they focused on the President’s love life.
  • Does adultery still matter? The Washington Times carried an amusing account of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai. He says he has good news and bad news. The good news is that “I finally talked Him down to ten. The bad news is adultery’s still one of them.”
  • Men in power always have had extramarital affairs and always will. Look at Martin Luther King — he was a notorious philanderer and he’s now regarded as a demi-god. The entire Kennedy clan, the most powerful family in America, wouldn’t know the meaning of fidelity if you made it part of the marriage vow. Clinton’s no worse than all the rest. Fidelity’s for the little people.
  • Any man who’s married to Hillary should be forgiven just about anything.
  • Clinton and his wife should be impeached, simply for their outrageous hypocrisy. The way that they walked into church last Sunday holding hands, with Bill holding a bible, was just too much. Way too much.
  • The issue is not about adultery. The real issue here is that the president persuaded an employee to commit perjury. Regardless of what you think of infidelity, obstruction of justice is a serious offense.
  • Horse puckey. Of course Clinton lied, and tried to get others to lie. Would you admit to every detail of your private life? He had no choice but to lie, after his privacy had been invaded.
  • Isn’t it a little scary that Paula Jones and her lawyers can force people to submit the details of their personal lives to public examination? What if the publisher of Outrage propositions Nichole (our cute young receptionist)? When Nichole sues him, and he counter-sues, does that mean we all have to reveal who’s sleeping with whom? Maybe it’s a good thing that we’re all too busy, poor, and pathetic to have personal lives.
  • Paula Jones should have just slapped his face or kicked Clinton in the groin and let it go at that. Only in America could an entire government be in crisis due to a few tasteless propositions.
  • That’s true — only in America. But that’s because America is the only country where morality is still taken seriously — at least by some portion of the populace. And that’s why America is the only superpower.
  • The allegations and attendant media coverage have roiled financial markets around the world. The prices of stocks, bonds, and gold have been affected by the scandal. What if none of it is true? Isn’t it outrageous how the unproven allegations of a few women can cause international turmoil?
  • Andy Bleiler, who allegedly had an affair with Monica Lewinsky, has said Lewinsky has a habit of “twisting facts,” and was actively seeking to have affairs with the politically powerful in Washington. Maybe the woman who has caused the international furor is just an ambitious liar?
  • Doesn’t the man have anything better to do? Bill Clinton has the most interesting, most important job in the world, and he wastes his time with unseemly affairs. C’mon Bill, get back on the job.
  • In America you’re still innocent until proven guilty. Nothing has been proven against Clinton; only alleged. He has not been convicted of any crime by any court. He’s being tried in the media, and that’s outrageous.
  • I just wonder who Clinton sends Valentines to on February 14?

    The only thing we can all agree on is that we’ve got to reevaluate our intern program.

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  1. What is the big deal about Clinton lying? For those of you who don’t know – why don’t you ask Mark Fuhrman.
    An eighteen year old kid a one of our military academies has an honor code – I will not lie, cheat or steal nor tolerate anyone who does. They have more honor than the entire White House!

    Today’s “Outrage” was overly simplistic and ignores an apparrant common thread of lies, attacks against the victims and accusers, and stonewalling present in every Clinton scandal. It’s not the sex stupid!

    All of this sex and lies stuff is taking our focus off the REAL issue: all that money that came from China, and their operatives; Charlie Trie and The Lippo Group. Let’s get back on track.

    How much money came in? Where did it come from? What “favors” was it supposed to buy? What “favors” DID it buy?

    Who wrote this garbage? Clinton has made sex a question due to his prolific activity. Maybe that barrel legged wife of his has driven him out of the house, but it is no excuse for the President to use the West Wing for his sexual gratification sessions. Clinton is the biggest liar to cross the national scene in history. He will go a mile to lie instead of a foot to tell the truth. How can we trust him on any subject? I obiviously don’t need to chronicle his well documented lies here, but they are many. He has taken credit for everything that has happened since he came into office and maybe some before. He has little to do with the current state of the economy and a possible balanced budget. He is the Great Seducer and he has temporarily seduced 79% of Americans. You are right that he should not be driven from office because of sex. There are plenty of crimes for which he could be ousted. Again he takes credit for everything. Let him take credit for his adultery. Let him confess to all of us that he lied about it. Then he can be ousted for the serious offenses he and Hillary have committed. I am ashamed of the 79% of Americans who think he is so terrific.
    I am outraged at this issue of The Outrage because many of us still believe in credibility, integrity, ethics, and moral responsibility.

    I am reminded of the President and Vice President pushing for adoption of the “V-Chip” to help us shield our children from “objectionable material” on TV. Perhaps they knew that some day the President himself would be providing that same objectionable material. I’m glad that he was thinking of “the children.”

    This never was about the president’s sex life . It is about abuse of power. Do we owe appologies to the army sargents that had consentual sex with the recruits under their command? Do we owe appologies to the business people that were fired due to sexual harassment of their subordinates? You want someone who can be blackmailed by an intern to get her a job to be in control of all our nuclear weapons so he can be blackmailed by the head of a foreign government? You must be kidding me.

    Time: 2/9/98 (14:25:28)

    Who did you have sex with? Did you give him/her presents? We want to see the presents! Did you write him/her poetry? Let’s see it! – You say these questions are illegitimate and should be asked. I can’t disagree more. A leader’s personal life, personal mores, personal ethics, personal beliefs matter as much as any publically acknowledged mores, ethics, and beliefs. I want to know what type of man is going to send my fellow citizens into harm’s way and what personal criteria does he use to make that decision. Bill Clinton has US troops in Bosnia because he is clueless as to how to get out without making an unpopular decison. He is caught in the very same trap which caused LBJ to escalate the Viet Namese war. Neither of them had/has the guts to make a hard decision, both have always been able to steer a slippery course through what they percieve the “middle” is. Anyone who knows American History also knows that a significant part of the incredible leadership George Washington had was due to his very well known personal integrity, honesty, and loyalty. Without GW we would probably still be a British Colony or Commonwealth. Without personal honesty, integrity, and, yes, purity George Washington would not have been as effective as he had to be. This is only one lesson. Look at every major war we’ve been involved in. You will find a sitting president who had wishy washy morals and very little in the way of personal integrity, men who believed in little except doing whatever they needed to do to achieve whatever goals they believed in at the moment. For everyone who says; “I don’t care who he is screwing!” I would reply; “He’s doing it to you!!” I want someone in the White House who would not mind in the least being asked the questions: “Who did you have sex with? Did you give him/her presents? We want to see the presents! Did you write him/her poetry? Let’s see it!” This matters people! Get your heads out of rectal defilade!!!

    I’m beginning to wonder whose writing your tripe. This started with the Clinton administration (through one of his procument troopers) lying about Paula Jones. His conduct with Monica Lewinsky is VERY pertinent to the Jones situation. The Clinton administration tactic of smearing the character of their opponents needs to be exposed. The fact that Clinton continually lies to Hillary, congress, investigators AND the VOTERS is very significant. You people have your head in the sand which exposes your ___ ! I’m about reading to cancel this tripe if this is going to be typical.

    An excellent commentary. Anyone who has to look to a president or any other career politician for “moral leadership” is sorely lacking as an individual.

    What any person does in private with another consenting adult is no one else’s business — and the people involved have no moral or legal obligation to answer questions about it. Even if Clinton did make a crude come-on to Jones, he didn’t penalize her or jeopardize her career. If she was offended, she should have taken immediate action. As for Flowers and Lewinsky, if indeed the accusations, allegations, or rumors are true, so what? Obviously, the liasons, if they occurred, were consensual and the two women voluntarily chose to have an affair with a married man.

    History shows us that leaders with healthy libidos, whether male or female, are no better or worse than those with almost Puritanical lifestyles.

    The only columnist I know that makes any sense is Molly Ivins. She said, “I don’t care who the president screws as long as it’s not the people.” I agree.

    You claim “A hallmark of liberty is the belief in privacy, and protection from governmental or other intrusions into your personal life.” Perhaps that was once true, but this government has evolved to the point that average citizens can not protect themselves from the intrusions and political agendas fo the government. I have no compassion for Clinton, he is only getting what has evolved for the rest of us. If you don’t want the Prez to be treated this way, then it shouldn’t be ok for the average Joe or Jane either.

    The main problem with the positive polls, and the defensive articles (like yours), is that it shows a tremendous amount of stupidity is floating around out there in the heads of Americans (DO included). Just because unemployment is low, the stocks market is high, and the economy is purring along, doesn’t necessarily mean each individual is doing any better. First of all, Herr Clinton has very little to do with those things. And secondly, if I have to live in socialism to achieve those goals, I don’t want them. Day by day, socialists like Clinton remove some more of our freedoms (like the freedom to hire somebody for $3.75 an hour). That is what’s important. And in this respect the entire working class has been screwed by this president. If you think that BC is not a socialist, you’re wrong. Check out his policies. They all lead to more and more gov’t control of the economy. Let’s not forget that his wife worked for a card carrying communist while in law school. Do you think she’s become a capitalist since than. I haven’t heard her repudiate communism or socialism lately. As for the most recent DO, that itself is an outrage. Every scandal has been brought about by BC himself. Blaming the investigator is wrong. You think it’s sad that Curry was hauled in for questioning? I think it’s sad the position she was put in by BC. You think it’s wrong to ask about the gifts? I think it’s wrong to bribe a 21 y/o intern for oral sex with presidential trinkets. I think it’s wrong to ask Curry to retrieve such gifts. You think it’s wrong that Tripp taped phone calls? I think it’s wrong that our president put so many people in the position of having to testify before a grand jury, which is why she taped the calls in the first place (to protect herself from the presidential attack dogs). DO has missed the boat on this story. ALL of this, from Ken Starr’s 1st day, is the fault of one man: Comrad Bill Clinton. To even consider criticizing Starr, or the media is insane.

    In your latest issue, you state, “You have no moral obligation to honestly answer a question if the interrogator has no right to ask the question.”

    What an utter load of horse hockey!

    While I would agree with a statement saying that he didn’t have to answer the question (i.e. answer by saying “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that you have no right to ask it.”), saying that being asked a personal question gives you the right to lie is pure nonsense.

    My question is that if Bill is so willing to lie about things like this *under oath*, what else has he lied to us about?

    Also, I could care less what the subject of the statement was — you lie under oath, that’s perjury. You commit perjury, you pay the consequences.

    As I heard it stated on a radio program a few days ago, if you were the president of a company and one of the (married) VP’s was fooling around with a secretary, would you let it go unaddressed? I think this kind of behavior (and consequently Bill’s behavior) shows a stunning lack of judgement and an abhorrent abuse of power.

    I think it would be so good for the nation if Clinton would be impeached. I do not believe anything that he says.

    Kevin Brown

    I believe that the approval ratings are fake. Unless the American people are complete idiots. The moral cowardice of President Clinton is outrageous. He cannot tell the truth!

    Outraged? Yes! Agree with your comments. It’s outrageous that the people elected a man who is more concerned
    with his ego than with the good of the country. He is a “by god spellbinder” as demonstrated by his State of the Union address. Overstated, inaccurate, filled with inconsistencies, claiming welfare reform, when he strongly fought it, vetoed the budget so the government would be shut down and then blamed it on the Republicans, claiming the first surplus in 30 years balanced against income that we don’t have, etc.; you know what I’m talking about. If the record is checked, our real gains were the result of the first Republican Congress in 40 years.

    If Clinton would use his ability to spellbind our former allies, maybe we would have a chance in Iraq. At present, we only have England giving us full support. President Bush had allied support world wide with few exceptions. Clinton’s ability as a world leader is a shining failure. He might bamboozle some gullible Americans, but not the world.

    While the story itself is sad, pathetic, and embarrassing, the irony is delicious. This President was elected on the strength of his appeal to women voters. The feminists crowed that they finally had someone in the White House who “felt their pain” and would address their needs. It was this same group, outraged at the Clarence Thomas hearings, who pushed for changes in the laws that enabled Paula Jones’ lawyers to question Clinton so widely, to make an issue of his past.

    You are 100% correct when you say that he should be able to answer “None of your business.” Up until 6 years ago, he could have. But Political Correctness and the feminist agenda changed the rules, and it is wonderfully ironic that this most Politically Correct president was caught by those rule changes.

    You say you beleive Paula Jones is telling the truth. If I had exposed myself to a woman and they came forward within five years with a complaint, I’d go to jail if convicted, So this is a very serious accusation. And yes I know her complaint is in civil court.

    You’ve accepted one of the common misconceptions about this case. The issue is not about whether or not the president had sex with someone other than his wife. It is about the constant stream of lies coming from this administration. The suggestion that because the question may be inappropriate it would then be acceptable to lie about it is nonsense. Given the increasing power of the state, we must hold our politicians to a higher standard than the rest of us, not a lower one.

    somebody or (maybe the republicans) want bill clinton out of office so there going to do anything to try and bring him done.

    Time: 2/3/98 (19:1:48)

    The most outrageous part about the Clinton sex scandal is the incredible amount of time, energy, and taxpayer MONEY wasted in the pursuit of determining where Bill’s winkie has been! I don’t care where it’s been and I certainly don’t want to pay any more to find out.

    Time: 2/1/98 (21:40:21)

    It’s disturbing to see the Clinton defenders encouraging the suspension of the constitution. Freedom of the Press, as well as Freedom of Speech are foundational to our Republic.

    If Clinton did wrong, he should be exposed. If he did no wrong, then the press will take it’s licks as sloppy practitioners of their craft.

    One thing we do know about the Clinton’s. They have added millions to the cost of Kenneth Starr’s investigation and months to the time it has taken with their stonewalling and obviscation of evidence (“lost” files turning up in Hillary’s private office; refusing to allow the review of Secret Service Logs of White House visitors; the whole FileGate mess). And the beat goes on and on and on.

    Clever retort for those who say that they don’t care about Clinton’s personal life, just his performance as President – “Would you buy a used car from him?”

    The degree and kind of a man’s sexuality reach up into the ultimate pinnacle of his spirit. — Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

    Those who are being poled should realize that their hoped-for results actually reveal to the rest of us what portion of our society then condones in the way of risky, salacious and criminal behavior in the highest offices of a free country.

    Where there are no morals, or respect for them, there is no FREEDOM.

    I have never thought much of Clinton and even less of his wife, but I wish my party (rep) would stay focused on his important mistakes and not let his sex life mask his real sins. Hilary stands the humiliation like any other co-dependant.

    She is no more strong and independant than any other abused woman, or maybe he knows too much. A husband can’t testify against a wife.

    We get what we deserve and those of you that voted for Clinton must be proud. He is no better than an animal but the worst part is the influence that he has on our KIDS.

    To start with: God bless “The Outrage” for allowing us to voice our opinions!

    A newly discovered tale of Dr Seuss


    I’m here to ask
    As you’ll soon see —
    Did you grope
    Miss Lewinsky?

    Did you grope her
    In your house?
    Did you grope
    Beneath her blouse?

    I did not do that
    Here or there–
    I did not do that

    I did not do that
    Near or far —
    I did not do that

    Did you smile?
    Did you flirt?
    Did you peek
    Beneath her skirt?

    And did you tell
    the girl to lie
    When called upon
    To testify?

    I do not like you
    Starr-You-Are —
    I think that you
    Have gone too far

    I will not answer
    Any more —
    Perhaps I will go
    Start a war!

    The public’s easy
    To distract —
    When bombs are
    Falling on Iraq!

    If a Sergeant-Major in the Army has intimacies with a subordinate, he/she is removed from office.

    Should the Commander in Chief be held to a different standard?

    Time: 1/31/98 (14:42:3)

    Great Job Guys and Gals,

    The issue that I have with Clinton is the perjury and subborning of perjury – these are criminal offenses.

    His sex life is his and Hiliary’s business – though he shouldn’t be using the Whitehouse for his escapades….

    Finally, I am disgusted with the American People – the moral decline is dangerous….

    It’s amusing to read all of these excuses and rationalizations I’ve seen over the past week. This fraud in the Oval Office was elected the first time because he was a skillful campaigner and many people were mad at Bush over the taxes. But Clinton promised a tax cut which he did not deliver on. He started breaking campaign promises right and left.

    The real issue is obstruction of justice and perjury–but few people care– a sad commentary on the moral collapse of our society.

    Time: 1/31/98 (0:8:0)

    I think Bill has been the first in a long time, I mean long time person elected to the presidency of this United States who is more like a regular person. Regular people get in trouble, who hasn’t?

    I am tired of hearing about the affair. Lets hear the real issue that he may have lied under oath, or told some one else to lie under oath. When will the media, and the public get it in their heads that this is about the truth, not some affair. I can handle
    a president that is not monogomous, but I can not handle a president that obstructs justice, and commits perjury. .

    Time: 1/30/98 (14:55:48)

    At least half of America approves of the disgrace occupying the White House because they cannot admit they’re wrong about the man, much less his policies. Kinda like the Soviet Union, where its Russian subjects couldn’t admit that 73 years of blood and suffering was for nought.

    Time: 1/30/98 (14:20:18)

    The President should be held to a higher standard, sound familiar Bill? Many people look up to the President and that is one reason morality is important.

    Bill hasn’t separated his personal life from his job. Affairs hurt the people involved and the nation.

    A man’s sexual practices, on the premises of his elected office, with his employees/interns, under the same roof with his wife and family, are direct indicators of his character.

    And character is directly related to respect for, and fair administration of, the laws he is expected to administer. (Laws about things like campaign finances and perjury, for example.)

    He may be a decent administrator, but no president can actually *lead* a nation unless he is perceived as being honest and of good character.

    Clinton’s legacy may well be his creation of a new axiom: Alls fair in Love and Politics.

    Time: 1/30/98 (7:49:42)

    Whoever said that (in reference to the Clinton scandal) it is our great morals that has made America a super-power needs to stop getting their education from Sunday morning TV and start taking night classes in American Government.

    The real issue here is that the man lied under oath.

    Time: 1/30/98 (5:55:18)

    I scoff at those who pathetically defend Clinton when they say, “Who cares? His sex life is his own business.” The man is MARRIED, you apathetic morons! What does that say about his character?

    He lied to us for years by saying he had no involvement with Gennifer Flowers when he was governor of Arkansas, but he then reluctantly admits it in the Paula Jones deposition when he is questioned under oath! Why should we believe him now when he denies being involved with Lewinsky?


    Time: 1/29/98 (21:46:3)

    The respect that is due the “office” of the president of the United States does not automatically lend itself to the person who occupies the position when they continuously involve themselves in immoral and disreputable situations.

    A higher standard is, and should be, expected of them. I am ashamed for my country and disgusted with those who continue to support Clinton.

    america,the only country worried about morality?

    America can best be described as a sleazy, pit of immorality on its best days.

    I think that what bothers me most in the Clinton affair is that the American people don’t care about either the affair or the fact that he may have lied.

    Character does not seem to matter as long as we get ours.The economy is very good (I don’t think Clinton can take the credit) and as long as it stays this way people will not care about the antics in the Oval Office. This could be considered an outrage but it will notchange.

    I thought fidelity was part of the marriage service.

    What’s all the fuss about? Bill Clinton hasn’t done anything to Monica Lewinsky that he hasn’t done to every other taxpayer in America.

    Time: 1/29/98 (16:12:32)

    * Everyone knew Clinton was a sleazy character when he was elected president. Not once, but twice. This is democracy at work, and the people deserve what they get. I would have been surprised if some scandal like this had NOT been uncovered.

    Whoever said this was absolutely right!!! Furthermore, IMHO, its a sad day for this country when children need to be sent from the room when the news is on because they shouldn’t hear about what “our” President is doing in his “spare time”!

    I agree; two elections, twice elected, democratic process. Problem is me and my loved ones must live with the results.

    Time: 1/29/98 (14:47:7)

    Ask if this were your husband and what you should/would do? Ask what you would /should do if this were your daughter?

    Have we, as the great tax paying unwashed become so complacent as to not care who/ what is running the country?

    Not demanding and forcing the people we elect to government to be above reproch, in deed, in action, and in thought, shows we are going to get what we let happen to our country. One day we will wake up and see theat ‘Rome’ fell while we let the fiddlers play! The American people need to get more involved.

    Right now the only Americans interested in Gov’t are those that depend on a handout from same (welfare, government workers, polititions, government programs, and hangers on, etc. We have met the enemy and it is us! (per pogo).

    Just finished reading the comments in Outrage – where do these people come from. It’s not about sex it’s about lying and just remember the Gennifer Flowers denial by our fearless leader!

    If Mr. Clinton is not held responsible for his actions, we should apologize to all the sargents that were sent to jail for their sexual harassment of those enlistee’s under their command.

    Although amusing today’s outrage mostly ignores that the only direct testimony in this case is the president and Monica Lewinsky stating that it never happened.

    Time: 1/29/98 (7:30:42)

    Your comment about being tried by the Media says it all. Might I remind people that these are charges, not facts. Could we possibly look at the people making the charges the same way we are comdeming our President.

    I think there are a lot of people who just wish that they would get on to something else to sell news, and let him do his job. Am I the only one who feels that we are one heck of a lot better off in this now than when WE elected him.

    Time: 1/29/98 (5:44:49)

    The unspoken tragedy is the nation doesn’t think character matters. The founding fathers’ writings are replete with references to the contrary. Who you are when in private, is who you pretend not to be when in public.

    Bill Clinton, based on the J. Flowers story, is a convenant breaker (marriage covenant). This ongoing situation proves he can’t be trusted when personal gratification is on the line, so why should we expect to be able to trust him when his execution of office requires a tough decision that demands honor, character, courage, and self-sacrifice?

    Even though adultery may not be an impeachable offense, it does reveal what an unformed character exists within the President of the United States.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, Noah Webster said something like this, “Make a judgement on a politician based soley on his private life for what a man allows the public to see can be altered to hide his true character.

    Most of the time a politician spends in public service is out of public view.

    I personally do not care who W.J. Clinton tries to have sex with, I don’t care when and where he does it.

    But when the President of the United States commits a crime, or causes another to commit a crime trying to cover up his philandering, then it is time to take some action.

    If Clinton would read the U.S. Constitution, he would see that his office is only for as long as he is on his best behavior, I believe the terms High crimes and Misdemeanors is used as the measuring stick for his tenure in office.

    Time: 1/28/98 (23:30:6)

    It is a sad world we live in today. When one profession (news media) can do the damage they do to people like our president. I was always taught in school that anyone is not-guilty until proven guilty.

    Unless, you or I were there how do we know what went on. .

    A 24-year-old who wants immunity! A single 24 year old female that supposedly engages in sex with the President of the United States! A female who is an adult, of legal age, agrees to sexual conduct with a married man to only later offer this information to the public to gain fame and fortune through the news media.

    What I think is this: Clinton has lied. Clinton will continue to lie. He is a liar.

    Hillary is a pathetic, money grubbing , hanger on. If she were a member of the middle class whose husband had been cheating on her for years……she wouldn’t be married to him anymore. She would have divorced him years ago. They are a perfect match.

    I don’t care how it happened, why it happened (unless it was harassment), when it happened, but I do care WHERE it happened. It’s the White House for GOODNESS sake… Is nothing sacred? I care that I am continually LIED to by the Clintons and others on a daily basis. When the Prez of the U.S. looks at the camera and says “I did NOT have sexual relations with this woman, Miss Lewinsky” and if it is proven true that he did, I want his ASS fired…and soon.

    This incident is a small blip on the screen of this man’s life, but it is symptomatic.

    He is totally without morals, and thinks of no one except in terms of himself. He sells out his family, country, friends in endless self promotion. Look at the trail of personal and public devestation that has followed his life.

    Hilary is an abused woman, but she uses him the same as he uses her. I sincerely hope our country can survive the likes of these two. No wonder Chelsa chose a school as far away from them as she could find.

    Remember, just as the public here in the USA look at the Iraqies as nutballs because of Hussein (even though there are good people that would like to throw him out in that country), We Americans are looked upon as sex addicts, perverts and the like around the world by the way the world views Bill Clinton and his leftist, cronies. Will we have to put bags on our heads when
    travelling overseas?

    Time: 1/28/98 (21:37:35)

    What really burns me about this sordid affair is considering the damage done to the military by sex scandels, the hullabaloo during the Clarence Thomas nomination, and all of the other sexual “discrimination” incidents we have had jammed down our throats during the past few years, we get such a poor example from Mr. Clinton.

    Bill and Hillary has brought Arkansas ethics and morality to the White House. What a shame!

    A leader should be one that commands respect, not disrespect. The congressional Democrats should ask Bill to resign!

    Anyone in charge of nuclear weapons and military secrets should not be engaging in activities that leave them susceptible to blackmail.

    Do promises matter? Apparently not to president Bill. Should power be exercised with responsibility. Apparantly not if you are President Bill. If you are President Bill and you want to grope your subordinates go ahead. Where are the feminists when you really need them?

    Is it wrong to lie under oath and to ask others to perjure themselves if you are a fry cook at McDonalds? If it is then how much worse is this type of behaviour from the lead law enforcement officer and chief prosecutor of the United States of America?

    Hey, I have a crazy idea– let’s hold the leader of our great country to a higher standard. Is that nuts or what!?! His position requires incredible strength of character, and what kind of character can an adulterer (admittedly) have?

    If we can’t trust an oath he took before his wife and God, how can we trust him with leading our country? Or if the allegations of perjury and/or subordinating perjury are true? That’s just one more lie on the stack. And, unfortunately, the People wouldn’t care. It’s the sad state of our moral culture.

  2. i love this! it preety funny

    Time: 2/13/98 (21:11:7)

    The last I heard was 13 guilty including the Governor of AR – we don’t hear about that too often, but we always hear how we are not getting our $$ worth !

    I do not know who these people are polling. I know that I am outraged that this corrupt president and his gangsters have not been put in prison and the key thrown away! It is not about his affairs, it’s about the lies and unbelievable coruption he is tied to. How can America which was found on We the People, God and Country, moral values stand for this kind of leadership? Do we really want the children to look up to this kind of moral decay? Anything goes abuse of power. What message do you think this is giving them? If you don’t know look around. We the people need to get our priorities straight or there will be no need to be outraged any longer. You’ll be a bunch of numbers in camps for them to do to you what Hitler did to the Jews!!!! PAY ATTENTION!!!!! LOOK AT WHAT THIS IS LEADING TO!!! Do some research and you will see this has been in action for a long time.Council on Foreign Relation (CRF). Bilderbergs (BB),Trailateral Commission (TT), Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones Society (Yale) just to start you off. Your pres. belongs to the CRF,TT,BB. Go figure.

    A two bit land deal in a two bit state and a sleazy sex scandal in which a mother is forced to testify about her daughter’s sexual misadventures. This is what $30,000,000 and three years have purchased for us by Kenneth Starr.

    If most people know that the president lied about Jennifer Flowers; that he lied about “that woman” Monica; he lied about balancing the budget (becuase 65 billion dollars don’t exisit); tell me when I can believe he is not lying. Could he be lying about what we should and could do in Iraq just like the truth about our 18 young men killed in Somalia was never revealed to the American people. The pictures of their bodies being dragged naked through the street and mutilated by the people we were helping was never shown on TV. Thank God for big satellite systems. I gues they will become illegal soon too as part of the Right Wing conspiracy. But please let me know when the president is telling the truth.

    Liberals created the environment in which a women can bring a man down with little or no evidence. Let them Choke on It !!

    The greater outrage is your lack of cognizance of the subject. The subject is not who bill clinton (small case on purpose) received oral sex from, it is that he probably committed a FELONY (caps on purpose) by lying in a deposition. Your statement “But we’re relieved that Clinton will probably not be brought down by this scandal, even as the evidence against him becomes overwhelming. ” outrages me most of all. Are you so dogmatic about democratic liberalism that a matter of crime becomes immaterial? This is amazing.

    I’m amazed at the blase attitude that you take. The real outrage is that we have a society who have been so inured to immorality that even when the President engages in it, it’s no big deal. All socities in history, who have suffered moral decay become extinct. The issue is not sex!!! The issue is the total dishonesty of this administration. The fact that the “American?” people do not feel that their highest official lies with impunity, knowing that the people don’t care is the real outrage.

    Time: 2/11/98 (18:12:38)

    What a pitiful species we are to spend so much time, effort (and money) on such meaningless crap. There are so many things wrong in the world that need our attention (before it’s too late) that brings us to true ‘pleasure’. Get your heads on straight people.

    Time: 2/11/98 (12:36:3)

    Anything, even liberty, can be carried to extremes. Unchecked by morality and ethics, liberty devolves into chaos. To suggest that Clinton’s conduct IN THE WHITE HOUSE should not be scrutinized out of fear that the same scrutiny will be directed toward the general populace, is an illogical comparison. But if you insist on making the comparison, consider this: If I were to engage in sexual relations IN THE WORKPLACE and my employer became aware of it, I would be asked to resign immediately, with very little discussion. The allegations against Clinton involve serious legal issues, not just sexual impropriety. If any of the allegations are true, legal or otherwise, he should muster up some semblance of dignity and resign. The cause of liberty, far from being threatened, would be strengthened and upheld..

    Of course. Remove God from schools (ACLU/Reno) and there is no moral ideal. Remove math from schools (Clinton/Gore/Riley) and there is no basis for logical thought. Remove discipline and restraint-as-ideal from our society and there is no order. Provide paper-only cash and people collapse into self-servitude. Mix it all together and we have trickle-down immorality. (impeachclinton.com)

    Today’s outrage stated you were, “Outraged that politicians can look their constituents straight in the eye, lie, and get away with it.”

    Then you follow it with, “But we’re relieved that Clinton will probably not be brought down by this scandal, even as the evidence against him becomes overwhelming.”

    Now that is outrageous. I am truly shocked that you seem to imply that nothing should come out of Clintons latest tirades. That society should tolerate Clintons moral character, or lack thereof.

    The biggest outrage in this land is that we refuse to acknowledge that the decline of the moral fiber of this country has all but destroyed it. Dan Quale had it right when he spoke against Murphy Brown.

    Bill Clinton is the leader of the free world (not by my vote, but in office just the same) and with that comes a responsibility, an obligation. The damage that this administration has done to the very soul of America will not be repaired. Clinton has taught us that sexual harrassment / adultery / lying under oath /obstruction of justice and just plain lack of integrity are issues that are of little importance in our world. It is no wonder that society has sunk to this level. We should be ashamed that this has happened, not indifferent. The cost to this country is beyond overwhelming and is long term at that!

    The strength behind the outrage itself is derived from expecting our government to do what is right. If any of us in the private sector pulled the stunts that Clinton has, we would be imprisoned. Thumbs down to this Outrage.

    Dear outrage,
    I truly dont care whether our beloved Pres had an affair with Monica or any of the other women who have been alledged to have been intimate with him. What bothers me is that he IS a liar. It’s a sad commentary on our country that we expect our elected officials to routinely lie to us. Yet we vote the same people into office time and again. Our founding fathers certainly didn’t expect it when they founded our republic. All my liberal friends tell me that Bubba is doing a good job running the country, but when I ask them what he has done none can tell me. I tell them that the President is supposed to set the example for the country, not be the laughing stock. Hopefully the nation can rise above all this, but I am not optimistic. I think we are in deep trouble. Keep up the good work.


    The outrage here is not only the lack of morals demonstrated by our President, but the number of individuals who accept this behavior has normal and acceptable. What the President does in his private life IS meaningful to all of us. I work for a company, and therefore represent that company. If I do things which would bring negative publicity to the company, I would be fired. I realize that a lot of people have the same low moral attitudes of Bill, however, that doesn’t mean our President should be of the same ilk. What the President does in his private life is indicative of his decision process. How can anyone say that the job is separate from the man? What we do is who we are. How many poeple has Bill “done in” along the way to the Presidency. Do we as a people want to “trust” someone to make decisions affecting our very lives who can’t make a moral decision to keep his pants zipped when they should be? Would you feel it was OK for you school principal to be sexually involved with a teacher while “on duty” at the school? What would you do if your boss was playing sexual favorites with a co-worker, then rewarding that person for those favors? Do you want to be associated with an individual who would make vows with one person, then break them on a regular basis. The incidents with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinski are indications of the type of individual this man is. It indicated he cannot be trusted to make the big decision when necessary. Let’s get on the band wagon to get rid of someone who should never have been elected as the Leader of the greatest nation in the World! While some foreign countries think we are “Victorian” in our thinking and should get our thoughts out of the bedrooms, our leadership in the World and many successes would indicate maybe we have something that’s important. Maybe if everyone were to get back to following basic Christian/Muslim/Judean laws and customs, the World would be a much better place to live. We could start by putting someone in the WhiteHouse who has some moral integrity and will do what is right for everyone and not just those with large bank accounts and/or breasts.

    I am outrgaged at your most recent ” The Outrage”. First off, you should get your facts straight before sending anything to us. Paula Jones waited to report the incident about her encounter with Clinton ONLY after her name appeared in a magazine. She never had any intention of reporting it but when her honesty was called into question after the article appeared, she felt compelled to speak out. Second, we are not dealing here with whether Clinton had sex, what Ken Starr is trying to determine is whether Clinton lied under oath and possibly suborned perjury in the process. Furthermore, maybe you don’t think that the presidents extra marital affairs are any concern of ours, WRONGO, we need a president who is held to nothing but the highest standards and among those standards is morality and fidelity. We should not accept anything less for the most powerful man leading the most powerful country in the world. This is not a banana republic or some African nation where moral corruption is the order of the day for their countries leaders. Should we be compared to them? Should we emulate them? You say in your piece,”We’re saddened that people’s expectations of their highest elected officials have sunk so low”. Really, then what have you said in your piece that would help to regain great expectations? Nothing, you have taken the low road and simply accept such behavior as normal. Is that the way you will raise your children? Hey kid, go ahead, be a turd, we never had any great expectations for you anyway, it’s not normal anymore. What will be next?, stopping at the curb to relieve ourselves? With your attitude, that is exactly where we are headed. It’s okay kid, and when you’re done why not walk over there and see if you can get it on with that cute little girl over there, we’ll stay her and watch. It’s no ones business!

    I believe your conclusion to your outrage is severly flawed. When Bill Clinton took the oath of office to become our president/commander in chief he is going to be expected to be honest and straight forward w/ the American people. Men and women in the armed services are put on trialfor lesser offenses. Nixon was impeached for lying and seeking to manipulate the system. The current situation would be comical if it weren’t so trajic. This criminal must go.

    You idiots missed the boat on this one. Now I know who makes up the 79% that still approve of our philandering president. You probably think OJ is innocent. What lunacy!!

    The White House is the people’s house.
    WE, the American people own this house.
    WE, the American people sign their paychecks.
    WE, the American people would like some respect shown in OUR house.
    OUR house is not some sleezy porn shop.
    OUR leaders are supposed to be role models.
    So far, this administration is making a mockery of what WE, the American people stand for.







    I take it that it is OK then to Sexually harras people under you. The irony is the Army is just starting a suit against the highest ranking Non-Com while his Comander in Chief is doing the same thing.

    Ask Senator Packwood or Judge Thomas about this. Can you imagine what the Press would have done to them. Look what they did to them with no sex involved.

    Which is it? I quess in your minds the end does justify the means. It’s OK if you are a Liberal.

    I agree that the President’s sex life is none of our business and that he shouldn’t have to answer questions like he has been asked. Sadly though he is such a liar and has probably gotten so many people to lie for him that the only way to bust the snake is to amass such a mountain of evidence that he can be discredited and forced out. I also agree that he probably will not be forced out. Such is the state of this union. This president has set a new low mark and heaven help us now. What does the future hold for this country? What also bothers me is this whole thing hso dominated the media that we didn’t even hear about the olympics until they had begun.

    Regarding your comments re: Paula Jones, I find your comments offensive, insensitive, and intellectually wanting.

    If this is the level of inane banter and myopic focus you bring to the table of national discussion, please don’t bother to set a place for me.

    This isn’t a Outrage. This is merely the trite musings of an idiot staff. Useless, pointless, and utterly devoid of common sense.

    Please remove me from this inane idiocy.

    R.e. Official Lies
    I do not believe that the end justifies the means except in war and we are involved in a war here. Do you have some other method or propose? We have the rough equivalent of an unlawfull mob running our country. This is a closed case, the evidence is out for all to see, and yet nothing gets done about it! And you are almost whining that we might take out the leader on lesser charges! O.K. fine, propose a way to get them on the more serious charges and let us proceed along those lines. Regarding Paula Jones. She is smart enough to have reported the details of her bad experience with then Gov. Clinton within minutes after it happened and to others within a few hours. NOT YEARS later. This is widely known. Your incorrect statments make me wonder if the fix-a roo is in with your organization. Jones is very much within her rights. A national publication made her look like another of Clintons sluts. And then to be called trailer park trash. She wants justice. And I do not fault her for it. You describe it as “wanting her pound of flesh”. Not so, it is called justice in polite circles. You are so far off base with this portrayal of Jones and Clinton that I am forced to re think my opinion of you. If we as a nation are morally bound to stop Saddam then we are also equally morally bound to stop the unlawfull activity at the very top of our own government. We act like a nation of world wide house keepers and refuse to keep our own house in order. No one will come out of this national disgrace with a Purple Heart. This is dirty business. The prosecutor and the Congress must get dirty to finish it. I have heard enough of this high brow, hair splitting, nit wit thinking and talk. If we loose this war we have lost the Republic… FROM WITHIN!!!

    I must say this column has sent me for a loop. I’ve gotten into the Clinton bashing thing, then along comes your article about not answering questions truthfully that are none of others business! And to think I thought the DO was just a gov’t bashing group….

    Well, most of the comments I read that were outraged about this issue of the DO are corect. This is not about the sex. What is more outrageous is that Clinton retains the support of the American people while obviously using the power of his office to get away with the lies and perjury. If the polls showing support for Clinton are correct, we are a morally bankrupt country…not because of the sex, but because of the lies and abuse of power.

    Disagree with you completely (which is pretty unusual). The only shame is that Clinton may fall due to a sex scandal rather than the much more egregious, frankly treasonous, acts committed in the Campaign Finance Scandal.

    I don’t have time to take you on point by point (I’ll leave that to other readers), but I have confidence you folks will come back to your senses soon. (:=})


    You are right. We The People are to blame. By allowing this travesty to continue through our lack of interest, we are perpetuating the type of totalitarian state you spoke of. These people are public servants, right? Its up to us to stop this kind of STUFF! There are much more important things to worry about,in our own country..not just iraq. This is just a way (better him, than me) for them not to have make decisions that will be productive and not so much hot wind.Let the man be so he can get to work and EARN his paycheck, just like ME and YOU!

    Time: 2/10/98 (3:49:27)

    OK OK, you’re right about the impropriety of the Clinton investigation. Trouble is, if Clinton survives this, does anyone really think that I, or any other conservative, will be able to escape a sexual persecution by pointing to Clinton? Since we all know the answer to this rhetorical question, should we be concerned about privacy as we hoist a leftist on his own petard? I don’t know the answer to that one.

    Also, what about Ms. Willey (sp?). I’m referring to the woman whose husband had just committed suicide when the predator-in-chief decided to use his power to molest her. THAT, friends, is not only odious, but criminal. Any person in power, whether private or public sector, who does that to a woman should be sent to the penitentiary.

    The Question is not and never should have bee “did Clinton have sex with Miss Lewinsky” , the question is- “Did he tell her to lie to protect him” that is the crime (although adultery is a misdomeaner on D.C.) but the fasination this country has with sex has deflected the question.

    I have a suggestion for an outrage–your present outrage!

    The president is only supposed to hold his office as long as he does not commit any “high crimes and misdemeanors”.

    This is in the Constitution for the United States of America. It is extremely explicit about that. If we start allowing a little slip here, and another there then we had better just trash the whole thing, crown him king, and let him do what he will.

    I’m surprised, after all of your columns that I’ve read, we finally disagree on something. I suspect if I were to wave my private parts at a secretary and suggest oral sex to her that somewhere down the line she may issue a complaint. She may not do it while I was the head of our division, but she may very well do so if I were to become president of the company. It takes no stretch of the imagination for anyone to believe that I was guilty of sexual harassment. It would also be quite feasible that my dumb ass would land in court for the stupid trick. Would it make sense, if I lied under oath and the lie was discovered, for the court to charge me with perjury? And do you suppose the Board of Directors would allow me to remain as the very high profile head of the company? I doubt it very seriously.

    I also dispute your comment that Lewinsky was illegally taped. Wires are used all of the time by criminal investigators. They don’t require a court order as does a wire tap. The president’s defenders would like you to believe it was illegal, but it just “ain’t so.”

    While you find it sad that so many people can accept a bald faced liar for president it appears you also accept the fact. Certainly none of us are naive enough to believe that politicians never lie, but rarely is that belief confirmed with hard facts that aren’t covered up and swept under the rug. Nothing has been proven yet, but it seems to me this investigation should reach a climax (pun intended). If Billy is vindicated, bravo for him and shame on the many women who say he’s a whore monger. One of the reasons the armed forces have been opposed to homosexuals in their ranks is they are afraid they can be too easily compromised by spies who offer up a little sex and then threaten to tell. The theory is homosexuals think with their “little” head too often. It appears on the surface that we have a president who allows his little head to take over just a little too often. Suppose Monica Lewinsky was really Mata Hari?

    I say, “Off with his head!” The choice of which one is yours.

    What a great role model for Ameican children! They can hope to grow up like the president; philanerer, liar, etc…

    By the way, it’s not the Republicans or Starr who are costing the American taxpayer some $40 million. It is this bunch in the White House!

    There are those of us who don’t give a damn if Clinton has a little on the side. as long as Hillary dont care why should we care. When clinton lies under oath, thats the time to dump him. It’s not Clinton thats causing the prosperity it’s the congress that is holding things in tow.

    I agree that the issue regarding the personal conduct of the President is not very relevant to American’s lives. However, I am concerned if he tried to cover up information and more importantly, did he and Vernon Jordan coerce Web Hubell into silence. This investigation really leads to similar actions taken by the President and Jordan to cover up and influence witnesses and leads to real questions of serious crimes being committed.

    Today’s outrage is simply an attempt to be outgageous right? Hey, I don’t care who did what to whom with Clinton sexually. It is however ironic that something which should be private, might bring him down, while things that should be public business go unpunished.

    I think you guys really missed the mark with this one – you’d probably be much better off staying away from politics, and especially when you’re as obviously ignorant about the subject matter as with this item. But then again, what do I know??? I must be part of that “vast, right-wing conspiracy!” (right, Hillary)

    Two points. First, it is NOT about Bill Clinton’s sex life! If he wasn’t so promiscous most people wouldn’t care. However, that is not the issue. Lying under oath is a FELONY! That is the issue. Secondly, the feminists and the politically-correct element don’t seem to have a problem with admirals and generals and N.C.O.’s being either court-martialled for much less than their Commander-In-Chief is being given a free ride (oops) on. A clear double standard. Clinton tried to hide behind an obscure military law until he was laughed at for doing so. If he was subject to the Uniform Code Of Military Justice in that instance, then why, as Commander-In-Chief, shouldn’t he be held accountable now? Many good if not great military careers were ended for a good deal less. Personally, I think that we should insist on good moral conduct from our “leaders”, and that they should be held to account when they lie (even if not under oath) or commit perjury or any other felony. If I did it, or if you did it, we would have to pay for it. Why should our Pres. or other politicians be allowed to get away with it?


    Today’s outrage that the POTUS’ immoral and undisciplined sex life is not the business of the American people is out and out RUBBISH. The fact that this President has to spend so much of his time answering for him unfaithfulness is a Prime of example of why his is not fit to lead this nation. He has made the US a laughing stock of the world. Moreover, if the CEO of say MICROSOFT were to have the sex life that Clinton apparently does and used the same tactics, he would be brought up on charges so fats that it would make your head spin. And who would try and defend his actions? Who would say that this was not akin to sexual abuse/harrassment??? Who Could defend such actions? And the point that Kenneth Starr has been leaking information from his office is completely unfounded. What shred of evidence is there to support such an allegation? There is none. In fact the President’s own people are saying that the so-called LEAK has come from “people close to the President’s defense.” The idea here (OF COURSE) is to tarnish the reputation of the Starr. A typical counter-attack maneuver. I’m surprised the POTUS waited so long to do it. All this taked away from the fact that this President has drug the office through the worst muck of any President in my memory. I am defnitely not a Democrat.. but I do not seem to recall the Carter administration being involved in scandal and after scandal! Bring back INTEGRITY to the office of the President!

    – K –

    Personally, I’m glad that we finally have a president who displays alpha male qualities!

    I’m outraged at the DO because, if you believe this is about sex, you just don’t get it. Ken Starr’s investigation is about the abuse of power, from Clinton’s Arkansas days when he helped loot the Madison Savings and Loan, to the little missus’ trumped up firing of Billy Dale and the Travel Office staff so he could put in his cronies, to the purloining of 900 FBI files, to the latest attempt to tamper with witnesses and suborn purjury. Why has it taken so long, besides having his mandate extended 3 times (Travelgate, Filegate, and, now, Tailgate) the less than timely production of documents by the White House has contributed greatly to the lenth of the investigation. This latest extension came from the information on the Tripp tapes. Webb Hubble stiffed Starr after he agreed to provide information as a condition of his sentence and then didn’t. Among other “consulting contracts” he received was one with Revlon, Inc. arranged by Vernon Jordan. Now he is presented with good old Vernon arranging for a job with Revlon for a lowly ex-White House intern. Even the brain dead or the product of our dumbed down educational system whould have to look at this as an emerging pattern of witness tampering. Jordan’s press conference (at which he took no questions) stating that he helped many of low rank was a hoot and if you bought it, I have some prime swamp land for sale. Besides the legal issues which Starr is quite capable of handling, is the issue of lying. Bill Clinton is a pathological liar. He even lies when he doesn’t have to. He seems to have surrounded himself with those that feel that lying is no big thing and this is what troubles me. It ought to trouble you too. As the leader of our country, when is he lying and when is he telling the truth? As to the “I’m not concerned as long as he isn’t screwing me” defense, how can you be sure?

    Now another little tidbit. When the going gets tough for Bill, Hill, and the gang, the reason for the 900 files becomes readily apparent-insurance. If they use them, and they will when the situation gets desperate, we had better start to add on to Allentown.

  3. Yes, Morality is of a serious nature here in America. Only a moral minded people are in a position to govern themselves instead of being governed by a huge federal government of despotism. When we lose our morals, we forfiet our resposibility and our freedom will soon follow.

    The President of the Nation is expected to emulate that ideal, at least to an extent. But besides that, perjury is criminal and obstruction of justice should not be a characteristic of a law abiding citizen much less the one who is elcted to govern over them. BUT, I’d rather have Clinton than Gore. So impeachment? Decisions Decisions.

    Lewinsky didn’t make any accusation against Clinton; her conservative ‘friend’ framed her if she were not a conservative someone might have said she doesn’t have values)

    There are too many frustrated males in America who can’t stand the fact the Bill Clinton is a charming and attractive man who enjoys sex and is more succesful in getting it than most of those “outraged” by his behaviour.

    The most ‘outrageous’ are those outraged in Hillary’s name. for your information, there are all kinds of agreements between spouses about sex, and fidelity is only one of them.

    Image if you will a man…a man who is a Colonel in the military.

    This man, call him Colonel Corn, makes sexual advances to some of the female cadets over a number of years. Some of these women accept the offer, some don’t. What would happen to that Colonel Corn (or a woman officer who would make advance on male cadets)? Court martial or a simple dishonorable discharge.

    Imagine if you will another man…a man who is a mid level manager at a government agency or a corporation.

    This man, call him District Manager Mike, makes sexual advance to some of his secretaries/assistants of the course of a few year. What happens to Molester Mike? He is most likely fired instantly and then potentially faces a civil lawsuit for emotional distress. Worse still the agency (or company) is also sued for hiring such a man, costing the taxpayers (or stockholders) millions.

    While there is no proof of his philandering (excepting Gennifer Flowers, whom he admitted having an affair with, but was not an employee of his), proof should result in the same punishment that any other officer (he IS Commander-in-Chief), government agency manager (he is THE head of the government agencies), or corporate manager would face.

    What I want to know is how we as a country can stand to have a gigolo in the white house?

    The real “outrage” is the media’s pandering `wizard of oz’ performance since Clinton first ran for president. Rather than simply reporting the `facts’ as they find them they continue to tell us that it’s not important and `we’ aren’t really interested in the sleezy behavior.

    Folks I know are pretty upset. Men and women in the military have lost their careers over the same accusations, so why not the Commander in Chief?

    The surveys say more than 50% of all married people have affairs. In that dept, the president represents America! (I must admit I’m not real
    proud of this fact) However, if found guilty of lying, again, Impeach!

    (Remember, Mr Pres is a good guy, he never “inhalled”, just puffed)

    I’m still not certain that Lewinsky’s alleged sex claims are real. She could be nothing more than a clever gold-bricker looking for a hunk of cash to go away. That said, I believe that our Pres. is living proof of P. T. Barnum’s famous quote that “there is a sucker born every minute. The Clintons are simply a smoother version of Jim & Tammy Baker and their phony “Praise the Lord” hypocrisy.

    The Clintons hold graduate degrees in the Jimmy Swaggart School for Duping the Ignorant. Pass the plate Slick Willie’s travelling show is all primed.

    Re:the latest Clinton Scandal. To roughly quote our frenetic president, It’s not the sex it’s the perjury stupid. When is the press going to get it right?

    Frankly I think we should all be concerned about a president that has such an uncontrollable sexual appetite but that is not what he will be impeached for it is the perjury and conspiring to force others to commit perjury.

    The sleaze drips off this president but the repercussion of this affect everyone. God Help the United States of America.

    Time: 1/29/98 (7:30:42)

    Your comment about being tried by the Media says it all. Might I remind people that these are charges, not facts. Could we possibly look at the people making the charges the same way we are comdeming our President.

    I think there are a lot of people who just wish that they would get on to something else to sell news, and let him do his job. Am I the only one who feels that we are one heck of a lot better off in this now than when WE elected him.

    So Hillary thinks that right wing extremists are behind her and Bill’s latest embarrassment.

    Hah! Here’s one RWE who’d love to take credit. I cannot tell a lie, however, I am sorry to say that I had nothing to do with it.

    Thanks for the compliment just the same, Hillary!!

    Jeff Emler

    Time: 1/29/98 (5:44:49)

    The unspoken tragedy is the nation doesn’t think character matters. The founding fathers’ writings are replete with references to the contrary. Who you are when in private, is who you pretend not to be when in public.

    Bill Clinton, based on the J. Flowers story, is a convenant breaker(marriage covenant). This ongoing situation proves he can’t be trusted when personal gratification is on the line, so why should we expect to be able to trust him when his execution of office requires a tough decision that demands honor,
    character, courage, and self-sacrifice?

    Even though adultery may not be an impeachable offense, it does reveal what an unformed character exists within the President of the United States.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, Noah Webster said something like this, “Make a judgement on a politician based soley on his private life for what a man allows the public to see can be altered to hide his true character.

    Most of the time a politician spends in public service is out of public view.

    I personally do not care who W.J. Clinton tries to have sex with, I don’t care when and where he does it.

    But when the President of the United States commits a crime, or causes another to commit a crime trying to cover up his philandering, then it is time to take some action.

    If Clinton would read the U.S. Constitution, he would see that his office is only for as long as he is on his best behavior, I believe the terms High crimes and Misdemeanors is used as the measuring stick for his tenure in office.

    Its the damn independent counsel law. Hopefully its on the way out. What the prez does with his willy is his own biz. But as a PUBLIC SERVANT we need to know that he isnt feeding us untruths.

    I didnt vote for him, but he hasnt done badly…except for his indiscretions. Besides if these women were so outraged at his behavior, why did they wait till he was the prez?…MONEY!

    *Smile* The reactions to Clinton’s escapades from everyone have been amusing to me ….since when did politicians become moral, truthful, or
    faithful to their wives?

    This naivity act is getting as old as the hypocrasy

    Time: 1/29/98 (4:27:15)

    OK so the charges of having sex with his employees are not important. I’ll accept that- as soon as apologies are issued to Clarence Thomas & Bob Packwood.

    Until then, however, what’s sauce for the goose… I, as a conservative/libertarian, have been defending the women’s movement for years as being necessary to keep women from being exploited. I feel like a fool now.

    The “feminists” acceptance of the sexual predator-in-chief shows me that those who claimed feminists were merely concerned with killing fetuses and destroying American culture were right.

    Time: 1/29/98 (3:37:48)

    As a Texas attorney, I’m amazed how so many Americans have voted for clown Clinton twice and many still think that he’s doing a good job.

    This despicable liar never deserved to be elected president and is a disgrace to America. Gee, I miss Ronald Reagan

    Time: 1/29/98 (1:53:27)

    I find it interesting when the media makes a big to-do about Hillary “standing by her man”.

    Hasn’t it occurred to anyone that Bill is the connection to Hillary’s position of power. No Bill – no power!

    Follow the money!

    Who is in desparate need for money… big bucks? Monica Lewinsky? Linda Tripp? Ken Starr? Nah… all the talk about their “book deals” misses the mark by a mile!

    Bill Clinton is the one who really needs some big dough.

    He’s in hock to his lawyers up to his you-know-what. So, Clinton is behind all the “leaks” that’s keeping the story alive. Why?

    So, how does he figure to make money off the scandals that are rocking his Presidency? Not with a “book deal”. That’s too mundane for Bill… a book is a one shot deal.

    He’s got a plan that will produce a steady income for as far into the future as one can see.

    Here’s the skinny on Clinton’s plan. He cut a deal with Proctor & Gamble for a Soap Opera (for TV). It will star Billy & Hilly and will make today’s Soaps look like the Campfire Girls.

    “Steamy” is how P&G will describe it in the promos… but that will be an under-statement! You heard it here first!

    Cliff Cofer

    As long as zippergate results in more grid-lock in Washington we get less legislation. That is good for the American populas.

    The horniest occupational groups are politicians, preachers, and professors. Those groups seldom screw around with their professional and social equals.

    And neither should Clinton. It’s the lack of discretion.

    For those of you with a memory and a sense of history (it repeats itself) this is the “Nixon scenario” being put into play again (the public is too
    stupid to notice).

    The “bungling” Watergate burglers just happened to be CIA agents, Nixon was removed, and Ford kept getting shot at, having accidents, etc. Why does
    the media suddenly take an interest in something they’ve known for years?

    (Clinton’s lack of moral values) Stay tuned to see if Gore becomes President, appoints someone with a name like Rockefeller for Vice-President, and then suddenly has an unfortunate accident.

    This is the way the world really works… not those wacky “conspiracy theories” that people like Hillary are always talking about.

    I am sorry, and I freely admit that I am rather religious so that will taint my response, but as a leader I hold Clinton, and other officials, to a high standard.

    I honestly feel that this country was saved and preserved by God as a special land of religious freedom – the right to worship as one pleases. I feel He has protected it and preserved it through many hard times.

    However, when we start to accept that behavior which is detrimental to the family unit, when the old “morality” of yesterday becomes the accepted immorality of the majority, then we can look to lose that special protection given to us by God.

    The president should set the example of what is good and proper – the best in human beings. Many look to him/her for their example and emulate his/her behavior.

    Time: 1/28/98 (23:58:32)

    I blame this whole mess on the news media. Give then an inch and they will create a mile. As Jesus said “Let him who has no sin cast the first rock”

    Let’s examine why the news media thinks we really want to hear this garbage, Who appointed them as the guardians of what I am to read, hear, or see. I and
    only I am responsible for what I do and think. Let them stop turning out garbage.

    Give the man a chance to do his job. If congress, and Starr, had a job to do they wouldn’t have time to look at anyone else. If the president has done something wrong then he will have to answer it to the supreme judge.

    I don’t see anyone talking about sexual harassment with The Comander and Chief. The Army is firing officers over alot less.

    Managers are constantly gaurding their words to keep from a harassment suit. These laws were written by Congress and signed into being by the president at the time.

    Time: 1/28/98 (23:30:25)

    As I was reading thru this list it struck me as absurd that someone still thinks that a President has everything to do with the state of the economy and the balancing of the budget. Look it up in the Constitution folks, ONLY THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can initiate a spending bill.

    If the house doesn’t first vote the money it doesn’t get spent. And we finally have a budget surplus in spite of Slick Willey. We finally have a majority in the House who want to shrink the size of the government and let us keep more of our money.

    Remember, it is ours to start with, not the governments. So if we thank anybody for the state of our economy, it shoud be the Republican controlled House of Representatives, not Trysty Slick Willey.

    Time: 1/28/98 (23:30:6)

    It is a sad world we live in today. When one profession (news media) can do the damage they do to people like our president. I was always taught in school that anyone is not-guilty until proven guilty.

    Unless, you or I were there how do we know what went on.

    This is all about money – Monica is no fool – she has become an instant world-wide celeb. Can anybody think of a better way to become a household word in a matter of days?

    Her future is set – Penthouse already offered $2 million for her story and a few breast shots –

    Time: 1/28/98 (23:18:30)

    It’s obvious that Hilliary isn’t just being unfair, as Senator Lott has said. She’s actually desperate. She has no better answer than to dream up a “Right Wing Conspiracy.”

    That’s truly pathetic and desperate. But with Slick Willey for a mate, perhaps we shouldn’t expect more from her.

    A female air force pilot is drummed out of the service with a less than honorable discharge for committing adultery and lying about it. Several Army Drill Instructors are court-martialed and sent to prison for having inappropriate sex with female recruits under their charge.

    A 4 star general is denied being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for an adulterous affair committed decades earlier. So should the Commander and Chief be held to a lower standard than those under him? Of course he should. No matter how low we make the standards of conduct for Clinton he’ll rise to them.

    And now we’re going to have to pontificate the question of whether fellatio is sex. Clinton says it isn’t. What a brilliant gambit. If Gary Hart had of thought of it he would have been president. If Ted Kennedy had of thought of it he wouldn’t have had to drive off that bridge.

    I checked with my spiritual advisor, Jimmy Swaggart, and he said fellatio is indeed sex otherwise he could of avoided the deep pucky he found himself in a few years back.

    We all know that Clinton would deny the accusations whether they’re true or false so his denial is meaningless. For those of you who think it’ OK to have a president whose word means nothing you,ll be right at home in the 21st century.

    Just be careful crossing that bridge he and Gore are building to the next century. He just might get Ted Kennedy to drive us across it. But maybe that’s all we deserve these days.

    A 24-year-old who wants immunity! A single 24 year old female that supposedly engages in sex with the President of the United States! A female who is an adult, of legal age, agrees to sexual conduct with a married man to only later offer this information to the public to gain fame and fortune through the
    news media.

    Hillary says it is a right wing conspiracy and if we “hold our breath, the truth will come out.” Why wasn’t there a reporter there to ask, “Hillary, why is it every time the President holds his breath, his pants fall down and there is an Obliging woman there, not his wife, who later talks?”

    The President’s moral character is a reflection of the prevailing culture of immorality in the country–anything goes. A nation gets to have the kind of leaders it deserves!

    Whomever said Gennifer is ugly is blind! Flowers is a FOX! (A slut, but a still a fox.) And whoever said “America is the only country where morality is still taken seriously” is an ignoramous.

    In most Islamic countries, both Clintongs would’ve been beheaded by now. And in most of the rest of the world, Starr, Gingrich, and Rush would’ve been jailed, beaten, and shot. Thank the Lord this is America!

    What I think is this: Clinton has lied. Clinton will continue to lie. He is a liar.

    Hillary is a pathetic, money grubbing , hanger on. If she were a member of the middle class whose husband had been cheating on her for years……she wouldn’t be married to him anymore. She would have divorced him years ago. They are a perfect match.

    I don’t care how it happened, why it happened (unless it was harassment), when it happened, but I do care WHERE it happened. It’s the White House for GOODNESS sake… Is nothing sacred? I care that I am continually LIED to by the Clintons and others on a daily basis. When the Prez of the U.S. looks at the camera and says “I did NOT have sexual relations with this woman, Miss Lewinsky” and if it is proven true that he did, I want his ASS fired…and soon.

    This incident is a small blip on the screen of this man’s life, but it is symptomatic.

    He is totally without morals, and thinks of no one except in terms of himself. He sells out his family, country, friends in endless self promotion. Look at the trail of personal and public devestation that has followed his life.

    Hilary is an abused woman, but she uses him the same as he uses her. I sincerely hope our country can survive the likes of these two. No wonder Chelsa chose a school as far away from them as she could find.

    Remember, just as the public here in the USA look at the Iraqies as nutballs because of Hussein (even though there are good people that would like to throw him out in that country), We Americans are looked upon as sex addicts, perverts and the like around the world by the way the world views Bill Clinton and his leftist, cronies. Will we have to put bags on our heads when travelling overseas?

    Time: 1/28/98 (21:37:35)

    What really burns me about this sordid affair is considering the damage done to the military by sex scandels, the hullabaloo during the Clarence Thomas nomination, and all of the other sexual “discrimination” incidents we have had jammed down our throats during the past few years, we get such a poor example from Mr. Clinton.

    Bill and Hillary has brought Arkansas ethics and morality to the White House. What a shame!

    A leader should be one that commands respect, not disrespect. The congressional Democrats should ask Bill to resign!

    Anyone in charge of nuclear weapons and military secrets should not be engaging in activities that leave them susceptible to blackmail.

    #1. I think it is pathetic how everyone has jumped on the bandwagon and condemned the President without one shred of evidence coming out. This is NOT the American way!

    #2. To the pathetic little man who made the comment about Hillary — you should be so lucky to have a woman as good as her.

    Do promises matter? Apparently not to president Bill. Should power be exercised with responsibility. Apparantly not if you are President Bill. If you are President Bill and you want to grope your subordinates go ahead. Where are the feminists when you really need them?

    Is it wrong to lie under oath and to ask others to perjure themselves if you are a fry cook at McDonalds? If it is then how much worse is this type of behaviour from the lead law enforcement officer and chief prosecutor of the United States of America?

    Hey, I have a crazy idea– let’s hold the leader of our great country to a higher standard. Is that nuts or what!?! His position requires incredible strength of character, and what kind of character can an adulterer (admittedly) have?

    If we can’t trust an oath he took before his wife and God, how can we trust him with leading our country? Or if the allegations of perjury and/or subordinating perjury are true? That’s just one more lie on the stack. And, unfortunately, the People wouldn’t care. It’s the sad state of our moral culture.

    Can I have Nicole’s phone number?

    On a more relevant point: I am shocked by the comments painting any alledged tryst between the President of the United States and a young unpaid intern
    (entrusted by her parents to the care and protection of the White House staff) as irrelevant – nothing more than sex between consenting adults!!!!

    Wake up and smell the musk!! HE has no business doing IT with HER! Given the imbalance of power, there can arguably be no such thing as “consent” – this is clearly (if true) an ugly abuse of power by Clinton.

    Normally, I wouldn’t waste my breath defending this President… But who cares who he’s having sex with? That is his and Hillary’s business.

    I say he’s doing Hillary a favor. Isn’t the running of this country just a teeny tiny bit more important than Mr. Bill’s sex life? Nothing has been proven.

    Paula Jones – just look at her. Here in Missouri, we call women like her (yes it is classist) hoosiers, white trash, redneck girls etc. Is she more credible than Mr. Bill.

    Monica Lewinski hasn’t alleged anything – her friend has alleged some conversations – and refused to put on a wire. Sounds like potty room gossip that’s grown way out of proportion, thanks once again to over- coverage by the media. I predict nothing is ever proven against Mr. Bill.

    Hate to admit this also, but am I the only conservative to notice that in spite of (or because of) the dynamic duo in D.C. the country is in better shape economically than it’s been since I was born a long time ago?

    As long as Bill Clinton doesn’t ask me who I’m sleeping with, I will give him the same courtesy and not ask him who he is sleeping with.

    I don’t want or need to know everything about public figures. What they do in their private lives should be private.

    Why not investigate the backgrounds of some of the accusers and see who they have slept with.

    Let Clinton run the gov. so far he has done a great job. Times are good, so get on with it!

    Perhaps the greatest politician in the world but the absolute worst president ever!

    We are perhaps the number ONE nation in pre-marital sex, extra-marital affairs, adult video viewing, internet porn, child molestation, divorces,
    incest, orgies, date rapes, etc. We, including the President, are simply products and by-products of the sexual liberation era — in the 60’s and 70’s — and gossip material of the information age and the media in the 80’s and 90’s. What’s the fuss?

    The ancient Indians, Chinese and Romans had been having fun for centuries while their respective empires and civilizations lasted. We are only in this carnal mode for less than four decades. Kudos to libido!

    Time: 1/28/98 (17:37:12)

    At this writing, the economy is humming along, unemployment is at about as low as it gets, inflation is virtually non-existent… Let’s encourage Bill to keep on chasing skirts. He doesn’t have time to muck up the economy!

    Just remember some of the other Democrat, former southern Governors, and what THEY did to the economy..

    Bill Clinton is too smart to do something so stupid.

    Time: 1/28/98 (17:29:30)

    “The American Spectator” reported on Clinton’s trysts 4 years ago (so did Rush)…

    Why has it taken the American public and media so long to come around? Wake up America!

    Please, how could Mr. Bleile (sp?) have sustained a love affair with Monica for five years if she is truly a nut case”??

    How could the White House/President’s Secretary/Vernon Jordan, et. al. recommend her for highly paid positions at the Pentagon, United Nations or Revlon Corp?

    I, too, smell a rat!! Are the President’s supporters launching a smear campaign as a part of a “vast conspiracy”?

    It was very difficult explaining to my young children what our esteemed leader and example setter was being accused of.

    A President who is a liar, cheater, and has no conviction or conscious sets a horrible example for our children, and the country as a whole.

    Time: 1/28/98 (16:13:18)

    I agree with one paragraph in particular of your Outrage column about the Monica affair: Clinton’s lack of taste.

    His taste in women is the first thing that should be impeached.

    Misdirection is the essence of magicians’ illusions. Could “Tailgate” be misdirection (“wagging the dog”) to distract America from the REAL coverups by Clinton and his pet Justice Department?

    Will Starr and the major media hound-pack chase bimbos and continue to obscure Huang, Foster, Brown, OKC, Waco, etc., etc.?

    Time: 1/28/98 (14:45:55)

    Philandering is legal – let’s ignore it.
    Perjury is illegal.
    Obstruction of justice is illegal.
    Suborning perjury is illegal.
    Accepting foreign campaign money is illegal
    Soliciting campaign funds from WH is illegal
    Accepting funds in the WH is illegal.

    Let’s impeach this criminal for the right reasons.

    If he cheats on his wife, what does he do to the general public???

    The whole scandal can be summed up with one word:


    Here is the Truth: Monica is a “Whack-Job”, who got caught in a very big lie. Trapp is a “Nut-Case”, who hates Clinton and saw an opportunity
    to “nail” him.

    Starr is an idiot, who has spent millions of our dollars to uncover something that doesn’t exit. So he will use Trapp and Monica to justify his job. This is the truth.

    BTW. I am a Republican and I didn’t vote for Clinton. You will see this pan out in the next three weeks. Most of it will come after the war with Iraq on Feb.

    Even if Clinton was the most devoted husband in the world – if we think that sleeping around is any worse than any of the other lies that he or any other politicians must tell to get to their place of power, then we are naive.

  4. A man’s sexual practices, on the premises of his elected office, with his employees/interns, under the same roof with his wife and family, are direct indicators of his character.

    And character is directly related to respect for, and fair administration of, the laws he is expected to administer. (Laws about things like campaign finances and perjury, for example.)

    He may be a decent administrator, but no president can actually *lead* a nation unless he is perceived as being honest and of good character.

    Speaking of Susan McDougle does anyone remember all those Tobacco CEO’s with their hand held high before the congress saying they had no knowledge concerning smoking and addiction. Susan is in jail for taking the 5th while these clowns are out laughing at us. So you think Starr could start investigating some real villains?

    PS To use a quote from the COOL ONE himself I think Bill is just in a little ‘Bimbo Limbo’. Sorry but its just not a impeachable offense.

    PSS. Do you think Tripp is just a little upset because with Bill lack of taste in women she still didn’t make the cut?

    Clinton’s legacy may well be his creation of a new axiom: Alls fair in Love and Politics.

    Time: 1/30/98 (7:49:42)

    Whoever said that (in reference to the Clinton scandal) it is our great morals that has made America a super-power needs to stop getting their education from Sunday morning TV and start taking night classes in American Government.

    The real issue here is that the man lied under oath.

    I did not pump that intern’s hip.
    I didn’t do it, Linda Tripp.

    I didn’t jump that bimbo’s bones.
    Lord knows who’d do Paula Jones.

    Flowers belong in a pot.
    Speaking of which, inhale I did not.

    I did not do her in a car.
    I did not do her in a bar.
    I did her not–Not near, not far.
    I did not do her, Kenneth Starr.

    Time: 1/30/98 (5:55:18)

    I scoff at those who pathetically defend Clinton when they say, “Who cares? His sex life is his own business.” The man is MARRIED, you apathetic morons! What does that say about his character?

    He lied to us for years by saying he had no involvement with Gennifer Flowers when he was governor of Arkansas, but he then reluctantly admits it in the Paula Jones deposition when he is questioned under oath! Why should we believe him now when he denies being involved with Lewinsky?

    Why should we believe him about anything? Look, if he was a single man and could get an endless supply of young women to drop down on their knees I’d say, “Good for him!” But not while he’s married. That makes him an adulterous, pathological liar and unfit to lead the greatest nation on earth!

    The democrats indifference to this situation and their “our cause at any cost” attitude is destroying the country that men and women have fought and died for.

    (Except Clinton, he dodged the draft). If you don’t care enough about the character and conduct of our highest elected official, then take your sound-byte, fast-food brains beyond the borders of my country. And please, take Bubba with you.

    How many of you would lose your job if you got head from a bimbo? For those of you who say he was “on the clock”, is your job 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? When is he “off the clock”?

    Bottom line here is if he is doing something illegal against the American people or breaking laws that affect America in a detrimental way, then prosicute! Other wise back off and shut up!

    The respect that is due the “office” of the president of the United States does not automatically lend itself to the person who occupies the position when they continuously involve themselves in immoral and disreputable situations.

    A higher standard is, and should be, expected of them. I am ashamed for my country and disgusted with those who continue to support Clinton.

    I agree; two elections, twice elected, democratic process. Problem is me and my loved ones must live with the results.

    To me it not conceivable that the public do’s not demand this administration be reomve from public office.

    It is apparant; we are sunk. Some bubbles are coming up but in a few years they will stop and thats the end of the Republic. Act now America or loose your nation. What in the name of $%^%$ happened to the ability to assess character?

    If nothing else had happened, just the denial of an affair with Jennifer Flowers and now the addmission of it further confirmed by Jennifer on Lary King last week should do it.

    Is there a mass hipnotic affect in affect? For the past five years I have felt like a foreigner in my own country.

    Wake up America. WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP.

    Time: 1/29/98 (15:53:24)

    Some where around the 1960’s, teaching our youngsters about character traits such as integrity, honesty and fidelity has been lost. Adultry is ok as long as it’s between consenting adults.

    Lying is a pre-requisite for all politicians. Unless this destructive trend is reversed, we can look forward to a worsening. Who knows? The President of 2010 could be an accepted pedophiliac.

    Time: 1/29/98 (14:47:7)

    Ask if this were your husband and what you should/would do? Ask what you would /should do if this were your daughter?

    Have we, as the great tax paying unwashed become so complacent as to not care who/ what is running the country?

    Not demanding and forcing the people we elect to government to be above reproch, in deed, in action, and in thought, shows we are going to get what we let happen to our country. One day we will wake up and see theat ‘Rome’ fell while we let the fiddlers play! The American people need to get more involved.

    Right now the only Americans interested in Gov’t are those that depend on a handout from same (welfare, government workers, polititions, government programs, and hangers on, etc. We have met the enemy and it is us! (per pogo).

    If Mr. Clinton is not held responsible for his actions, we should apologize to all the sargents that were sent to jail for their sexual harassment of those enlistee’s under their command.

    Mr. Clinton wants it both ways. He claimed military exemption for Paula Jones but now does not want to be held to the same standard.

    The Riahdy family money and influence, Charley Trie, John Huang, Web Hubbell, Ms. O’Leary, Ron Brown, the fellow who “lied to his diary, Vince Foster, Ira Magaziner, the two low-lifes with improper FBI files, the FBI and IRS involved in the travel office firings, the IRS going after Paula Jones, the IRS auditing only conservative organizations, Hillary not responding to questions about the billing records found in the White House, the President asking others to perjure themselves.

    These are just off the top of my head, you and I are aware of other items to list, but this should be enough to make my point about the administration that would not allow “even a hint of impropriety”.

    Please note there’s not one reference to the President’s sex life.

    Jennifer Flowers stated on The Geraldo Rivera show, January 23, that Bill Clinton had paid for her to have an abortion when they were having their fling. It has now been mentioned that there is a possibility that Monica Lewinsky also had an abortion during her fling time with Clinton.

    If this is so, it shouldn’t be a surprise that President Clinton is for abortion at any time during a pregnancy. It has probably saved him lots of money and allows him to get on with his adulterous affairs.

    Why should he care about unborn babies as long as he gets to hanky panky in the ORAL Office.

    Time: 1/29/98 (5:44:49)

    The unspoken tragedy is the nation doesn’t think character matters. The founding fathers’ writings are replete with references to the contrary. Who you are when in private, is who you pretend not to be when in public.

    Bill Clinton, based on the J. Flowers story, is a convenant breaker (marriage covenant). This ongoing situation proves he can’t be trusted when personal gratification is on the line, so why should we expect to be able to trust him when his execution of office requires a tough decision that demands honor, character, courage, and self-sacrifice?

    Even though adultery may not be an impeachable offense, it does reveal what an unformed character exists within the President of the United States.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, Noah Webster said something like this, “Make a judgement on a politician based soley on his private life for what a man allows the public to see can be altered to hide his true character.

    Most of the time a politician spends in public service is out of public view.

    A 24-year-old who wants immunity! A single 24 year old female that supposedly engages in sex with the President of the United States! A female who is an adult, of legal age, agrees to sexual conduct with a married man to only later offer this information to the public to gain fame and fortune through the news media.

    Bleiler, (I believe a teacher) who had a five-year extramarital affair with Lewinsky (who by the way was 19 years old then according to the news media facts) while Lewinsky was working at the White House.

    Sends Bleiler and his wife documents and photographs that they placed in a safe-deposit box that will be turned over to employees of Starr`s office in Portland.

    Extremely interesting! Another married man she has sexual affairs with. Even more interesting this married man and even his wife save documents to his sexual flings other sexual affairs. So if he is 32 now, he must have been 27 when he began his affair as a married man with a 19-year-old fresh out of high school.

    I wonder if he was a teacher at that time? Sure can cause ones mind to wonder if there were any other affairs, most importantly any from high school? I wonder if they are on the bandwagon of payoffs for their story to the news media?

    However, what I really find interesting is the fact that the President is portrayed as guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, a person who has committed adultery, yet pretty little miss priss is innocent of any misconduct and seeks immunity.

    If this incident really and truly occurred, she should be hung just as those who are seeking to hang the President and no immunity granted at all. What are you going to do, grant immunity for false information to gain fame and fortune?

    Grant her immunity with the understanding that any money she makes from the story is turned back over to the United States Government. Watch how fast nothing happened.

    After all, why should tax payers be forced to pay solely for the expense of a federal grand jury and all attorney fees. Her payoff fees would supplement this tax burden greatly.

    Hillary says it is a right wing conspiracy and if we “hold our breath, the truth will come out.” Why wasn’t there a reporter there to ask, “Hillary, why is it every time the President holds his breath, his pants fall down and there is an Obliging woman there, not his wife, who later talks?”

    Monica puts her “kneepads” on and “goes to Washington” to bow her knee to a false god…and does WHAT? Jimmy Stewart must be on spin cycle! The President’s moral character is a reflection of the prevailing culture of immorality in the country–anything goes. A nation gets to have the kind of leaders it deserves!

    An Oregon treehugger claims to have had a 5 year affair with Monica who was then a teenager and he’s smiling. His wife is smiling and their attorney has a spendo suit–pretty good for a teacher.

    Who is paying the lawyer? Is the wife smiling from the amount of Clinton bucks contributed for their “evidence?” Is it Chinese money?

    Everytime we have election results, I expect fire to fall from Heaven in Judgment. It is coming! God said to “repent” — the nation didn’t. There may be a short time to repent for some individuals, but this nation is doomed!

    What I think is this: Clinton has lied. Clinton will continue to lie. He is a liar.

    Hillary is a pathetic, money grubbing , hanger on. If she were a member of the middle class whose husband had been cheating on her for years……she wouldn’t be married to him anymore. She would have divorced him years ago. They are a perfect match.

    Clinton should step down, resign. The “battle” they want to declare and fight, is self serving and not in the interest of the Country at large. Don’t let anyone fool ya, it’s a personal thing with them. Me, Me, Me.

    I don’t care who Clinton has ‘relations’ with, but I do care if he is harassing, abusing or mistreating the women he is entangled with. If he is making any kind of sexual innuendos to these women that are rude, or unwanted, he is then a sexual predator and is no better than a criminal.

    If the President of these United States is a sexual predator, we have been betrayed. (Don’t get me wrong, the women who ‘consentually’ have relations with him are fully aware that he is married AND the President of the U.S.A., they are no better)

    I don’t care how it happened, why it happened (unless it was harassment), when it happened, but I do care WHERE it happened. It’s the White House for GOODNESS sake… Is nothing sacred? I care that I am continually LIED to by the Clintons and others on a daily basis. When the Prez of the U.S. looks at the camera and says “I did NOT have sexual relations with this woman, Miss Lewinsky” and if it is proven true that he did, I want his ASS fired…and soon.

    This incident is a small blip on the screen of this man’s life, but it is symptomatic.

    He is totally without morals, and thinks of no one except in terms of himself. He sells out his family, country, friends in endless self promotion. Look at the trail of personal and public devestation that has followed his life.

    Hilary is an abused woman, but she uses him the same as he uses her. I sincerely hope our country can survive the likes of these two. No wonder Chelsa chose a school as far away from them as she could find.

    Remember, just as the public here in the USA look at the Iraqies as nutballs because of Hussein (even though there are good people that would like to throw him out in that country), We Americans are looked upon as sex addicts, perverts and the like around the world by the way the world views Bill Clinton and his leftist, cronies. Will we have to put bags on our heads when travelling overseas?

    What really burns me about this sordid affair is considering the damage done to the military by sex scandels, the hullabaloo during the Clarence Thomas nomination, and all of the other sexual “discrimination” incidents we have had jammed down our throats during the past few years, we get such a poor example from Mr. Clinton.

    Bill and Hillary has brought Arkansas ethics and morlity to the White House. What a shame!

    A leader should be one that commands respect, not disrespect. The congressional Democrats should ask Bill to resign!

    Anyone in charge of nuclear weapons and military secrets should not be engaging in activities that leave them susceptible to blackmail.

    I’m more concerned with keeping my pants up in these hard economics time to have time to worry
    about Mr. Pres.

    Do promises matter? Apparently not to president Bill. Should power be exercised with responsibility. Apparantly not if you are President Bill. If you are President Bill and you want to grope your subordinates go ahead. Where are the feminists when you really need them?

    If President Bill suffers from multiple personalitites then his character and conduct in private affairs don’t matter. If he has an integrated personality than his private and public behaviour cannot and should not be separated.

    Is it wrong to lie under oath and to ask others to perjure themselves if you are a fry cook at McDonalds? If it is then how much worse is this type of behaviour from the lead law enforcement officer and chief prosecutor of the United States of America?

    Hey, I have a crazy idea– let’s hold the leader of our great country to a higher standard. Is that nuts or what!?! His position requires incredible strength of character, and what kind of character can an adulterer (admittedly) have?

    If we can’t trust an oath he took before his wife and God, how can we trust him with leading our country? Or if the allegations of perjury and/or subordinating perjury are true? That’s just one more lie on the stack. And, unfortunately, the People wouldn’t care. It’s the sad state of our moral culture.

    I am shocked by the comments painting any alledged tryst between the President of the United States and a young unpaid intern (entrusted by her parents to the care and protection of the White House staff) as irrelevant – nothing more than sex between consenting adults!!!!

    Wake up and smell the musk!! HE has no business doing IT with HER! Given the imbalance of power, there can arguably be no such thing as “consent” – this is clearly (if true) an ugly abuse of power by Clinton.

    As long as Bill Clinton doesn’t ask me who I’m sleeping with, I will give him the same courtesy and not ask him who he is sleeping with.

    I don’t want or need to know everything about public figures. What they do in their private lives should be private.

    Perhaps the greatest politician in the world but the absolute worst president ever!

    Imagine a 2 minute of the President’s time and the whole world is reacting!

    Time: 1/28/98 (17:7:7)

    The “fact” supposedly that President Clinton gave one of the White House interns a Oral Exam only shows how truly truly our Prez is interested in better schooling for our children.

    Whatta guy!! How can others get so upset about his furthering her “Edumacation” We should all get down on our knees… WAIT…cancel that thought!

    And have you noticed that Monica looks just like John Elway ceptin for the big hair and lipstick…have to find some humor in this otherwise we would have an entire country hurlin their Wheaties every morning while listenin to the news 🙁

    It was very difficult explaining to my young children what our esteemed leader and example setter was being accused of.

    A President who is a liar, cheater, and has no conviction or conscious sets a horrible example for our children, and the country as a whole.

    > Q. What does Bill say to Hillary after a romantic interlude?
    A: Honey, I’ll be home in 20 minutes.

    If he cheats on his wife, what does he do to the general public???

    Even if Clinton was the most devoted husband in the world – if we think that sleeping around is any worse than any of the other lies that he or any other politicians must tell to get to their place of power, then we are naive.

    Furthermore, given that the left and right are assuradly in cahoots, any conspiracy theories should concentrate on how the powers that be develope scandals which distract the simple American mind from REAL issues.

  5. Heard rag-picker starr was up to $30M. Seems like a lot of money just to pick trash

    O.K. all you Clinton supporters, who’s next in line for your presidential nomination? Let me give you a few suggestions: Joey Buttaffeucco, John Wayne Bobbitt, and lets not forget Larry Flint! Oh! You say! I can’t be serious about these guys. Why not? How do you know that they wouldn’t do a good job? Surely you wouldn’t hold these guys to higher standard than the current occupant!

    Why so many of those commenting here who would have Clinton impeached cannot write a brief comment without some spelling mistakes?

    note to H.MERL:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the definition of special prosecutor come about on the watch of a democratic congress? Also, re the bloodsuckers, isn’t it true that the prosecutor is under the control of Janet Reno and wasn’t the latest twist blessed by her and a panel of three federal judges?

    Clinton is an unrepentant product of the 60’s. He is still of the same mindset where personal responsibility is to be avoided. Lying and blaming others is justified if you believe that your cause is a righteous one, in this case, preserving his presidency.


    Time: 2/11/98 (12:49:36)

    If one looks through history you’ll find many leader’s pecadilloes being used as a tool of blackmail. Indeed we need only look as far back as JFK’s East German spy mistress to recognize the potentially serious political implications of this man’s unbridled libido.

    I care not one whit about the Klinton affairs we know about. What we all should be gravely concerned about is whether the POTUS has compromised our nation’s security in any yet undiscovered affairs, sexual or monetary. Leaders who cannot control their appetites are ripe targets for our nation’s enemies. Were he a military leader such a security risk, if discovered, would not be tolerated. Hmmm, come to think of it he IS our military leader…

    Is what has happened in the White House merely a reflection of each of us? Am I stretching too far to say that perhaps the people who are outraged by the alleged behavior of Mr. Clinton are the same people who would not allow that kind of behavior in their personal lives?

    Consider this equation:

    Clinton=philanderer, but Clinton=Good economy, therefore Clinton=good?

    What about: Clinton=Philander, Clinton=Bad Economy, Clinton=Bad?

    One more. Clinton=Philanderer, I am=Philanderer, Clinton=Me?

    Ask yourself why you think what he does doesn’t matter!

    I am the farthest thing from a Clinton supporter. As a matter of fact, I cannot stand his politics. But, this has nothing to do with his politics. This has everything to do with one man’s desire (Kenneth Starr) to take down the President.

    For Mark’s sake, let’s clarify the Paula Jones situation. As I understand it, saying that she waited until Clinton was President is no more pertinent than saying she waited until the ’94 Winter Olympic Games were over (so we wouldn’t be distracted). Her initiating action more closely coincided with the publication of an article in the “American Spectator”, in which she was identifiable as someone amenable to Clinton’s advances. Until recently, she had an active Defamation of Character suit against the Arkansaw State Trooper who was the article’s source of information.

    Give the Clinton ‘scandal’ a rest! Ever hear of OVERKILL. Enough already. It is far too easy an issue to comment on. I trust the truly outrageous have more creativity than this in store for us.

    This is silly. He was almost 50 years old. She was 21. He was the most powerful man in the world. She was an intern. It was the Whitehouse. It’s not his house house. They knew it was wrong because they tried to conceal it. Get a grip….

    I’m OURAGED by your inept defense of Clinton’s privacy. This has nothing to do with his privacy! It has to do with LIEING and obstruction of justice! You and all of his liberal followers will not understand that he is a terrible mistake for president of this great country!

    But, y’see, the problem isn’t whether Clinton had sex with Lewinsky — or with anybody else, for that matter — except incidentally. The question is whether he has committed perjury, suborned perjury and/or tampered with or encouraged others to tamper with potential witnesses in a legal matter.

    Time: 2/8/98 (16:4:21)

    You Americans and your so-called morality! I suppose it’s to be expected , coming from a country founded by intolerant religious fanatics, but sometimes you really have to wonder. One woman – a woman whose own lawyer admits tends to “exaggerate” – accuses Bill of having an affair with her and you all get horrified. Big deal. He certainly didn’t force her – she was a willing participant. Besides, what business is it of the American people?

    The hypocrisy surrounding this issue is incredible. JFK screwed around left right and centre, yet he’s remembered as one of the greatest leaders of your country. Jimmy Carter was probably the most scrupulous of your last few presidents, and he’s remembered as an inneffectual peanut farmer. You elected a man whom you thought would represent the American people. If he’s a philandering, lying unscrupulous man with low morals, then I think you need to look at the people who elected him. Clinton’s behaviour is commonplace – you’re all just upset because he’s in the spotlight. The Victorians lived in an era of incredible perversity, but simply pretended it didn’t exist. Wake up and open your eyes! Your country is hardly a paragon of virtue, why should you expect your leader to act any differently from the rest of you?

    I should also point out that it’s very interesting the way these cases came to light. Paula Jones waited until Bill was the Pres BEFORE she claimed sexual harrassment. Why? Did she suddenly feel intense pangs of moral outrage? Hah! She wants money and revenge. As for Monica, the only evidence available is from a wire worn by her (supposed) friend.

    You all have far more important things to worry about. Grow up and act like a civilized country. Get your collective mind out of the gutter and out of the tabloids – Bill’s sex life is his own business, not yours. You’ve become a nation of peeping toms, peering through keyholes and childishly announcing “I saw Bill kiss Monica! Eeeeww!” Get out of kindergarten and maybe the rest of the world will start to respect you.

    I’m a “christian,” but I am well aware that muslim countries place a great deal higher emphasis on morality of all types (except littering) than we do. We may still be a great nation now, but it is precisely the deterioration of said morals that will soon cause our downfall!

    “Character” is what a person does when he/she thinks no-one is watching

    This arguement about whether Mr. Clinton’s sex acts are immoral or not is meaningless. I’m a school teacher and I can tell you there is a wave of amorality bearing down on us that will make this conversation appear idiotic. Get yourselves ready. Believe me.

    There are no more rules, no more limits, no more restraints. Anyone can do anything they want and those around them will do nothing to stop them. When these kids are running the show you will not be able to recognize the place.

    This Clinton stuff is the tip of the ice burg and our little social experiment, America, is the Titanic.You know what happened to the Titanic right?

    Why do we insist on our leaders being super-human? I keep hearing everyone saying “He’s the President! How could he do something like that”? Give me a break! He’s also a human being.

    We all do things others might not approve of. Who really cares what his sexual morals are anyway? As long as he is a decent person and does his job, why do we care so much what he does sexually with another consenting adult?

    While I will admit that he practiced poor judgement, (although that too could be debated given his recent approval ratings), I cannot agree that he should be condemmed for episodes that occur in his private life that have no bearing on his ability to perform his job.

    C. E. Cummings No I don’t think any one should be a pervert but it is a disgrace to have a president be one and have it the lead story on the news everyday. Let him go back to Arkansas and get help.

    And if Clinton did commit these acts. How can the rest of the government officials criticize him?

    Maybe we need to look into all of their personal lives. How many have taken money from special interest groups? How many of them have had affairs? How many of them have mis-represented their constiuents? The list could go on and on.

    Yes, adultry is 1 of the commandments, but, honest and loyal representation are also qualities that I feel most of the government officials lack. We’ve had worse presidents, and I don’t care if the dog goes out for a walk once in a while, especially if Hillary can deal with it.

    I think he (Clinton) could have more class and control his perverted nature until he is a private citizen. I don’t think we should have to go through this with a president.

    I don’t want my president to lie about anything, and yes, there is a chance he didn’t have a sexual relationship with this woman.

    But I can live with a lie about someone’s private sex life more than I can deal with a lie about savings and loan fraud.

    Has anyone else noticed that whenever Mr. Clinton seems about to be nailed with something serious, the press finds some inane ‘crisis’ to distract the public’s attention?

    Every time I see the media launch into one of these “Much Ado About Nothing” crises, I start looking for the real smoking gun (sorry about all these mixed metaphors).

    This time, I think it is the Chinese Contribution connection and the decision made in favor of the Chinese company to the tune of several millions (or was it billions) of dollars.

    Lack of morality brought down the Roman Empire. Ben Franklin said that we have a Republic, if we can keep it. We are not keeping it, and we are letting immorality be the watershed for the future.

    What Clinton does, when the public is not looking, is more important than the dog and pony shows he is so good at doing.

    This generation will either painlessly learn from the past or painfully learn from life’s own expensive school of the present and future. What we think we can get away with now, will be paid for in spades tomorrow.

    If Slick Willie’s been slick in what he thought was a “win-winsky” situation, then he is guilty only of being without marital honor and of bringing disrepute upon himself while President.

    If he is proved to have counselled or committed perjury as Chief Executive, he should be speedily impeached, dealt with as a common felon, and conspicuously pilloried in history textbooks as having brought disrepute upon the Office of President of the United States.

    Everybody is so upset because it is alledged that Clinton told Monica to lie, but all married men tell their mistresses the same thing. Lie, Lie, Lie.

    The real outrage here is that the only thing anybody seems to care about any more is the all mighty dollar. Integrity, morality, character and truthfulness are all secondary to money.

    We can forgive Bill Clinton of anything, as long as the economy keeps chugging along. (Not that the strength of the economy is his doing.)

    Time: 2/2/98 (12:33:33)

    Mitterand’s secretary admitted that the former French President had 63 (yes 63!) extra-marital affairs during his 14 years office at the Elysee.

    He also managed to raise an 18 year old “secret” illegitimate daughter and the press let it go. Different countries, different morals…

    The tendency is to say that people (who think the private behavior of the nation’s President isn’t important) are stupid – but the fact is, they are just plain ignorant – and ignorance is, in this case, apparently bliss.

    But, if you don’t want to be ignorant- or blindly partisan – you may need a bit of education (if you think we should ignore the private antics of the Pres.)

    Time: 2/1/98 (21:10:22)

    If Monica Lewinsky’s lawyer is so sure that Clinton will come up looking like a rose and Monica didn’t commit a criminal act why does she need immunity?

    She should just spill her guts so we could get on with more interesting topics like Iraq, Libya and Iran. But she did do something not good and she needs to hide it.

    The worst part of this whole affair is the obvious moral decline of the people of our country. There are many who think it is no big deal if our President has morals in the gutter. What does that say about the morals of those who think that way?

    Someone commented to me on how this situation is “embarassing” and reflects on our whole nation. I later realized that this same person had gone to the consulate to sign the bereavement book for [former] Princess Di. It became clear to me then that it is neither embarassing nor does it reflect on the citizens of our nation, and that Clinton should be remembered (good or bad) for his accomplishments, just as Di will be remembered for hers, and not for being part of the first Royal divorce.

  6. Those who are being poled should realize that their hoped-for results actually reveal to the rest of us what portion of our society then condones in the way of risky, salacious and criminal behavior in the highest offices of a free country.

    Where there are no morals, or respect for them, there is no FREEDOM.

    I have never thought much of Clinton and even less of his wife, but I wish my party (rep) would stay focused on his important mistakes and not let his sex life mask his real sins. Hilary stands the humiliation like any other co-dependant.

    She is no more strong and in-dependant than any other abused woman, or maybe he knows too much. A husband can’t
    testify against a wife.

    In a country where most of you can’t even find your own state on an unmarked U.S. map I find it utterly rediculous that the press is not on trial for treason!

    Alleged is alleged, not guilty. The media is making alot of money over this, of course they will drag up all the dirt they can find– true or not.

    Unfortunately most normal people believe what they see on T.V. Tell the press to stop, freedom of the press has gone too far!

    What did the country talk about before we invented special procecutors? I wonder if maybe we should get to vote on who’s special procecutor for the winner in 2000!

    After 5 years of ‘trying to get Bill Clinton’ the public has come to sort of believe the accusations and firmly believe that nothing can be proved.

    We get what we deserve and those of you that voted for Clinton must be proud. He is no better than an animal but the worst part is the influence that he has on our KIDS.

    To start with: God bless “The Outrage” for allowing us to voice our opinions!

    A newly discovered tale of Dr Seuss


    I’m here to ask
    As you’ll soon see —
    Did you grope
    Miss Lewinsky?

    Did you grope her
    In your house?
    Did you grope
    Beneath her blouse?

    I did not do that
    Here or there–
    I did not do that

    I did not do that
    Near or far —
    I did not do that

    Did you smile?
    Did you flirt?
    Did you peek
    Beneath her skirt?

    And did you tell
    the girl to lie
    When called upon
    To testify?

    I do not like you
    Starr-You-Are —
    I think that you
    Have gone too far

    I will not answer
    Any more —
    Perhaps I will go

    Start a war!

    The public’s easy
    To distract —
    When bombs are
    Falling on Iraq!

    If a Sergeant-Major in the Army has intimacies with a subordinate, he/she is removed from office.

    Should the Commander in Chief be held to a different standard?

    Time: 1/31/98 (14:42:3)

    Great Job Guys and Gals,

    The issue that I have with Clinton is the perjury and subborning of perjury – these are criminal offenses.

    His sex life is his and Hiliary’s business – though he shouldn’t be using the Whitehouse for his escapades….

    Finally, I am disgusted with the American People – the moral decline is dangerous….

    It’s amusing to read all of these excuses and rationalizations I’ve seen over the past week. This fraud in the Oval Office was elected the first time because he was a skillful campaigner and many people were mad at Bush over the taxes. But Clinton promised a tax cut which he did not deliver on. He started breaking campaign promises right and left.

    The real issue is obstruction of justice and perjury–but few people care– a sad commentary on the moral collapse of our society.

    Time: 1/31/98 (0:8:0)

    I think Bill has been the first in a long time, I mean long time person elected to the presidency of this United States who is more like a regular person. Regular people get in trouble, who hasn’t?

    I am tired of hearing about the affair. Lets hear the real issue that he may have lied under oath, or told some one else to lie under oath. When will the media, and the public get it in their heads that this is about the truth, not some affair. I can handle a president that is not monogomous, but I can not handle a president that obstructs justice, and commits perjury.

    When Clinton was elected in ’92 and again in ’96, the American Public made it that morality didn’t matter. So, what’s the big deal?

    Time: 1/30/98 (14:55:48)

    At least half of America approves of the disgrace occupying the White House because they cannot admit they’re wrong about the man, much less his policies. Kinda like the Soviet Union, where its Russian subjects couldn’t admit that 73 years of
    blood and suffering was for nought.

    Time: 1/30/98 (14:43:15)

    I’m having trouble understanding why so many Americans feel President Clinton is doing such a great job.

    Economically, we hear that the deficit has been reduced. What hasn’t been brought out is that the NATIONAL DEBT continues to
    escalate at an alarming rate (3-500 million yearly). The end of Clinton’s tenure will find us 2 Trillion (that’s TRILLION) dollars deeper in debt than when he signed on. All federal programs (except the military) have grown. So much for a smaller government.

    We are seen by the other nations of the world as political neutered. Saddam still runs amok. Bosnia is a non-starter. Somolia , et al were failures. The so-called mid-east peace is a sham and Northern Ireland threatens to resume violence again. Where are Clinton’s accomplishments???

    Our national education scene is a shambles. Social programs are soaking up tax dollars, but where are the results?

    It’s time that the American people quit listening to the party line spread by the networks and begin to understand that we’re headed for trouble if we don’t require more of our representatives. Our problems aren’t unsolvable; but they do require our interest and involvement.

    Time: 1/30/98 (14:20:18)

    The President should be held to a higher standard, sound familiar Bill? Many people look up to the President and that is one reason morality is important.

    Bill hasn’t separated his personal life from his job. Affairs hurt the people involved and the nation.

    I think George Will said it best in his Washington Post op-ed piece of 1/28, entitled “The Big Sleeze”. Like him, what I find troubling about the current mess is not so much the fact that Clinton can’t, ‘scuse the expression, keep his pecker in his pants, but that this is just one more petty (and some not so petty!) embroglio of the kind that have followed Clinton et al. since their days in Arkansas — long before they got to Washington. The drumroll seems like it’ll *never* stop: Gennifer Flowers, Travelgate, Filegate, Fundgate, Paula Jones, Frank Perdue, Whitewater, and on and on and on.

    Yeah, sure, taken singly, almost any one of the events named can be explained away, dismissed as somehow insignificant, unworthy of public attention. Taken as part of the whole, though, they seem to me to illustrate just how morally and ethically bankrupt Clinton and company are. And, then, to have HRC, as she has in the past, blame all this on some vast right-wing conspiracy, malignantly scheming to somehow reverse the results of two elections …. I’m sorry, I just can’t help but think that this tawdriness has gone just a touch too far.

    You got to be kidding. Innocent until proven guilty? Ha, The general public and the news media has already judged you guility and have pronounced sentence befor you ever get to court. No, you are Guilty until you prove you are innocent!

    A man’s sexual practices, on the premises of his elected office, with his employees/interns, under the same roof with his wife and family, are direct indicators of his character.

    And character is directly related to respect for, and fair administration of, the laws he is expected to administer. (Laws about things like campaign finances and
    perjury, for example.)

    He may be a decent administrator, but no president can actually *lead* a nation unless he is perceived as being honest and of good character.

    Clinton’s legacy may well be his creation of a new axiom: Alls fair in Love and Politics.

    Time: 1/30/98 (7:49:42)

    Whoever said that (in reference to the Clinton scandal) it is our great morals that has made America a super-power needs to stop getting their education from Sunday morning TV and start taking night classes in American Government.

    The real issue here is that the man lied under oath.

    Time: 1/30/98 (5:55:18)

    I scoff at those who pathetically defend Clinton when they say, “Who cares? His sex life is his own business.” The man is MARRIED, you apathetic morons! What does that say about his character?

    He lied to us for years by saying he had no involvement with Gennifer Flowers when he was governor of Arkansas, but he then reluctantly admits it in the Paula Jones deposition when he is questioned under oath! Why should we believe him now when he denies being involved with Lewinsky?.

    On one of our local news stations a reporter asked a man on the street how he felt about Clinton in light of the latest scandal.

    The man replied: “Ronald Reagan and George Bush screwed more people in this country with their pants on than Clinton has with his pants off.” Must’ve been a union man.

    Here’s my huge left wing conspiracy theory: Clinton and Lewinsky are in cahoots. Lewinsky drops some none-too-subtle hints to the right person and, all of a sudden the special investigator (as well as the Paula Jones team) wants to talk to her.

    Everyone wants to hear what she has to say. She denies everything coyly. Clinton denies everything in his waffly, weasly, really didn’t say anything way. The Washington press corps, smelling blood and, not wishing to be scooped, move in to the kill, but no one–not even the left-leaning press likes being lied to.

    She refuses to testify sans immunity. Clinton and company get more and more vorificious in their denials till finally, it comes out that
    absolutely nothing happened!

    Meanwhile, the Democrats have a field day telling America about how mean-spirited the Republicans are and how Clinton was distracted from saving the children by having to deal with these wild, unsubstantiated

    The overall result is: Clinton good — Republicans bad!

    Time: 1/29/98 (21:46:3)

    The respect that is due the “office” of the president of the United States does not automatically lend itself to the person who occupies the position when they continuously involve themselves in immoral and disreputable situations.

    A higher standard is, and should be, expected of them. I am ashamed for my country and disgusted with those who continue to support Clinton.

    If I had Hillary for a wife, I’d cheat too!

    america, the only country worried about morality?

    America can best be described as a sleazy,pit of immorality on its best days.

    Who cares about Clinton’s sex life? The fact is he’s the only president in the past few years who’s done a good job of leading this country.

    At least he hasn’t been screwing the working class over and thats more than can be said about his predecessor.

    His sex life is his own business and no one’s else! The Republicans need to get a life and get off this witch hunt!

    This is a sad and unfortunate issue that seems to me to have its roots in the 60’s. Out of the sixties came two immoral presidents. Kennedy and Nixon. These two men have destroyed the office of president.

    In better days, the president was a man to be looked up to and the office of president was the secular equivalent of “Holy”. But first Kennedy who was a notorious womanizer, was shot and later practically cannonized.

    Then Nixon who left the office of president in disgrace have destroyed the faith of Americans in their elected leaders. What we need are leaders like the founding fathers. Men like Washington who was #1) moral and #2) willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for a vision for this country. Surely such men still exist…

    I think that what bothers me most in the Clinton affair is that the American people don’t care about either the affair or the fact that he may have lied.

    Character does not seem to matter as long as we get ours. The economy is very good (I don’t think Clinton can take the credit)
    and as long as it stays this way people will not care about the antics in the Oval Office. This could be considered an outrage but it will not change.

    I thought fidelity was part of the marriage service.

    What’s all the fuss about? Bill Clinton hasn’t done anything to Monica Lewinsky that he hasn’t done to every other taxpayer in America.

    Time: 1/29/98 (16:12:32)

    * Everyone knew Clinton was a sleazy character when he was elected president. Not once, but twice. This is democracy at work, and the people deserve what they get. I would have been surprised if some scandal like this had NOT been uncovered.

    Whoever said this was absolutely right!!! Furthermore, IMHO, its a sad day for this country when children need to be sent from the
    room when the news is on because they shouldn’t hear about what “our” President is doing in his “spare time”!

    I agree; two elections, twice elected, democratic process. Problem is me and my loved ones must live with the results.

    Time: 1/29/98 (15:53:24)

    Some where around the 1960’s, teaching our youngsters about character traits such as integrity, honesty and fidelity has been lost. Adultry is ok as long as it’s between consenting adults.

    Lying is a pre-requisite for all politicians. Unless this destructive trend is reversed, we can look forward to a worsening. Who knows? The President of 2010 could be an accepted pedophiliac.

    Starr’s White Water investigation is the outrage. He has turned this into tabloid TV. Is he hoping to audition for the Enquirer when this is over.

    Miscellaneous thoughts: What’s on the other 19+ hours of tape? Why didn’t Starr pass on tapes to another prosecutor in order to avoid the appearance of conflict of inerest?

    Why was Starr able to secure permission to wire Tripp on the basis of evidence obtained illegally in Maryland?

    If Lowinsky won’t give Starr the answers he wants, will he have her held in contempt as Susan Mac Dougal has been for the last 17 months?

    Are $40 million + witchhunts to unseat a president the proper use of taxpayers’ money? Will all political figures be subject to such
    scrutiny of their private lives in the future?

    Time: 1/29/98 (14:47:7)

    Ask if this were your husband and what you should/would do? Ask what you would /should do if this were your daughter?

    Have we, as the great tax paying unwashed become so complacent as to not care who/ what is running the country?

    Not demanding and forcing the people we elect to government to be above reproch, in deed, in action, and in thought, shows we are going to get what we let happen to our country. One day we will wake up and see theat ‘Rome’ fell while we let the fiddlers play! The American people need to get more involved.

    Right now the only Americans interested in Gov’t are those that depend on a handout from same (welfare, government workers, polititions, government programs, and hangers on, etc. We have met the enemy and it is us! (per pogo).

    first thing, isnt it illegal to tape telephone conversations without the other persons consent? this makes Linda Tripp look a little shady.

    Also, is clinton soooo bad that the only thing americans can find to hate about him is his sex life? Sounds like he’s getting more than anybody else and y’all are just a tad jealous.

    I’m a Canadian but I expect much more of a man whose decisions can affect the entire world.

    Time: 1/29/98 (12:40:23)

    If Clinton is to be impeached because of a lie, we will now have to get a whole new House & Senate…

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!

    Just finished reading the comments in Outrage – where do these people come from. It’s not about sex it’s about lying and just remember the Gennifer Flowers denial by our fearless leader!

    If Mr. Clinton is not held responsible for his actions, we should apologize to all the sargents that were sent to jail for their sexual harassment of those enlistee’s under their command.

    The Riahdy family money and influence, Charley Trie, John Huang, Web Hubbell, Ms. O’Leary, Ron Brown, the fellow who “lied to his diary, Vince Foster, Ira Magaziner, the two low-lifes with improper FBI files, the FBI and IRS involved in the travel office firings, the IRS going after Paula Jones, the IRS auditing only conservative organizations, Hillary not responding to questions about the billing records found in the White House, the President asking others to perjure themselves.

    These are just off the top of my head, you and I are aware of other items to list, but this should be enough to make my point about the administration that would not allow “even a hint of impropriety”.

    Time: 1/29/98 (11:24:11)

    Jennifer Flowers stated on The Geraldo Rivera show, January 23, that Bill Clinton had paid for her to have an abortion when they were having their fling. It has now been mentioned that there is a possibility that Monica Lewinsky also had an abortion during her fling time with Clinton.

    If this is so, it shouldn’t be a surprise that President Clinton is for abortion at any time during a pregnancy. It has probably saved him lots of money and allows him to get on with his adulterous affairs.

    I’m pleased to know the President does have sex at all…. I’m not impressed with his taste in women, but that is why it is his taste. Some form of scandal seems to come with every president…. However, we will notice that only the vaguely attractive ones have the sex scandals… Remember Kennedy and

    You never heard about Nixon in a sex scandal… But, he had his own scandals to worry about…. It’s the nature of life for people to feed on scandal, real or imagined…

    Clinton’s only error here was his apparent lack of discretion and his appalling taste in women…. There are worse things he could do…

    Although amusing today’s outrage mostly ignores that the only direct testimony in this case is the president and Monica Lewinsky stating that it never happened.

  7. Clinton could have aline of women waiting for him I don’t care. When YOU elected a man President of this country who sided with and marched with Russia during the war You got what YOU paid for.

    Let’s look at what the man (Clinton) said about his own predicament:

    Wed Aug 19 1998 21:27:35 ET — It was another time. Another place. But the same man.

    “No question that an admission of making false statements to government officials and interfering with the FBI is an impeachable offense.” — Bill Clinton, ARKANSAS GAZETTE, August 8, 1974, page 7-A.

    That quote is just one of dozens from Bill Clinton, in his own words, warning about the dangers of leaving a man that has lied
    in the position of President of the United States.

    Bill Clinton was running for a seat in the United States Congress in the Summer of ’74. In the early weeks of August, President Nixon was going down in flames from events surrounding the Watergate scandal. At that time, Nixon was refusing to respond to pressure from the Hill demanding his resignation.

    Clinton was running for the seat held by Rep. John Paul Hammerschmidt [R] — a Nixon loyalist who was publicly supporting the president and telling him to stay in office.

    “REPRESENTATIVE IS ‘OUT OF STEP,’ CLINTON CHARGES” was the headline in the newspaper on August 8, 1974.

    In the wake of President Nixon’s public admission that he had lied about his role in Watergate, Clinton, then a law professor at the University of Arkansas, said:

    “I think it is plain that the president should resign and spare the country the agony of impeachment and removal proceedings.”

    “I think the country could be spared a lot of agony… if he’d go on and resign,” Bill Clinton declared.

    The ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT, two days earlier — August 6, 1974, page 10-A — quoted Bill Clinton again talking about the need for Nixon to leave office:

    He has lied and is now trying to use legal technicalities to save his butt.

    As to the “polls” – does anyone know of anyone who has been polled. I have not talked to anyone who has or knows of anyone. It seems that they pollsters are calling residences during the day and reaching “Soccer moms” (“Slick Willy’s” fans) and to people on welfare who love all Democrats.

    “Bill Clinton, Democratic candidate for the 3rd Congressional District, said, “There is nothing left to say. There’s no point putting this country through an impeachment since [Nixon] isn’t making any pretense of innocence now… This country has suffered so long.”

    There seems to one easy and very fair solution to the majority of these outrages. While the corporation involved perhaps should be punished for their activities and one way of doing that is with punitive damages, why are these awards made to the individuals bringing suit and their lawyers? They are awarded damages and that is what they deserve and they can pay their lawyer. Any punative award should go to the public good as it is you and I who have to pay these awards through higher prices. Thus, have punitives paid toward reducing the National debit.

    El Presidente Klinton has committed treason, yet the powers that be haven’t been able to figure it out. The Rosenbergs got the electric chair for allegedly giving the former Soviet Union atomic bomb secrets in the ’50s. Now the truth may be they didn’t do it. But here we have a sitting President who has admitted to allowing thermonuclear weapons secrets to fall into the hands of a tyrannical government that has no compunction about nuking us. Doesn’t Clinton deserve the needle.

    or get off the pot.
    I am Active duty Navy and frequently assigned as a Bailiff for Military Court martial’s. It is a unique position that allows me to see the entire process without bias. Day in and day out I see confessed rapists go free because in the opening motions there is “confusion” about the time of the confession so it is never heard by the Jury. Not to mention the mountains of evidence never heard as the Defense finds some problem with or way to discredit it before the jury ever enters the courtroom. On one occasion after a a rapist (although found innocent) was realeased the mother of the victim asked “how it felt to be a rapist” to which he replied “hows it feel to know your daughters a slut” And on another after he was found innocent (again confession thrown out) was asked if he did it his response was “yeah, what of it” can’t even nail him for perjury, he never testified. Now about that pot, we all know the American legal system is well for lack of a better word rather than complain about it or anger people of more why don’t you put a little more effort into what we can do about it. ‘nough said

    Reading the May 25th outrage about athletes suing those whom they have assaulted, I was reminded of the time several years ago when singer James Brown was arrested after a multi-state car chase. His wife and (amazingly) his attorney went before the judge asking that the charges be dismissed on the grounds that Mr. Brown held “diplomatic immunity.” It seems that years earlier, James Brown recieved a citation from the President declaring James Brown “America’s official ambassador of Soul.”

    The bottom line issue re: Bill Clinton is whether he can be trusted. The ability to represent the US, both nationally and internationally, is largely based on the credibility of the president. Clinton’s track record is his own worst enemy (I didn’t inhale… I never had an affair with Gennifer Flowers, um, wait, I caused pain in my marriage, whoops, looks like I did have an affair but not for 11 years… Hey look, here are those whitewater documents subpoened months ago, how did they get into the cabinet in the residential quarters, etc, etc, etc) Now we have the Lewinsky issue with typical Clinton responses; deny, stonewall, then drip information one tiny piece at a time, play the public for a fool. Despite all of the above, however, I don’t want to see Clinton out of office. Why? Because the two most frightening words in the English language are not “nuclear weapons”, “biological warfare”, or even “sexual relations” – the most frightening words are “President Gore” YIKES!!!!

    Interesting philosophy, but it misses a couple of pertinent points.

    1. Paula Jones – change the scenario to “office manager” and “secretary” and consider the reaction in today’s climate of zero tolerance towards “sexual harassment”

    2. Monica – nobody (reasonable) gives a damn what she or he did when no one was looking. The issue is whether he perjured himself under oath, or whether he tried to suborn perjury, either directly or by having a friend/advisor do it. If Joe Citizen does that, he’ll face criminal charges.

    Being the President doesn’t grant you immunity from the laws the rest of us have to live by.

    I wonder who the polls are surveying. I have not heard of one person who has been polled. I believe if the polls indicate the true feelins of many of the average US citizens they would believe that the President’s actions do actually affect his ability to govern objectively. Integrity comes in all flavors but I do not think they can be isolated from the man himself. Yes the US should be outraged when the man with the highest office in One of the most powerful nations in the world cannot keep him mind on governing when he cannot even govern his own libido.

    Your observations and comments are 100% flawed. It is the liberals who obviously beleive that the ends always justify the means. Look at how you are willing to accept so little from a morally bankrupt president just so long as a dreaded child starving, environment destroying republican never comes to power. Your ilk and the lies about the republican agenda will come back to bite you someday soon and when it does, you’re not even going to undestand how your arrogance got you so quickly out of favor with an American public starving for real morality and leadership from its elected officials. But hey… keep it up, it’s your party’s funeral we’ll be attending. SHAME ON YOU !!!!

    That’s fine if you don’t believe that Clinton should have to answer personal questions about his sex life. The liberals and Democrats gave us these laws, so first get rid of the requirements that everyone, including the president, must answer every nitpicking inuendo about their presumed sex lives. Where were you when Robert Bork was getting “Borked” by the likes of Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden? You are sounding very much like a big hypocrit! When the Democrats carry out this sort of outrage against the Republicans no one gets exercised. Now the shoe is on the other foot.

    In Washington DC is was not illegal for one person to record a conversation where the other person did not know about the recording. There are some states where it is illegal and other where it is not!

    Time: 2/16/98 (10:0:58)

    Let’s stick to the subject, and not let the PRESS or the President direct us away from it.

    The President of the United States LIED UNDER OATH! That’s Outrageous!

    I don’t care if he had sex with Al Gore on the desk in the Oval office on Network TV, But if he LIED about it UNDER OATH I want him out. I also don’t care (well I do care but it’s not a crime) if he lies to me, you, his wife or anyone else, UNLESS IT’S IN COURT, UNDER OATH.

    I also know that one big truth, politicians lie. BUT THEY CANNOT LIE UNDER OATH. How could the Senate hold investigations when you could just make stuff up as an answer to any question? The courts would be in utter chaos. The O.J. trial hinged on weather a policeman lied when he said he didn’t use the “N” word. And that was completely immaterial to the charge of murder against O.J. Should we let the chief lawmaker of the country off because “we like him”?

    The basis of our trial system is that a witness MUST tell the truth while under oath or face the consequences. Now you’re saying that if the matter before the court is not to ANY persons liking (It’s “None of your damn business!”) you, or I or even the President may LIE about it. That is exactly what you are saying. “Just let him go and do his job.”, “We need him to do his job of governing the country.” “The crisis in the middle East needs his full attention.” Well these are things HE should have been thinking about before this. This country is bigger than just one man, and as long as this one man is in charge we have NO right to ask anyone to obey the law and tell the truth under oath.

    By the way, if seventy percent of the country likes Clinton, how come I can’t find more than a handful every where I go? I travel a good bit and meet many different people. The odds that I just meet Clinton bashers should be pretty high against, but nobody likes him. I don’t get it. In the last six years I have been in just about every state, talked to people in all of them, cities and country and my unofficial poll would say he has a rating of about 15%. If I believed in conspiracies I would say the polls were rigged, but that could never happen, or did someone lie?

    Your first sentence turned me off. How do you justify saying the President “probably” lied under oath. In my profession as a clergyman, I have known plenty of people virtually destroyed by false rumors and accusations. Remember, one of the ten commandments is against bearing false witness. Also, our religions teach us not to judge other people (most assuredly without any reliable, substantial evidence. PRINT A RETRACTION, PLEASE!

    Heinz as you recall, Nixon stood up and said I am not a crook, didn’t make him any less of a liar though did it?

    The break in at Watergate was a misdemeanor performed without presidetial consent. The cover up was presidential and brought down Nixon. In the present case the misdemeanor and the cover up are presidential. It amazes me what a difference a friendly press can make. Of course in this case deep throat would mean something entirely different than the unknown accuser of President Nixon, wouldn’t it?

    Time: 2/15/98 (2:34:23)

    Shouldn’t the Commander-in-Chief be subjected to the same standards as the men in the armed forces when it comes to having sex with subordinates, if these allegations prove to be true? Has not many a good military man lost his career for what he did in “his” bedroom? If “Slick Willie” did this he should rsign also.

    As for as telling the truth, I don’t think any president ever lied as much as this trailer park trash President does, and his mean spirited fibbing putrid wife. Wake up America.

    I am incredibly saddened by this whole affair. Though not a Clinton supporter, I have always tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. My parents always told me that if I did something wrong I would most likely be punished but if I lied about it the punishment would be more severe. The issue, they explained, was trust. When I lied to them, I sacrificed the trust we had built in our relationship. I find if a person will lie in one area, he is probably lying in others. I have lost all repect and trust for our president. And that saddens me.

    Subj: Subj: Media still irresponsible including many at CNN, “CONSPIRACY?!”
    Date: 98-02-12 13:08:25 EST
    From: Ahk1
    To: Dear Mary Tillotson and your Company today,

    I watch CNN Shows CNN Websites a lot. I thought you and your Company should be reminded reading subjects below.

    Subj: Media still irresponsible including many at CNN, “CONSPIRACY?!”
    Date: 98-02-12 12:54:12 EST
    From: Ahk1
    To: editor@AllPolitics.com

    For your information:email below has also been sent to Tom Daschl and Newt Gingrich and all Senators and Congressman of the USA.

    Subj: Fwd: MEDIA MADNESS
    Date: 98-01-30 15:55:32 EST
    Date: 98-01-30 15:26:16 EST
    From: Ahk1
    To: allpolitics@cnn.com

    Dear Ted Turner, Time Warner/ CNN,

    “If the Sun goes out of balance we earthlings will either be frozen or be dust floating somewhere in the Universe”!.

    Sombody has to put your “reporter gang” and who they “select” to interview in check.

    Monica Lewinsky under oath has stated, that she had no S-Relationship with President Clinton and that President Clinton did not ask her, Monica Lewinsky, to lie.

    President Clinton stated to the whole world and under oath, that he had no S-Relationship with that woman, Monica Lewinsky, and “listen to me the American People, I have not lied to anybody”.

    I hope you ask your talkback people to put this on the air and also, that Larry King uses this as an introduction when he interviews Monday Night (02,02,98) Bill Kristol and George Stephanapolus.


    Date: 01/29/98
    To: talkback@cnn.com

    Hello Jeff Greenfield, CNN:

    media madness has gone ballistic.

    President Clinton:

    Age 50, married (1976) 22 years, Daughter( born 1980) Freshman Stanford University.

    President Clinton:

    A Lawyer at 30, Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, England, State Attorney General before 35, Governor before 40 and President at age 44. On the list for 1998 Nobel Peace Prize at 50.

    President Clinton:

    Admired as a true world leader around the world as stated by a political advisor of President Johnson on CNN this week after he, the advisor, returned from Europe talking to many Ministers of the European Community.

    They, the European Ministers, asked whether America (ns) have gone mad going after the best we have in the world..

    1991, Paula Jones, a state employee (minimum wage? 1991) at a convention at the Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock, handing out Name Badges, is asked by a state trooper to bring something? to the Hotelroom of than Governor Clinton (apparently first time and last time private meeting between Paula Jones and Bill Clinton) .

    Allegedly Governor Clinton shows Paula Jones something, asked her for a service and she, Paula Jones, takes time to see some distinctive details …………. before she shockingly leaves the Hotel Room. Silence about the chock for 2 (3?) years by Paula Jones.

    1994, she, Paula Jones, goes public with what she says what happened in 1991 at the Excelsior Hotelroom and files a law suit against the President of the United States.

    1997, Paula Jones asks for $2.4 Million damages and an apology from the President of the United States.

    Give me a break, is there any sensible person in the world who can believe the Paula Jones story.

    Search the Internet and media for more media madness

    1991, Jennifer Flowers claims that she had an affair with Mr. Clinton from 1978 to 1990.

    Jennifer Flowers, during an interview with Larry King on Larry King Live last week, (January1998) says:” she still loves the President of the United States”.

    She, Jennifer Flowers, also says during the Larry King Live interview (January 1998), that her affair with Mr. Clinton started in 1978 when the Clintons had been married 18 months. She, Jennifer Flowers, also said that she found out soon that she was not able to crack the Clintons marriage for good and she, Jennifer Flowers left town for roadshows.

    Mr. Clinton has said that he caused some pain (60 Minutes Interview 1992) They, The Clintons, are still married in 1998 and seem to enjoy life inspite all the media circus, and they, President Clinton and the First Lady do a lot of good for their country the USA as well as the whole world..

    January 1998, Monica Lewinsky, 24, a former intern in the White House, states under oath to the Paula Jones Lawyers, that she did not have a S- Affair with the President of the United States and that The President of the United States did not ask her to lie.

    The President of the United States states under oath to the Paula Jones” Lawyers, that he had no S-affair with Monica Lewinsky and that he did not ask Monica Lewinsky to lie.

    Monica Lewinsky’s parents went through a bitter divorce, when Monica Lewinsky was 14, she went to college in Oregon before she got the intern job in the White House through Walter Kaye, New York, a friend of Monica Lewinsky’s Mother Marcia Lewis, Washington DC..

    Mr. Walter Kaye, a friend of both President Clinton and The First Lady and apparently a very concerned citizen of the United States contributed more than $ 340,000 to the democratic party. Mr. Kaye recommended Ms Lewinsky for the intern job at the White House.

    MS Linda Tripp, involved in questionable politics for some time, becomes a friend? with Monica Lewinsky.

    In January 1998 Linda Tripp secretly tapes conversations? of her friend Monica Lewinsky and gives these tapes via Lucien Goldberg, New York, to Kenneth Starr, Washington DC. the Independent Counsel investigating the Clinton Administration for almost 6 years. Apparently Lucien Goldberg’s son also a friend of Linda Tripp hand-carries the tapes to Kenneth Starr.

    The Key Players to hurt the Clintons and The Clinton Administration in my opinion from what I read, see and hear are:

    Paula Jones and Company, Linda Tripp and Company, Marcia Lewis and Company, Lucien Goldberg and Company, Kenneth Starr and Company.

    All of these parties have special interests:

    fame, politics and/or money.

    KISS and FACTUAL MEDIA (Keep It Simple Stupid and FACTUAL } (MEDIA)

    You know, we hired this guy to be a good president, not a good husband. I think he’s doin’ a bang-up job. Of course, i’m not a republican, and my name’s not Hillary.

    Time: 2/14/98 (11:13:6)

    While I agree with much of your analysis, I do disagree with the conclusion that Slick Willie should not be brought down by such a scandal as adultery and lying about it under oath, and seeking to cover his arse by soliciting perjury.

    Clearly the office of the President is mostly that of a figurehead and as such, we ought not expect too much from it. Just as clearly, the President and other officials should have some privileges of privacy.

    One should not be shocked when the Slickster behaves with gross indiscretion.. you’d have had to be a Martian not to expect neurotic behavior from one so written, talked and rumored about over the last 6 years, as being entirely deviant.

    To be surprised at his lying and attempts to cover up is also to practice naivety on a professional level.

    Yet, if only 1/10th of the library of charges and encyclopedia of evidence about Willie is true, the ends quite clearly do jusify the means. We’re not talking about murder here. We’re simply asserting that getting rid of a dangerous, psychotic individual is acceptible by exposing whatever is most vulnerable about him.

    This is how they got Al Capone. The only charge they could make stick was a tax charge. You wouldn’t defend Capone by saying you expected him to lie about his taxes, since admitting the income would be self incriminating. Besides, since we level headed libertarians hold the IRS in such contempt of our freedoms, we should side with the notorius Capone….

    I believe this is exaclty what Ken Starr is doing. Mr. Starr knows so much about the Slickster’s past including, drug connections at Mena, Whitewater like rape of Arkansa’s financial institutions, use of the IRS and FBI as his personal gestapo, Chinese infiltration of the Dept of Commerce, unbelievable lying and cover ups about Waco, and OK/Murrah bombing, wherin it aslmost a pure truth that the FBI botched a sting and sentanced the babies to death while FBI/ATF hid like craven animals to protect themselves. Starr is clearly using what little time he has left to find a way to “get Clinton”. And I for one am on the side of the good guy.

    No I do not advocate French Revolution style dismissal, but if Mr. Starr can convince enough Americans that this disgusting creature from the bowells of Arkansas is as leacherous as he really is, by convicting him of an infraction serious enough to impeach him, or induce his resignation, well I say GO FOR IT!!!

    I think who ever wrote that article completely missed the whole point of Starr’s investigation. The issue at hand is not wether Clinton Doinked anyone (allthough it does reflect on his and our countrys carecter) it is wether or not Clinton lied. If a man is willing to lie to everyone a man should hold dear in life then what makes you think anything else that comes out of his mouth will be worth considering. I don’t know about you but a society has to be based on some set of standereds in order for there to be any kind of peace and stability, if we all can go about lying to whomever we please how long do think this country would last. Now its a nice excuse, the question of do we want our poor overworked President to have to waste his presious time in leagal procedings but come on, the same can be said of any number of professions the vaule of ones time in no way holds you above the law. Now don’t get me wrong I for one don’t want Him out of office

  8. The real outrage is that so many of you on this page seem to have zero regard for morality and marital fidelty, which someone described as being for the little people. Most of you seem to think of the world as the oyster of the “hip and glib” crowd. It is not. That type of person is determined to remain an juvenile forever. Did you ever wonder where we had gotten to when some MAN started getting sensetive about his AGE? Time to grow up, fellas, and leave the wrinkle concerns to women. We’ve got a job to do, so let’s get to it.

  9. Its sickening to sit here and read the rage about Clinton and knowing that it is not going to change anything. I think if there is going to be a removal process,certain guidelines should be followed, and when the criteria are met, the President should go directly to trial without the political idiots being able to pick and choose whether he does or not.
    God Save the Presidency

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