

On November 7 we told you about the Staten Island slasher, Juan Gonzalez. He earned his sobriquet by taking a two-foot sword on the Staten Island Ferry and hacking two people to death, while injuring nine others. The powers-that-be determined Gonzalez was not fit to stand trial. He is now a resident of the Bronx Psychiatric Center, and he may soon be allowed to travel about New York for vocational training. He says he’s sorry that he killed and maimed complete strangers.

Mir Aimal Kasi has been convicted of shooting, in cold blood, five strangers waiting in traffic. Two CIA employees died; the other three victims survived. The defense is arguing that the killer is mentally defective.

Overwhelming evidence points to Theodore Kaczynski as the Unabomber, the man who killed three people and injured 28 others during a 17-year-spree as a mail bomber. Despite the fact that Kaczynski has advanced academic degrees and wrote long treatises justifying his actions, the defense presented a “diminished responsibility” defense. His lawyers claim that Kaczynski has paranoid schizophrenia and was mentally incapable of forming the intent to kill.

(But you don’t have to kill people to use the mental defect defense. A 35-year-old teacher, Mary Kay LeTourneau, was found guilty of second degree child rape after she had sex with a sixth-grade student. Ms. LeTourneau, who gave birth to a baby as a result of the liaison, said she was subject to violent mood swings — a bipolar mental disorder.)

Initially we were somewhat perplexed by this line of thinking. We thought it was obvious that there was something wrong with people who stab, shot, or mail-bombed complete strangers. We even thought that such irrational people probably posed a greater danger to society than more reasoning killers, and that society would therefore seek to rid itself of such people with the utmost haste.

We were, of course, wrong. We had the entire matter explained to us by a social worker — Suzie — who took pity on our ignorance. She enlightened us by explaining that none of us are really responsible for what we do — it’s all a matter of the complex interaction between our physical inheritance — genes, chromosomes, and the like — and our upbringing.

(She also explained that both Hitler and Saddam Hussein were routinely beaten by their fathers, and thus weren’t really guilty of killing and torturing millions of people. We felt a lot better once we could see these great leaders as victims rather than villains.)

Since we’re not very fast learners, we had a bunch of questions for the social worker. How come no one has really found a scientific physical basis for all these mental diseases? How come you can find people with the exact same backgrounds who turn out completely differently? How is it that Helen Keller heroically overcame deafness and blindness, instead of becoming a victim? Was Andrew Cunanan sick, or did he just like killing former lovers?

These were all just idle speculations though. We soon found a more practical use for our enlightenment. Like all DO readers, we’re frequently consumed by rage. We normally try to repress the rage, and go about our business. The social worker explained that repression was bad for us, and we should express our rage. (We had thought that producing the DO might express our rage, but then we read the Rageback comments and get more riled up than ever.)

Thanks to Suzie, we can now vent our rage and get sympathy at the same time. Let’s call it the Outraged Defense. (Along the lines of “I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to take it any more.”)

We came up with a list of the people directly responsible for our rage: personal injury lawyers, federal judges, Hillary Clinton, the board of directors of our homeowners association, Rupert Murdoch, the curator of the Gallery of Modern Art, academicians arguing for infanticide, John Kenneth Galbraith, members of Earth First, The Material Girl, the critics who thought Musashi is a good book, television evangelists, Louis Farrakhan…the usual list.

We showed the list to Suzie, and explained that we thought we could get rid of a good amount of the mental sickness in modern society by forcing this group to confront the ultimate existential question now, rather than at the end of their natural life span.

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Suzie was aghast that we still didn’t get it. But she patiently explained it all again, and now we understand: Killing people who cause society to go insane is wrong. Killing people who kill people is wrong. Killing people you know — say you’re lover, co-worker, or mother-in-law — is dastardly.

But people who kill strangers just need a little human kindness — and a whole lot of Prozac.

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0 thoughts on “CRAZY!

  1. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Its crap! All these physco babble panty waste doctors with their Harvard degrees cant tell the knife from the wound anymore!!!!! They just dont seem to understand that some people are just rotten to the core.
    Personnaly I think all this medical, physco babble bull&*#* is just as dangerous as every raving lunatic that ever drew a breath. Its taking the responsibility away from the individual and making it “okay” to rape, pillage, and murder. And why? Because his daddy hit him. Or mommy didnt love him enough. Or whatever.
    Ive said it before, ill say it again. Eye for an Eye. I dont care what your excuse was. Kill some one in cold blood? Death. Rape? castration. Theif? Cut off that theiving hand.
    Its that simple. Maybe thats why all those “doctors” cant see the solution.
    And as for the people spouting this crap about how the criminal cant help themselves, or how it really wasnt their fault: Remember that when someone rapes your daughter, your wife. Remember what you said when your family gets offed by a serial killer.
    Hard words, I know. Its a hard world people.

    Time: 5/11/98 (21:54:36)

    When is crime not punished – when incompetent authority decides it really was just a mistake. Read about it at my web site – then press for a full, impartial investigation – admirals who rip off the United States deserve to go to jail too.

    http://www.california.com/ ~rhelbig/coopfraud.html

    Thank you.

    Time: 4/24/98 (2:23:7)


    Time: 11/18/97 (1:43:26)

    I usually agree with DO wholeheartedly, and have even recommended it to my readers, but I think you’re wrong on this one. There most definitely ARE real mental illnesses, and we DO know the neurochemical antecedents of them, albeit imperfectly. There are also a large number of NON mental illnesses that have been medicalized by a coaltion of people who refuse to be responsible for their behavior and mental health “professionals” looking for more and more ways to earn money and control society. BOTH of these issues are separate from the issue of individual responsibility for one’s actions. Very few people even use an insanity defense and fewer still succeed. While I have no doubt that schizophrenia exists as a disease, and that a given schizophrenia sufferer hears voices, even the most severely mentally ill people usually know that murder is wrong. Such people should, and must, be held accountable for their behavior. Those few people who are truly too confused to understand what they are doing should still be removed from society, but offered an opportunity for treatment.

    Time: 11/17/97 (22:22:17)

    Read “Inside the Criminal Mind”, by Stanton E. Samenow, Ph.D., Times Books, for an intelligent, honest, expert analysis of this topic.

    Time: 11/17/97 (21:9:20)

    I say kill’em all and let god sort’em out!

    Time: 11/17/97 (15:27:43)

    RE: Crazy. Congratulations on spotting what is going on. The whole idea of an “insanity defense” has always been just a bit goofy, if you know what I mean.

    It is not for nothing that Psychiatry has been the butt of jokes, the Rodney (no respect) Dangerfield of the medical profession. The basic psychiatric paradigm, that man is nothing but a body and all human behavior feeling and thought is determined by brain chemistry, is unworkable. It has to be taken on faith, because there is no body of data to support. The uniformly destructive results produced by psychiatry further invalidate its basic paradigm.


    Time: 11/17/97 (14:36:57)

    The story brought to mind an incident I remember while teaching in government schools. We had a motor developmnt person there to explain some of the ins and outs . She said a women suddenly took all her clothes off in Safeway. Now the reason she did this was because she had had a truamatic birth.

    I was born in the back seat of a Chevrolet enroute to hospital. I have never had the urge to dirobe in Safeway or any other public place. This is the insanity that teachers are being taught today. Now that was in l980. I wonder how far this nonsense has progressed. On the other hand life has been rather dull and uniteresting lately maybe you will read about the retired schoolteacher who flashes in the market. Ha. Ha.

    Time: 11/17/97 (13:36:15)

    I just wanted to tell the DO how much I enjoy getting outraged day in and day out. Keep up the good work. I love it. Thanks

    Time: 11/17/97 (5:38:45)

    Just a note saying “keep up the good work”. Reports such as yours are needed (as long as you keep them factual), to keep sane people from believing they are not on the wrong side of society for being outraged by the actions of people and groups such as you report about. Again, “keep up the good work”

    Time: 11/16/97 (23:28:44)

    Is there any way that you could unite all the different outraged groups into one unit as I am sure that we have enough to make a change in leadership at the pools if all would join hands and vote a clean new slate of constitutional politicians into office. That is my dream. I call it a VOTEALUTION.

    Time: 11/16/97 (22:18:28)

    I don’t think DO is right about this one … I KNOW they’re right!

    REJ Social Work Supervisor

    Time: 11/16/97 (22:2:3)

    Shrinks and their “ethically-challenged” nature, both here and in Germany have been more & more in the news media. Thomas Szasz is a co-founder of Citizens Commission on Human Rights, along with L. Ron Hubbard founder of Scientology.

    If you would like to visit CCHR’s website, and read about Psychiatry’s betrayal of mankind they can be found at the following address: http://www.cchr.org/cchrhome.htm

    Time: 11/16/97 (20:7:18)

    I think that there probably are some legit mental illnesses. There probably are some people who commit crimes due to these illnesses who need treatment rather than imprisonment. Our society has, unfortunately, taken this idea to a riddiculous extreme.

    Many in the mental health field seem unable to understand the fact that harmful behavior does not always stem from mental illness. Sometimes people simply choose to act destructively. In my opinion, these people should suffer some sort of consequences for those behaviors. Only those who clearly didn’t know what they were doing, or couldn’t understand why it was wrong should be treated rather than sanctioned.

    Time: 11/16/97 (17:41:16)

    Where’s Batman when you need him? Sounds like we probably live in Gotham City with all of the other bad guys only we don’t have a super hero to save us. It’s obvious we can’t rely on our judicial system to protect innocent people. Good web site! Glad I visited!

    Time: 11/16/97 (17:5:58)

    I would volunteer to help put away those poor diminished individuals before they use their poor excuses and do some more material damage.

    Time: 11/16/97 (15:47:20)

    We came up with a list of the people directly responsible for our rage: personal injury lawyers, federal judges, Hillary Clinton, the board of directors of our homeowners association, Rupert Murdoch, the curator of the Gallery of Modern Art, academicians arguing for infanticide, John Kenneth Galbraith, members of Earth First, The Material Girl, the critics who thought “Musashi” is a good book, television evangelists, Louis Farrakhan…the usual list.


    Time: 11/16/97 (15:10:25)

    One wonders what dear Suzie’s attitude would have been had you suddenly announced her comments stimulated memories of your childhood deprivations at the hands of your mother and so you felt it perfectly reasonable to beat the living daylights out of her (Suzie, not dear old Mom).

    Any bets she would have pulled a Saturday Night Special from her purse and blown your ass away?

    Time: 11/16/97 (14:39:28)

    When are you guys going to get it? The whole thing is a kitty’s ball of yarn(s). Let’s go to the top. The super rich run this world, you know, the Bilderburgers, the trilaterals, the CFR. The “powers that be” (our government) do what they say.

    They (the moneycrats) believe that there are too many people in the world (everyone other than them) and we all just have to go. To put it simply, they want to kill us all. Now do you get it? Now does it make sense? The Charlie Mansons of the world do their bidding and they want them alive to ‘do their thing’.

    As it stands, the UN and the U.S. government, are our mortal enemies. They want to destroy us and our nation. When you look at it in this light, everything they say and do makes sense. Wake up, people.

    Time: 11/16/97 (13:35:5)

    Yeah, if we lock up the people that do wrong maybe the cycle would end. For exaample maybe if when Hitlers dad beat him, we locked hitlers dad up (for assualt) then WWII would have been avoided.No matter what the reason, you should do the time. Unless of course it is a non violent victemless crime like smoking weed, and that should not be against the lasw, but that is a whole different outrage.

    Time: 11/16/97 (13:14:56)

    First time I have signed on here. Read what I gather is an Outrage editorial. Thue subject of which seems to be diminished capacity defense. I really don’t see that as a topic. Anyone who flaunts the accepted rules of social behavior and reasonably peaceful social interaction obviously has a diminished capacity to cope.

    Okay if someone wants to make excuses for them, then thats their problem, go for it. But ask me to pick up the tab. I’m sorry Hitler’s daddy beat him. But I didn’t beat him neither did the millions of people that died during his spree of “self-expression”. It’s not a mad dog fault that he contracts rabies but you don’t pat him on the head and offer him your hand to bite. (Unless you have a little diminishment in your own capacity).

    Sorry you violate rules of reasonable behavior and you need to be isolated from the society that you violate.Fighting world wars and spending millions in court do not do a thing for the poor soul with his/her diminished capacity and certainly do not do a thing for the victoms and potential victoms.

    Put them aways then let the self appointed experts do their thing….

  2. I work as a parole officer in liberal Michigan. I am a conservative but the ensconced bureaucracy running the system is a coterie of 60’s liberal-protest type boomers. They think the system works fine — they, after all, invented it. They also live in nice suburbs free from these crimes and don’t think it elitist at all when called on it. Every time I make my opinion known, my career takes a nosedive. Until we rid “The System” of these 60’s types, the criminal justice system will continue to fail.

  3. I don’t care if the people have got a meantal ‘illness’ or not. The fact of the matter is that these people pose a danger to society. Either lock ’em up or get rid of them by ‘other’ means

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