

As we approach the celebration of Veterans Day in the United States and Remembrance Day in Canada on Tuesday, November 11, we thought it might be a good time to look at the way our veterans are treated.

Here at the DO we often disagree with the various military adventures into which politicians enmesh us. But as our readers frequently remind us, the job of the armed forces is to obey orders, not to make policy.

Like most of our generation, we’ve been fortunate enough to avoid military conscription. Father Outrage served in the army during the Korean Conflict, and Grandfather Outrage managed to fight in both WWI and WWII. George Washington once said, “I am a soldier, so that my son can be a farmer, so that his son can be a poet.” Well, the DO hardly qualifies as poetry, but we hope Grandfather Outrage is not too disappointed.

Our hats our off to all the men and women who have fought our country’s battles. Even when foolish politicians have sent you off to foreign jungles and deserts you’ve fought bravely, often displaying amazing valor and resourcefulness. While politicians have taken the credit, or tried to avoid the blame, the armed forces have shed real blood around the globe.

So how has America rewarded those who have fought our country’s battles? We thought we might compare the way that society rewards those who fight and die for their country with the way the court system compensates “victims.” Here goes:

“If the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of one or more creative organs, or one foot, or one hand, or both buttocks, or blindness of one eye, having only light perception, or has suffered complete organic aphonia with constant inability to communicate by speech, or deafness of both ears, having absence of air and bone conduction, the rate of compensation therefor shall be $70 per month for each such loss but in no event to exceed $3,093 per month.” –United States Code, Title 38, Section 1110(k)

To translate from the legalese, if a soldier stepped on a mine and had his foot blown off, being maimed for life, he would receive $70 per month. If he lost one hand, one foot, one ear, complete loss of hearing, and both his buttocks were blown away he would receive an amount “in no event to exceed $3,093 per month.”

On the other hand, if they were a navy aviator like Paula Coughlin and they were “harassed” as part of the Tailhook scandal, then their compensation would be $5 million. Coughlin was not physically injured, but suffered “psychological trauma.” (This award was upheld by an appeals court jury.)

“If the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both feet, or of one hand and one foot, or is blind in both eyes, with 5/200 visual acuity or less, or is permanently bedridden or so helpless as to be in need of regular aid and attendance, the monthly compensation shall be $2,207.” –United States Code, Title 38, Section 1110(l)

On the other hand, Alonzo Jackson was awarded $850,000 when an Eddie Bauer security guard forced him to remove a shirt the guard thought was stolen. Jackson cried on the stand when he reenacted the trauma of removing his shirt for the jury. Two friends of the crying boy (who were forced to stand in a corner) were each awarded $75,000.

“If the veteran, as the result of service-connected disability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of both arms at levels, or with complications, preventing natural elbow action with prostheses in place, has suffered the anatomical loss of both legs so near the hip as to prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of one arm and one leg so near the shoulder and hip as to prevent the use of prosthetic appliances, or has suffered the anatomical loss of both eyes, or has suffered blindness without light perception in both eyes, the monthly compensation shall be $2,768.” –United States Code, Title 38, Section 1110(n)

Like Alonzo Jackson, four female employees at a Hardee’s were also forced to remove some clothing by their female supervisors as part of a search for stolen money. The four women were awarded $901,900.

What about a soldier who makes the ultimate sacrifice for his country, and dies in battle? How is his family compensated for the loss? Depending on the soldier’s rank, his grieving family may receive anywhere from $769 per month to $1,636 per month.

On the other hand, the parents of Sergio Jiminez were awarded $262,500,000 as a result of the death of their six-year-old. Mr. and Mrs. Jiminez did not put their child in a seat belt, and they may have run a red light leading to the accident. The South Carolina jury thought that Chrysler did not adequately design a latch on the Jimenez’s minivan.

To summarize, if veterans serving their country:

  • Lose a hand or foot they get $70 per month.
  • Go blind or lose both feet or both hands: $2,207 per month.
  • Lose both legs: 2,768 per month.
  • Die: Maximum of $1,636 per month for surviving family.

On the other hand, if you’re a woman or minority and you can get “victim status” the awards are dramatically different:

  • If you’re a female officer harassed by your fellow officers: $5,000,000.
  • If you’re black and you cry because you had to take off your shirt in public: $850,000.
  • If you’re a woman and had to take off your shirt in private: $225,475.
  • If you’re Hispanic, don’t put your child in a seat belt, run a red light, and the child dies: $262,500,000.

Is this the America our parents and grandparents died to defend?


Read more about disability benefits for veterans.

Read more about benefits for veterans’ survivors.

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  1. No matter how hard some may try, there are no justifiable wars. This does not mean that one shouldn’t defend his family, community & country when attacted by an inside or outside enemy. During this period of war, there are no inocents as if they want the bombs to stop then convince their government to stop. It is a travesty that a military person injured or killed defending his country is so badly compensated. However, this comes out of the tax till & is one place that politicians can cut without much bellyaching. This American society is sue crazy and the “Big Pocket” payers are the ones that pay even if it is from taxes. When none citizens receive payment for their own foolish actions, it is wrong and this type of litigation should be curtailed. But when lawyers are a majority of the legislators then we have laws on the books so they can make a living when not in office. It is plain that lawyers receive their fees whether they win or lose a case. This has bred a society that think they have a right to become wealthy without working for it. We have too many groups that are out to screw all non-members of their group just they have political clout.

    The true meaning of freedom is never fully understood by those who are protected!!……
    Outrage, keep up the good work you’ll!!

    Time: 6/11/98 (0:10:5)

    I used to cry because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet. Thats whats wrong with the world today, individuals who have no sympthy or feelings for others. This Jeremy Geiss is a prime example. Many of our citizens did not join the military but were drafted as I was. For what I ask my self for persons like Him??? God Forbid. Too bad he wasnt drafted to see how it was and maybe he would have a little under-standing about war. He reminds me of many of our politicians, while we were in the service we were promised if we stayed infor 20 years we would have lifetime medical and hospialization. Now they have reneged on the promise. Thats what we got for believing a politican.

    Time: 12/22/97 (16:42:45)

    After reading your outrage, about vets I agree 100%. I am a marine combat vet and the V.A sucks! And that kid that said its our fault for being in? with people like that no wonder this country in in decline. I suffer P.T.S.D and don’t receive a dime from gov.org. I resent the fact that we are treated like scum and yet we provided housing for russia officers in the ukrain at tax payers expence.

    I don’t know about you, but I have had enough. Iam not whining Iam disgusted! keep up the good work (Semper-fi)

    Time: 12/22/97 (10:20:24)

    Just so everyone is aware, retired disabled vets receive a compensation alright, but it’s not added money from the government (taxpayer), it’s deducted from their retirement pay! The only benefit is that the disability pay reduced one’s taxable retirement income. Whoop-tee-do.

    Time: 11/11/97 (23:8:47)

    it is an illogical argument that compaires different ideas. One has nothing to do with the other with the excption of MONEY. The only intent of such an argument is to rouse the emotions of it’s listeners. Whether or not the cause is just becomes less irrelevant to the readers swayed by their emotions. Conclusion: you can control the man that thinks with his emotions; not the man that thinks with his REASONing capacity. Non-thinkers are usually the loudest talkers.

    Time: 11/11/97 (16:13:8)

    Never in my life have I been subjected to such unrelenting offal as today’s outrage.

    Are you people truly so marvellously dense as to believe for the sliver of a second that minorities have somehow managed to privately usurp judicial machinery to their own ends – all the while leaving poor white males with no recourse? Is your ignorance so inspired that I should actually chronicle instances where white people have actually received large jury damage awards in dubious circumstances?

    Need I mention with the “outrageous” sum the poor white male was awarded when his Mercedes failed to purr properly?

    As you referred to the loss of a Hispanic child that a automaker was forced to pay money for, I recall a several million dollar award being paid to a certain Ruby Ridge protagonist who forced his family to wage in a quixotic battle against the FBI that resulted in their death. Taxpayer dollars.

    Some white people seem quite adapt at hitting the judicial jackpot even when they manage to spill hot coffee on themselves.

    All the while these same wily white folks manage to avoid anything more than minimal token payouts when their damage is visited against foreigners or minorities. Can anyone say – Bhopal?

    Please, young Aryan youth, instead of merrily scapegoating minorities in your Limbaugh-scented world – use the power or your pithy observations to illuminate real abuse and corruption.

    “Can’t we all just get along . . .”

    Quite Sincerely . . .

    Glynn (non anonymous ) Washington

    Time: 11/11/97 (14:36:19)

    Just commentary: I have a friend who is a Vietnam vet, has post-traumatic stress disorders, etc. Actually, the guy has other mental disorders as well. Anyway, the OUTRAGE is that he was pulled over for having a crooked sticker on his liscence plate and busted for having two joints (after an illegal search!) How come the cops are so overzealous they can’t even leave veterans alone! I think it’s ridiculous! Anyway, my friend says he is going to fight it in court, taking it as far as neccesary. If anybody has any commentary feel free to email me.

    Time: 11/11/97 (11:52:23)

    I served in the service, was in Saigon. I will fight against the government if they try and send my grandkids to some out of the place to fight a war that they can not win.

    The only ones who win in a far off war are the people we fight or some politician. The kids that fight on the ground, in the air or on the sea does not win anything. In Viet Nam all we lost was 58,000+ men and women. Some people were made million’s because of this so called no win war.

    I say no more sending our men and women to fight unless it is on our land.

    Time: 11/11/97 (10:6:2)

    Dear Editor:

    I tend to forget about veterans most of the time. Thanks for reminding me to remember.

    Your VETERANS VERSUS VICTIMS article certainly points out some disturbing discrepancies.

    David Henry
    Tulsa, OK

    Time: 11/11/97 (7:24:29)

    Thanks for the article on Veteran’s treatment here in the good ole US of A. I am going to make a copy of this and post it in the local Vets, counseling office, if you don’t mind. It will be a nice gift for the other VietNam Vets who use this office, and our counselor who is also a VNV will love it, as it seems that every year his funding gets cut back a little bit more, so we can spend the money on other more important things, like affirmative action, or welfare for “immigrants” most of who in this state are asian!

    Time: 11/11/97 (6:44:34)

    This is for Jeremy K. Geiss. As a retired Army veteran I find your comments discusting. I did know what I was getting into but it goes beyond that. Every one of us with experience that went into combat it kept one less youngster like you out.

    I was told by a very brave man once, that military life is hard, but not as hard as having to write to some young soldier’s momma and tell her that her son didn’t make it. By the way, send me a snail mail address and I’ll send you some kneepads so you won’t bruise your knees kissing Jane Fonda’s…

    Time: 11/10/97 (22:50:37)

    Wonderful article — if only you had not made it sound as if ONLY women or minorities get these outrageous awards. Larcinous litigators (and their lawyers) come in all colors, genders, and nationalities.

    Time: 11/10/97 (21:35:2)

    one last thing. i didn’t forget about the draft. you forgot about canada. all you had to do was up and go to canada. it is just as easy to run away from a problem as it is to call me a twirp.

    there are no absolutes in this life- not even the power of government. and that concludes my briefing.

    bravo DO, this is the most fun i have had in a while.

    Time: 11/10/97 (21:10:23)

    Today’s OUTRAGE almost makes me want to VOMIT!!! Much less be proud to have sevred in the United States Marine Corps.

    Time: 11/10/97 (19:42:9)

    As a (diabled) Viet Nam Vet, I thank you for this Outrage. I would like enlighten Jeremy Geiss, who said, basically, “We asked for it.” Apparently this little twerp is too young (and ignorant) to know about the draft.

    No, Jeremy, it was NOT my decision. But I won’t whine. Just don’t ask me or mine to do it again.

    Thank you for the DO. It’s the ONLY page I catch EVERY day!!!

    Time: 11/10/97 (16:25:14)

    Great essay!!

    Not to change the subject or anything…I just got of the phone with my insurance agent a few minutes ago. When are you going to start using your scathing wit to bash insurance companies? If ever there was a den of thieves; surely it must be insurance companies. You fire well-placed shots at attorneys and politicians but you’ve never set your crosshairs on the despicable scum that’s selling us our health insurance. How so? Just haven’t gotten arount to it, I suppose, with all the other outrageous stuff to write about. I love your stuff. Keep up the good work!!

    Time: 11/10/97 (16:1:22)

    And another thing. To the man who was spit on – pin your medals on your chest and feel proud. you were the one that served your country bravely while those that spit on you were the ones that were too pansy to stick their necks out for freedom. A veteran should never have to beg, they should be honored, but they should also accept the consequences for the choice made – to go to war.

    Time: 11/10/97 (15:53:49)

    Soldiers who go to war know what they are getting themselves into. If they don’t think that they could die, or even lose a limb they are deluding themselves.

    War is dangerous. If a soldier dies or loses a limb, it is their own fault for joining the military- they knew the risks.

    I think that the only reason the government pays disabled veterans a penny is because someone cried about losing their foot, and some lost senator or representative felt sorry for them. Veterans should be happy that they got anything extra – they knew what they were getting into.

    To Joan- why don’t you go back to where You came from? Everyone is minority these days.

    Time: 11/10/97 (15:3:19)

    The DO will be on a thrice-a-week schedule… Frankly it is my opinion that the DO puts out enough outrage in one day to fullfill my appetite for outrage to cover at least three days. The Thrice-A-Week schedule will be more than enough to keep me outraged everyday.

    Thanks for the great work!

    Time: 11/10/97 (14:28:21)

    As a disabled Viet Nam veteran, I am encouraged to see that others have recognized the outrageous treatment inflicted on our military.

    I spent 22 years in the Air Force, including two combat tours in Viet Nam. I was not a willing participant in what we called the “Southeast Asia War Games”, but allowed my country’s leaders to send me into a no-win situation where I was unable to defend myself.

    As a non-combatant electronoics technician, I had to pray that the others who were allowed to carry weapons would be around to defend me when “Charlie” came calling.

    However, the most outrageous part was when I returned to the US to be derided and spat upon for serving my country. The spittal should have been reserved for those elected government officials who played with our lives. Too many of my friends returned in coffins, and some never returned.

    Time: 11/10/97 (13:13:41)

    Your outrage is really directed at yourself for continuing to believe that there is a different between victims and their oppressors. Our politicans are elected, not forced on us.

    They reflect the populace, as does the President. Veterans are no exception to that rule. But do continue to expose “outrageous behavior.” It remins me that whatever hapapens to me is my doing, not someone else’s.

    Time: 11/10/97 (12:19:40)

    I am in total agreement with what you said today. Women do not belong in the men’s army or navy. If minorities don’t like the way things are her let them go back where they came from. It is a disgrace the way are soldiers are treated in this country. Thanks for letting me voice my opinion.

    Time: 11/10/97 (11:49:43)

    The soldiers who died in defense of freedom are, no doubt, rolling in their graves as the anti anti-communists seek to destroy that freedom from within.

    Many thanks for the comment directly below. Readers can always redistribute our material as long as they credit The Outrage and give our web address at theoutrage.com.

    Time: 11/10/97 (9:56:9)

    This could be your best yet. I’d like to get your permission to fax it around to some friends. What do I need to do?

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Gordon Lightfoot put it best in his song, “Don Quixote”:
    “See the soldier with his gun who mus be dead to be admired.” The day will come when politicians will be groveling at the feet of veternans begging us to save America from the very enemies who were given arms and technology by these same sellout politicians.

  3. Hopefully, the arguement in this outrage is that victims are
    receiving too much for what they believe is making them
    victims. If that’s the case, the good job. American
    Society has become so dominated by victims that we
    appear ridiculous. Maybe, out society has become that
    because of the sheer number of lawyers.

    I think it’s quite sad that the family of soldier who dies
    serving his country is compensated less than a kid’s
    family is compensated when this family did not put
    the child in his or her seatbelt. The soldier knows that his
    family will not be well compensated when he enlists, but
    that doesn’t justify the absurd amount awarded to that

    I suggest you send this outrage to every judge and
    politician in the country.

    One suggestion, the article could easily be construed as
    racist. White people (I am white) believe themselves to
    be the victims as often as anybody else. The McDonalds
    coffee case is more than enough proof for that.

  4. Thank you for pointing out once again how the person who chooses the proper path gets screwed in the new “America”.
    Semper Fi

  5. To the editor,

    Allthough I have never served in the armed forces, I find it outrageous how the people in this country, (Especialy the people of my generation)take the freedoms they have been given for granted. In fact most people do not understand how precious this freedom is. Moreover they do not understand the sacrifices that soldiers have given, and are giving today to assure that freedom. Having a morning latte in our $200,000 homes and driving a $40,000 SUV to work while we complain the whole time about our government seems to be a favorite pastime.
    Most of the people I know are liberal and do not even know what that means. They do not understand that our basic way of life has been protected for hundreds of years by brave men who where willing to give their lives to protect ou freedoms.
    I think that the men of my generation have been “feminized”, materialized, and made oblivious to the fact that our freedom is fragile.The only thing between our freedom and standing in line for bread is our military.
    I have a lot more to say to the Al Gore voting liberals in this country, however it might get offensive. I will leave you with this:

    To anyone how has the courage to defend this nation.

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