

Would you like to be awarded high honors by foreign countries? Perhaps you should try terrorism.

You know Nelson Mandela — president of South Africa, internationally revered icon, and Africa’s leading statesman.

And you know Moammar Gadhafi — long-time ruler of Libya, internationally despised madman, and sponsor of terrorism against the United States.

You may not know that Mandela and Gadhafi are close allies. In fact, Mandela has just bestowed his country’s highest honor for a foreigner on Gadhafi.

Mandela made his second visit within the last week to Libya on October 29th, to meet with Gadhafi and award him the Order of Good Hope. Prior to the award ceremony Mandela and Gadhafi walked hand-in-hand to a brief meeting in a tent.

Britain and the United States are still trying to force Libya to turn over two agents believed to be responsible for the 1988 bombing of a Pan Am jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, which killed 270 people. At yesterday’s ceremony Gadhafi told reporters that the request for extradition of the agents “makes us laugh.”

Mandela called the Libyans “our African brothers and sisters.”

Let’s see…Gadhafi wins the Order of Good Hope, Yasser Arafat wins the Nobel Peace Prize…we think we’re starting to see the road to glory.

(Source: Trib.com.)

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  1. If anything Mandela had the right to do some of the things he did. He watched his people suffer and die. He did not have the right to kill anyone but what else is he suppose to do. Keep them inprisionment. I give credit to Mandela, I believe that racism is wrong. Im white, but i give blackes a lot of respect. They have gone through a lot and they do thing better than americans do. There not so lazy either.
    I think that all blacks should get the respect that a white person does. everybody should be looked at equally and should be treated equally to. I think racism should be a crime and judging some one by there color is wrong to. I

    Time: 8/8/98 (17:44:47)

    For too long and at far too high a cost men like Nelson Mandela have gotten away, literally, with murder and no one will stand up in the left leaning media or the kiss ass American ‘Government’ to call him on the carpet for it. Why? The dreaded word; Racism.

    Yet in Africa today Slavery is a flourishing business. Will 600,000 Africans die to stop it. Hardly. The same media who promotes the likes of political hacks Jesse Jackson and the ‘Rev’ Al Sharpton as ‘leaders’ of the black population would go at it hammer and tongs (or is it hammer and sickle?) anyone who dared critices a black man.

    Is South Africa better off now? No. Is America better off now? Ask the mother who has to sleep on the floor with her kids in Philedelphia if she is; ask the father who watches in frustration as his son is pulled into a street gang, ask the young women in a black neighborhood who has to endure harrasment at best and rape at worst from that above mentioned street gang. Ask, but don’t expect to recieve an answer. Expect to be attacked by the same Revolutionary Vanguard that brought you the inner city we have today.

    They don’t want a middle class successful black family, they want millions of young black people from broken families paid for by Uncle Sam with nothing to call there own, nothing to lose by destroying America.

    Lenin wrote ‘the moment you give the peasents land they become conservitives’. Is it any wonder then that the people ‘struggeling’ for the same goals as Lenin would not really be interested in a strong and healthy black family? Or Black families that own theie own neighborhoods? It’s far better if you can place blame on the ubiquitous ‘white man’ or ‘the Plan’ or ‘the System’ than giving people the tools to make there families and communities better.

    Remeber all that screaming in the 80s about the ‘nuclear family’? Well, the family is getting Nuked alright, and the vanguard of THAT proletariat has been in the black population. If the family is destroyed and you throw a six year old child in the street what do you really expect if not having him join a gang, a ‘family’ that doesn’t exist because Uncle Sam gave mommy money but no way out.

    The black community is waking up to those who have used them, I tremble to think of the retribution they will exact from the Left. All those Chinese Ak-47s dumped in this country to destabilize the inner cities may be used for different purposes than the Vanguard of the Proletariat thought.

    Time: 4/6/98 (12:5:38)

    Mandelas’ (Nelson & Winny) South Africa, has a history of kidnapping children, murder (men, women and children), racial hatred (on par with the Apartide Government it replaces) and Tribal conflict that make the Huns seem down right neighborly. Mandela himself has been attacked for witnesses “Tampering” in the trial of his wife.

    But if you take close look at just about any government on the planet you’ll see the same thing. In the good old USA we had state sponsored “Segregation” (On close scrutiny you’ll see Apartide and Segregation were “Kissin’ Cousins” ) in this century. We’ve had a president assassinated “by a lone gunman, from a Quarter mile away) while being protected by the BEST SECURITY AGENCY IN THE WORLD. In recent memory we’ve had a Vice Persident resign because he was under indictment for racketeering and bribe taking. His Boss resigned for lying to Congress. We supported the Shaw of Iran in one of the most corrupt regimes since Joe Stalin, and when we deserted him, we wonder why no one trusts us. And now we are upset with Mandela when we have Clinton in the White House. Whitewater, Paula Jones, Monica, yada yada yada!

    As outrages as I am by Mandela I cannot, in good conscience, say that we are much better. But at least we’re an open society that has the opportunity to examine our sins and mend our ways.

    Political leaders are exactly that. We tend to canonize them, but in the long run they turn out to be weak and self serving… like most of us. Mother Teresa would have made a lousy political leader.

    Ed Anzalone
    Nashua, NH

    Time: 3/22/98 (9:32:35)

    Mandela’s alliance with Gadhafi is far less outrageous than hearing US diplomats lecture other countries about moral outrages.

    The US has sponsored more gruesome terrorism than all the Gadhafis of the world. Moreover, in the name of “freedom” and “democracy” the US has undermined democratic reforms all over the world and especially in Africa.

    Now, Americans, (and the outrage) are horrified to see the emergence of an African block that wishes to take care of itself and not be an American
    puppet. Is it not outrageous? Who do they think are?

    Time: 1/9/98 (7:48:15)

    Perhaps President Mandela has decided to give the madman Ghadaffi this award because he has realised that it is better to have a crazy, conscience-less dictator as your friend, than as your enemy

    Time: 12/13/97 (23:0:8)

    Well well well, isn’t this lovely? Reagan and Bush made Quaddafi the main man: evil incarnate. But you know, Quaddafi, in comparision with the good ‘ole U.S. of A, has been an incredibly minor terrorist.

    In 1987, Amnesty International listed 10 people murdered by the Lybian régime (add Locherbie, not proven though); there can be no lists made of those killed in Guetemala, El Salvedor, Argentina, or for those murderd by Niceraguan Contras.

    And there will never be any list, the numbers are far too high. U.S. sponsored terrorism can’t just be limited to “Cold War” reasons though; look at the aid (monotary and moral) given to Israel, certainly the state with the most blood on its hands of late.

    But you know what, there is a fact I haven’t counted, and that fact is indisputable: for an American to be killed, mistakenly or deliberatly, by a terrorist act, this turns out to be far more important than hundreds of thousands tortured and killed under direct supervision of U.S. State Department and Army advisiors.

    Time: 10/31/97 (0:1:19)

    I cannot see why you are so upset. Nelson Mandellas ex-wife was sentenced for kidnapping children, and in the subsequent child murder case all the witnesses were murdered or jailed in foreign countries.

    But you Americans still think she’s God’s gift to mankind – take the so-called Million Woman March as an example. Luarent Kabilla of The “Democratic” Republic of the Congo murdered hundreds of thousands – no problem for the USA. China is killing Tibet – no problem for the USA.

    Global environmental problems ought to be fought by the whole world – except the USA who is the biggest polluter of them all. Isn’t it time you guys start changing your stance and drop the double standards?

    Time: 10/30/97 (22:8:3)

    Anybody who knows about the real politics in sub-Saharan Africa shouldn’t be too surprised by Mandela’s award.

    And if you think Mandela’s messing up South Africa, take a look at Mr. Mugabi in his neighbor to the north, Zimbabwe. Having a collegue in Harare, I hear stories of what’s happening there that a) would curl your hair and b) will never appear in an American newspaper.

    Time: 10/30/97 (19:2:52)

    I never did trust that son of a #$%!. Now I know why. Nothing but a bunch of hot air is all I have ever seen out of him; and his old lady too. Can’t trust ’em I’m tellin’ ya. They’ll stick a shank in you quicker’n you can blink an eye.

    Time: 10/30/97 (18:53:16)

    Totally believable. I can’t wait until President Clinton recommends to the U.N. that Chinese President Jiang Zemin receive the next Noble Peace prize because of his rapid turn-around of “past” human rights violations conducted by Zemin and his (Zemin’s) efforts to stop nuclear weapon transfer to rouge states.

    — none of which is, or will ever be, true. Maybe President Clinton should receive the Peace Prize for his efforts in his pursuit of becoming World King in the U.N..

    Don’t you know that Mr G may well be mad, but Libya has nothing to do with the Lockerbie bombing. That sordid little affair was CIA, DEA and various drug promoting outfits. I don’t want to plagiarize a lot of well written stuff about it, so key into “Lockerbie, the Lies, the truth” or something like that and I promise you, you will be convinced. It was the Palastinians (with a grudge.)
    Mandela, I’d describe him as “harmless.” Hardly a statesman, but he supports his kind. Notably Mr. G in Libya, so he is non PC at the moment.
    If you believed the story about the Pan Am bombing, then the Kike media is doing a good job.
    It’s simple to get to know the truth on the news; just don’t believe anything, then reverse it. Get the fine details in the ‘quietly voiced’ bits. It helps if you sqint when the headlines come on, interspersed with frequent interruptions of; “bollocks,” “f*** off,” and “bull***t.”
    Enjoy your news bullitins.

  3. I am doing a project about Nelson Mandela and fighting for the apartheid is a good thing. Nelson is a hero for the blacks but not for many whites.I am white and I admire Nelson very much.

  4. i am british,and we are putting a “sign of respect” to nealson,now britain will pay too respect the person who has put chains on the white race,hitler was right!

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