

Could you develop an intimate relationship with someone of a different race?

Do you think feminist perspectives should be an integral part of the higher education curriculum?

Your local government would like the answers to these questions — and quite a few others.

Which local government might this be? Berkeley? Santa Monica? Manhattan? Nope. The political correctness inquisition has now spread far beyond the standard bastions of progressive thinking.

The questions above are being asked of city government employees in the conservative southern city of Durham, North Carolina. Everyone wants to be up-to-date, so the Durham City Council commissioned the New York City firm Diversitas to perform a “diversity audit.” The cost of the audit is $68,950.

With the waste and corruption continually chronicled in these pages and elsewhere you might think that city officials across the U.S. would be focusing on financial audits. But no — they’ve got more important things on their mind than mundane questions about the efficient and honest delivery of services to taxpayers.

The Durham City Council would also like to know if you think:


  1. “Men naturally score higher than women on math tests.”
  2. “Some workers would be fired if they were not minorities.”
  3. “The most qualified workers in my job seem to be male.”

Durham City government employees who answered no to the two questions at the top of this page and yes to the three questions above may soon be looking for new employment.

The union that represents Durham City government employees doesn’t object to the invasion of privacy that these questions represent, or the fact that they are completely irrelevant to the work performance of city government employees. The union also doesn’t mind that responding to the “audit” consumes time that the employees would normally spend doing their jobs.

In fact, the president of the city workers union, Nathanette Mayo, thinks the survey is a great idea. “I think it’s important to know what people are thinking,” Mayo said.

Mayo thinks the survey may help to “weed out some of the people who are very narrow-minded.”

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  1. Frank, wherever you are, THESE are the brain police

    Time: 10/12/97 (15:58:40)

    No one can take this country if we don’t let it go. We have to stop being pushover patsies and OBJECT! Retake the schools, first of all, and read “VOTESCAM”, online or ordered and realize the 2nd Amendment importance, the ACT ON IT!!!!

    Time: 10/10/97 (7:38:19)

    If there was ever a good reason for the abolition of Unions, this takes the cake.

    Time: 10/10/97 (3:56:37)

    Complete outrage! None of anyone’s business. I would refuse to answer, even at the possible lose of job. Do they think anyone will actually answer them honestly anyway?

    Time: 10/9/97 (22:20:36)

    It was a real hoot reading the Raleigh News & Observer’s clearly critical article about this “diversity audit.” Why such a hoot?

    Well, on September 14th the Charlotte Observer, owned by the same people who print the N&O, printed a race-baiting “Section X” in their Sunday paper, containing an amazing amount of blaming, whining, and deliberate misrepresenting of statistics, and including a full page-length column titled “Test Your Racial Sensitivity.”

    After answering the questions, you are instructed to score yourself, and then classify yourself as “Perpetuator,” “Avoider,” “Change Agent,” or “Fighter.” Questions that determine which of these labels you must wear include how often you: “Get to know people from different cultures as individuals,” “Learn about and appreciate the richness of oher cultures and respect their holidays and events,” “Take responsibility for helping your organization meet EEO/AA guidelines,” “Make the extra effort to help your organization retain employees of all races, genders, and cultures,” “Reinforce others for behaviors that support cultural diversity,” “Make extra efforts to educate yourself about other cultures,” “Call, write, or in some way protest when a book, newspaper, television show, or some branch of media perpetuates or reinforces a bias or prejudice,” “Participate in volunteer or community activities that are change-agent efforts,” and “Make extra efforts to get to know individuals from diverse backgrounds.”

    Yup, if you don’t answer all these questions right, you’re a Perpetrator.

    It’s okay when the Observer does it, but it’s basis for a scathing article when the Durham government does it.


    Time: 10/9/97 (13:34:10)

    Is this real? Is money being spent for someone to come up with these idioic questions, print them up, and deliver them? So they can fire those who don`t think “correctly”? School studies have repeatadly shown that males score better on math tests than females. I myself have had a wonderful time with an asian woman. Would I be fired? If I were a member of this “union” I would do everything I could to get out. What a bunch of NOW based morons! Your Quote of the Day is right on target. If I`m not allowed to THINK what I want, then I`m off planet!!!

  2. That is just like the Turner Diaries, I have been secretly reading to my students here in Louisville to make sure that white children maintain their self esteem and that black kids will be aware of what us “honkeys” can do when we get sick and tired of this soviet style oppression.

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