

You’re trying to fill that delicate new position. You want to make sure you’re not going to get anyone who’s going to get your company in trouble by saying or doing the wrong thing in these politically correct times.

You find out one of the applicants has a history of schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive behavior. Well, that eliminates that one, so you say to yourself. But think again — in one of the most outrageous actions we’ve seen, the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has decreed that the Americans With Disabilities Act applies to the mentally ill as well as the physically ill.

Yes, Outraged Readers, we’re not making this up. Even here at The Outrage we could not have imagined that the US government would force you to hire someone even though they were certifiably crazy.

The new guidelines even require employers to provide extra time off and make physical changes in the workplace to accommodate the mentally ill. We can only imagine the lawyers rubbing their hands with glee as they anticipate the millions to be made from suing employers who refuse to rebuild their office to accommodate the mentally ill.

The ruling comes at a time when employers are being held liable for the actions and comments of employees. If an employee makes an off-color joke which others find racially or sexually offensive, it could cost the employer millions. And who knows what someone with a history of obsessive or compulsive behavior might say or do.

We can guess what comes next — a ruling that day care centers can not discriminate against child molesters.

(Source: Miami Herald.)

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