

Plot: Low-life sports better is given team to coach by Wall-street friend; kids are taught by Diane Lane, Keanu Reeve's romantic interest. He ends up coaching them, buying them uniforms, and joining the school as physical coordinator. Comments: The little boy, G-man, who plays the youngest player on the team is very touching; he is the one who dies in the end. Also touching is when little fat boy gets beat up cause the game ended after dark.Good movie; well done, worth seeing again just to watch the kids.
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Breaking Bad: Season 1

Breaking Bad takes a mostly ludicrous scenario – a high school chemistry teacher becomes a big time meth dealer, and turns it into a seemingly plausible drama. Bryan Cranston is great playing Walter White, who evolves from a mostly good man who gets into drug dealing into a ruthless dark character who loves the game too much to quit, even when it costs him everything that he really values. The addiction that is dramatized here is not really one of drugs, but of love of the high that comes from engaging in a high risk, high reward type activity like dealing.
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