

Posts from the Frontline of The Media Industry

Science, Religion, and Philosophy News @ Feb 26 2023

purpose of art

The concept of art held by indigenous peoples of Indonesia is very different from that commonly held in the West. In Indonesia, artistic creativity is seen as an aid to building a bridge between the living and the inhabitants of the other world, whether they are deities, ancestors, or spirits. It is also not important who created the work of art; the artist remains the background. What is important is why an object is made; its function. Creating objects de art is quite foreign to this way of thinking. Presumably it was not until the counter with the west that artistic objects were made that were not only for religious use but also for commercial use for sale because their beauty appealed to foreigners. This "modern development goes so far in some regions that the the so called object d'art has completely lost its original sacred meaning and is now solely an item for the tourist trade.

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