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Dale Chihuly

  b. 1941 | American artist

At The Bottom

He nearly died from blood loss, and lacerations to his face cut deeply into his left eye...

On a rainy night in England, a relatively unknown American glass artist named Dale Chihuly flew through the windshield of the car he was driving when it collided head-on with another vehicle.  Not wearing a seatbelt, Chihuly was the only person harmed in the accident; he nearly died from blood loss, and lacerations to his face cut deeply into his left eye.  When Chihuly regained consciousness, doctors informed him that he would never be able to see properly.  Without both eyes, Chihuly’s depth perception would be permanently altered, making it difficult for him to produce symmetrical glasswork — and symmetry had been one of the most important aspects of glasswork since the Venetians revitalized the craft of glassblowing seven hundred years ago.  Dale Chihuly was fortunate to survive the wreck, but his career faced a steep road ahead.

At The Top

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We hope you've enjoyed your free preview of Dale Chihuly profile in From Tragedy To Triumph. Buy the full book to learn:

At The Top - Dale Chihuly at the height of success
The Comeback - Dale Chihuly fight back to the top

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