
Who becomes famous in artLast Updated : February 6, 2024

Hemingway, Warhol, and Chanel as examples of social manipulation a flair for publicity basic idea being one of simplicity sleazy unattractive people hem; first wife had trust fund which was only support for much of time, second was heiress

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Somerset maughnLast Updated : September 13, 2023

It makes you laugh with delight that anything so fantastic could exist on this sombre earth.

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Museum collections in storageLast Updated : September 13, 2023

It is true that 97% of the Powerhouse collection is kept in storage. And that our storage facilities are filled to capacity, indeed to crisis levels.

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Hitler and art museumsLast Updated : September 13, 2023

Adolph Hitler threw more resources at museums, particularly art museums, than almost any other political leader in history.

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Locals don’t appreciate their own art, BaliLast Updated : September 13, 2023

Sometimes a messenger would arrive on foot from Saba, having trudged 20 miles with a basket containing two or three fine durian fruit, if it happened to be the season, or perhaps an old mask or piece of stone sculpture, for the Anak Agung (local prince) knew I collected these, although he could not possibly see why. When a thing was old you threw it out, and he could not understand any enthusiasm for a carving or ancient bronze green with age, any more than he could understand my love for the stiff, unadorned music of the mountain villages.

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Art collecting in BaliLast Updated : September 13, 2023

the "pirate scammers" as we affectionalty referred to them, turned out to be less the grave robbers of the nation's treasury of ethnographic art as the key players in its preservation. For whereas in the early days such treasures rotted in, or were pilfered from, Indonesia's neglected museums, the best of them, thanks to the scammers, had been lovingly preserved for half a century.

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Bruce CarpenterLast Updated : September 13, 2023

From my perspective, electricity turned most people into zombies and thus assasinated the era of magic and poetry that preceded it. Whereas we once bathed in a golden light that made us all look like gods, bards, and heroes, exchanging tales of adventure, dancing and singing, the ugly side of the West that we had fled was holwing at our heels.

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Ray KrocLast Updated : September 13, 2023

finding locations for McDonalds is the most creatively fulfilling thing I can imagine....out of that bare piece of ground comes a store that does, say, a million dollars a year in business.

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Anthony TrollopeLast Updated : September 14, 2023

Nothing makes a man so cross as success, or so soon turns a pleasant friend into a captious acquaintance. Your successful man eats too much and his stomach troubles him; he drinks too much and his nose becomes blue. He wants pleasure and excitement, and roams about looking for satisfaction in places where no man ever found it. He frets himself with his banker's book and everything tastes amiss to him that has not on it the flavor of gold. The straw of an omnibus always stinks; the linings of the cabs are filthy. There are but three houses round London at which an eatable dinner may be obtained. And yet a few years since how delicious was that cut of roose goose to be had for a shilling at the eating house near Golden Square. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Green , Msr.. walker and all the other mistresses , are too vapid and stupid and humdrum for endurance. The theatres are dull as Lethe, and politics have lost their salt. Success is the necessary misfortune of life, but it is only to the unfortunate few that it comes early in life.

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Anthonly TrollopeLast Updated : June 7, 2023

It is not the prize that can make us happy; it not even the winning of the prize, though for the one short half hour of triumph that is pleasant enough. The struggle, the long hot hour of the honest fight, the grinding work, - when the teeth are set, and the skin moist with sweat and rough with dust, when all is doubtful and sometimes desperate, when a man must trust to his own manhood know that those around him trust to it not at all, - that is the happy time of life.k There is no human bliss equal to 12 hours of work with only six to do it. and when the expected pay for that work is worse than doubtful, the inner satisfaction is so much the greater. There is nothing like it; long work, grinding weary work, work without pay, hopeless work, but work in which the worder trusts himself, believing it to be good.

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