
When Celibacy Looks Good

Arguments in the Middle of the Night

Its two o’clock in the morning, you and your girlfriend are in your apartment, arguing, and she announces she is going home. You try to dissuade her. She insists. Very well. But no matter what you’ve been arguing about, and no matter that you’re tired, and naked, and not particularly feeling cavalier at the moment, you throw on some clothes to walk her to her car.


You don’t let a woman walk alone to her car in the middle of the night. Why? Because she might be raped, or even just harassed. And you are a gentleman. You don’t have to talk to her, or smile – you just have to accompany her to her car to make sure she gets safely off. No matter what she says at the time, she will appreciate the fact that you acted like a gentleman. And even if she doesn’t, this is what a man does.

Nothing lowers the level of conversation more than raising the voice.

~ Stanley Horowitz

Q. You've been with Bridgid Coulter, the mother of your two daughters, for 23 years. What's your secret to relationship longevity?

A. No guns in the house.

~ Don Cheadle
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